172 research outputs found

    Studies of Salt Water intrusion in Opobo/Nkoro Rivers State Using Geophysical and Hydrochemical Methods

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    Salt water intrusions into fresh water aquifers in Opobo town in Nkoro L.G.A, Rivers state is becoming an issue of concern to the community, and as such requires detailed analysis through an integration of qualitative (geo-electric) and quantitative (hydrochemical) methods. Twenty vertical electrical soundings (VES) labelled as O/MSC/01 to O/MSC/20 and three 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data were acquired in the area. Results from interpretation of the twenty VES profiles showed 4 geo-electric layers, which are topsoil, sand, sandy clay and clay. In VES geo-electric sections, it was observed that salt intrusions occur at depths of 43.135m, 55.20m, 43.528m, 51.63m, and 28.357m along O/MSC/02, O/MSC/05, O/MSC/07, O/MSC/11 and O/MSC/15 profiles respectively. No salt intrusion was observed in O/MSC/01, O/MSC/04, O/MSC/09, O/MSC/10, O/MSC/12 and O/MSC/14 within the depth investigated. Results of 2D imaging along VES profiles 10, 11 and 12, show salt intrusions observed along the three profiles at different depths within the subsurface. Along profile O/MSC/10, saltwater intrusions (with resistivity range of 59.2Ωm-60.1Ωm) was observed at depth of 7.59-9.59m at lateral distance of 34.0-36.0m and depth of 5.59-7.59m at lateral distance of 94-96m. Along profile O/MSC/11 salt intrusions (with resistivity range of 58.8Ωm-59.2Ωm) was observed at depth of 2.59-5.59m at lateral distance of 28-40m, and 110-128m, while along profile O/MSC/12 salt intrusions (with resistivity range of 14.5-20Ωm) was observed at depth of 3.59-5.59m at lateral distance of 112-118m. These findings were not observed in VES surveys along similar profiles where 2D ERT was carried out. 3D map computed to connect aquifers within the third geo-electric layers for VES points 1-20, showed that within the third geo-electric layers for O/MSC/02, 05, 07, 11, 16, 17, and 20 lies saline water. The reliability of these results was validated by results from quantitative assessment of physiochemical parameters (PH, electrical conductivity (EC), and total hardness) and hydrochemical contents (HCO3-, Na+, K+, CL-, and SO42-) used to evaluate the ionic abundance of water samples taken from seven wells/boreholes in the area. PH values of 6.40-6.90 were predominant in the samples which indicates slight acidity and unsuitable for human consumption, EC values in the order of 1705μS/cm, & 1853.74μS/cm were obtained and total dissolved Solids (TDS) was in the order of 700.30mg/l & 750.02mg/l. Elevated EC values in water is indicative of high ionic abundance, and is diagnostic to salinity of the water as reflected in the 1D and 2D geo-electric surveys. However, the study area also contains fresh water aquifers lying within the third geo-electric layers for VES profiles O/MSC/01, 03, 06, 08, 09, 10, 12, and 18, hence a water supply tube well can be drilled in these areas for groundwater production but the water should be subjected to hydrochemical test to ascertain its level of contamination and prior treatments before human consumption. Keywords: Saltwater Intrusion, Groundwater, Vertical electrical sounding (VES), Electrical resistivity  tomography (ERT), Geo-electric section

    Relativistic positioning: four-dimensional numerical approach in Minkowski space-time

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    We simulate the satellite constellations of two Global Navigation Satellite Systems: Galileo (EU) and GPS (USA). Satellite motions are described in the Schwarzschild space-time produced by an idealized spherically symmetric non rotating Earth. The trajectories are then circumferences centered at the same point as Earth. Photon motions are described in Minkowski space-time, where there is a well known relation, Coll, Ferrando & Morales-Lladosa (2010), between the emission and inertial coordinates of any event. Here, this relation is implemented in a numerical code, which is tested and applied. The first application is a detailed numerical four-dimensional analysis of the so-called emission coordinate region and co-region. In a second application, a GPS (Galileo) satellite is considered as the receiver and its emission coordinates are given by four Galileo (GPS) satellites. The bifurcation problem (double localization) in the positioning of the receiver satellite is then pointed out and discussed in detail.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, published (online) in Astrophys. Space Sc

    First Stars. II. Evolution with mass loss

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    The first stars are assumed to be predominantly massive. Although, due to the low initial abundances of heavy elements the line-driven stellar winds are supposed to be inefficient in the first stars, these stars may loose a significant amount of their initial mass by other mechanisms. In this work, we study the evolution with a prescribed mass loss rate of very massive, galactic and pregalactic, Population III stars, with initial metallicities Z=106Z=10^{-6} and Z=109Z=10^{-9}, respectively, and initial masses 100, 120, 150, 200, and 250M\,M_{\odot} during the hydrogen and helium burning phases. The evolution of these stars depends on their initial mass, metallicity and the mass loss rate. Low metallicity stars are hotter, compact and luminous, and they are shifted to the blue upper part in the Hertzprung-Russell diagram. With mass loss these stars provide an efficient mixing of nucleosynthetic products, and depending on the He-core mass their final fate could be either pair-instability supernovae or energetic hypernovae. These stars contributed to the reionization of the universe and its enrichment with heavy elements, which influences the subsequent star formation properties.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science. 15 pages, 18 figure

