3,370 research outputs found

    The influence of risk perception in epidemics: a cellular agent model

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    Our work stems from the consideration that the spreading of a disease is modulated by the individual's perception of the infected neighborhood and his/her strategy to avoid being infected as well. We introduced a general ``cellular agent'' model that accounts for a hetereogeneous and variable network of connections. The probability of infection is assumed to depend on the perception that an individual has about the spreading of the disease in her local neighborhood and on broadcasting media. In the one-dimensional homogeneous case the model reduces to the DK one, while for long-range coupling the dynamics exhibits large fluctuations that may lead to the complete extinction of the disease

    Adaptive Detection of Instabilities: An Experimental Feasibility Study

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    We present an example of the practical implementation of a protocol for experimental bifurcation detection based on on-line identification and feedback control ideas. The idea is to couple the experiment with an on-line computer-assisted identification/feedback protocol so that the closed-loop system will converge to the open-loop bifurcation points. We demonstrate the applicability of this instability detection method by real-time, computer-assisted detection of period doubling bifurcations of an electronic circuit; the circuit implements an analog realization of the Roessler system. The method succeeds in locating the bifurcation points even in the presence of modest experimental uncertainties, noise and limited resolution. The results presented here include bifurcation detection experiments that rely on measurements of a single state variable and delay-based phase space reconstruction, as well as an example of tracing entire segments of a codimension-1 bifurcation boundary in two parameter space.Comment: 29 pages, Latex 2.09, 10 figures in encapsulated postscript format (eps), need psfig macro to include them. Submitted to Physica

    Centennial-scale vegetation and North Atlantic Oscillation changes during the Late Holocene in the southern Iberia

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    High-reso CE to lution pollen analysis, charcoal, non-pollen palynomorphs and magnetic susceptibility have been analyzed in the sediment record of a peat bog in Sierra Nevada in southern Iberia. The study of these proxies provided the reconstruction of vegetation, climate, fire and human activity of the last ∼4500 cal yr BP. A progressive trend towards aridification during the late Holocene is observed in this record. This trend is interrupted by millennial- and centennial-scale variability of relatively more humid and arid periods. Arid conditions are recorded between ∼4000 and 3100 cal yr BP, being characterized by a decline in arboreal pollen and with a spike in magnetic susceptibility. This is followed by a relatively humid period from ∼3100 to 1600 cal yr BP, coinciding partially with the Iberian-Roman Humid Period, and is indicated by the increase of Pinus and the decrease in xerophytic taxa. The last 1500 cal yr BP are characterized by several centennial-scale climatic oscillations. Generally arid conditions from ∼450 to 1300 CE, depicted by a decrease in Pinus and an increase in Artemisia, comprise the Dark Ages and the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Since ∼ 1300 to 1850 CE pronounced oscillations occur between relatively humid and arid conditions. Four periods depicted by relatively higher Pinus coinciding with the beginning and end of the Little Ice Age are interrupted by three arid events characterized by an increase in Artemisia. These alternating arid and humid shifts could be explained by centennial-scale changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation and solar activity

    Single exposure wavefront curvature estimation of high harmonic radiation by diffraction from a regular array

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    We present a novel technique for estimating the radius of curvature from a single exposure of EUV light from a high harmonic source diffracted by a grating of square apertures

    The Extended Coupled Cluster Treatment of Correlations in Quantum Magnets

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    The spin-half XXZ model on the linear chain and the square lattice are examined with the extended coupled cluster method (ECCM) of quantum many-body theory. We are able to describe both the Ising-Heisenberg phase and the XY-Heisenberg phase, starting from known wave functions in the Ising limit and at the phase transition point between the XY-Heisenberg and ferromagnetic phases, respectively, and by systematically incorporating correlations on top of them. The ECCM yields good numerical results via a diagrammatic approach, which makes the numerical implementation of higher-order truncation schemes feasible. In particular, the best non-extrapolated coupled cluster result for the sublattice magnetization is obtained, which indicates the employment of an improved wave function. Furthermore, the ECCM finds the expected qualitatively different behaviours of the linear chain and the square lattice cases.Comment: 22 pages, 3 tables, and 15 figure

    Can the Pioneer anomaly be of gravitational origin? A phenomenological answer

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    In order to satisfy the equivalence principle, any non-conventional mechanism proposed to gravitationally explain the Pioneer anomaly, in the form in which it is presently known from the so-far analyzed Pioneer 10/11 data, cannot leave out of consideration its impact on the motion of the planets of the Solar System as well, especially those orbiting in the regions in which the anomalous behavior of the Pioneer probes manifested itself. In this paper we, first, discuss the residuals of the right ascension \alpha and declination \delta of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto obtained by processing various data sets with different, well established dynamical theories (JPL DE, IAA EPM, VSOP). Second, we use the latest determinations of the perihelion secular advances of some planets in order to put on the test two gravitational mechanisms recently proposed to accommodate the Pioneer anomaly based on two models of modified gravity. Finally, we adopt the ranging data to Voyager 2 when it encountered Uranus and Neptune to perform a further, independent test of the hypothesis that a Pioneer-like acceleration can also affect the motion of the outer planets of the Solar System. The obtained answers are negative.Comment: Latex2e, 26 pages, 6 tables, 2 figure, 47 references. It is the merging of gr-qc/0608127, gr-qc/0608068, gr-qc/0608101 and gr-qc/0611081. Final version to appear in Foundations of Physic