    Anomalous U(1) D-term Contribution in Type I String Models

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    We study the DD-term contribution for anomalous U(1) symmetries in type I string models and derive general formula for the DD-term contribution, assuming that the dominant source of SUSY breaking is given by FF-terms of the dilaton, (overall) moduli or twisted moduli fields. On the basis of the formula, we also point out that there are several different features from the case in heterotic string models. The differences originate from the different forms of K\"ahler potential between twisted moduli fields in type I string models and the dilaton field in heterotic string models.Comment: 16 pages, latex, no figur

    Fully supersymmetric CP violations in the kaon system

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    We show that, on the contrary to the usual claims, fully supersymmetric CP violations in the kaon system are possible through the gluino mediated flavor changing interactions. Both ϵK\epsilon_K and Re(ϵ/ϵK){\rm Re} (\epsilon' / \epsilon_K) can be accommodated for relatively large tanβ\tan\beta without any fine tunings or contradictions to the FCNC and EDM constraints.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of ICHEP2000, Osaka, 200

    Gammaretrovirus-mediated correction of SCID-X1 is associated with skewed vector integration site distribution in vivo

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    We treated 10 children with X-linked SCID (SCID-X1) using gammaretrovirus-mediated gene transfer. Those with sufficient follow-up were found to have recovered substantial immunity in the absence of any serious adverse events up to 5 years after treatment. To determine the influence of vector integration on lymphoid reconstitution, we compared retroviral integration sites (RISs) from peripheral blood CD3(+) T lymphocytes of 5 patients taken between 9 and 30 months after transplantation with transduced CD34(+) progenitor cells derived from 1 further patient and I healthy donor. Integration occurred preferentially in gene regions on either side of transcription start sites, was clustered, and correlated with the expression level in CD34(+) progenitors during transduction. In contrast to those in CD34(+) cells, RISs recovered from engrafted CD3(+)T cells were significantly overrepresented within or near genes encoding proteins with kinase or transferase activity or involved in phosphorus metabolism. Although gross patterns of gene expression were unchanged in transduced cells, the divergence of RIS target frequency between transduced progenitor cells and post-thymic T lymphocytes indicates that vector integration influences cell survival, engraftment, or proliferation

    Strong laser fields as a probe for fundamental physics

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    Upcoming high-intensity laser systems will be able to probe the quantum-induced nonlinear regime of electrodynamics. So far unobserved QED phenomena such as the discovery of a nonlinear response of the quantum vacuum to macroscopic electromagnetic fields can become accessible. In addition, such laser systems provide for a flexible tool for investigating fundamental physics. Primary goals consist in verifying so far unobserved QED phenomena. Moreover, strong-field experiments can search for new light but weakly interacting degrees of freedom and are thus complementary to accelerator-driven experiments. I review recent developments in this field, focusing on photon experiments in strong electromagnetic fields. The interaction of particle-physics candidates with photons and external fields can be parameterized by low-energy effective actions and typically predict characteristic optical signatures. I perform first estimates of the accessible new-physics parameter space of high-intensity laser facilities such as POLARIS and ELI.Comment: 7 pages, Key Lecture at the ELI Workshop and School on "Fundamental Physics with Ultra-High Fields", 9 September - 2 October 2008 at Frauenworth Monastery, German

    CP violation in supersymmetric model with non-degenerate A-terms

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    We study the CP phases of the soft supersymmetry breaking terms in string-inspired models with non-universal trilinear couplings. We show that such non-universality plays an important role on all CP violating processes. In particular these new supersymmetric sources of CP violation may significantly contribute to the observed CP phenomena in kaon physics while respecting the severe bound on the electric dipole moment of the neutron.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    Associated charged Higgs and W boson production in the MSSM at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

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    We investigate the viability of observing charged Higgs bosons (H^+/-) produced in association with W bosons at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, using the leptonic decay H^+ -> tau^+ nu_tau and hadronic W-decay, within different scenarios of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with both real and complex parameters. Performing a parton level study we show how the irreducible Standard Model background from W+2 jets can be controlled by applying appropriate cuts and find that the size of a possible signal depends on the cuts needed to suppress QCD backgrounds and misidentifications. In the standard maximal mixing scenario of the MSSM we find a viable signal for large tan(beta) and intermediate H^+/- masses (~m_t) when using optimistic cuts whereas for more pessimistic ones we only find a viable signal for very large tan(beta) (>~50). We have also investigated a special class of MSSM scenarios with large mass-splittings among the heavy Higgs bosons where the cross-section can be resonantly enhanced by factors up to one hundred, with a strong dependence on the CP-violating phases. Even so we find that the signal after cuts remains small except for small masses (~< m_t) with optimistic cuts. Finally, in all the scenarios we have investigated we have only found small CP-asymmetries.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, version to appear in Euro. Phys. J.