8 research outputs found

    Charge Transport in Voltage-Biased Superconducting Single-Electron Transistors

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    Charge is transported through superconducting SSS single-electron transistors at finite bias voltages by a combination of coherent Cooper-pair tunneling and quasiparticle tunneling. At low transport voltages the effect of an ``odd'' quasiparticle in the island leads to a 2e2e-periodic dependence of the current on the gate charge. We evaluate the I−VI-V characteristic in the framework of a model which accounts for these effects as well as for the influence of the electromagnetic environment. The good agreement between our model calculation and experimental results demonstrates the importance of coherent Cooper-pair tunneling and parity effects.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, 4 figure

    UBVRI Light curves of 44 Type Ia supernovae

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    We present UBVRI photometry of 44 Type la supernovae (SNe la) observed from 1997 to 2001 as part of a continuing monitoring campaign at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The data set comprises 2190 observations and is the largest homogeneously observed and reduced sample of SNe la to date, nearly doubling the number of well-observed, nearby SNe la with published multicolor CCD light curves. The large sample of [U-band photometry is a unique addition, with important connections to SNe la observed at high redshift. The decline rate of SN la U-band light curves correlates well with the decline rate in other bands, as does the U - B color at maximum light. However, the U-band peak magnitudes show an increased dispersion relative to other bands even after accounting for extinction and decline rate, amounting to an additional ∼40% intrinsic scatter compared to the B band

    Estabelecimento de ciclo de cura de pré-impregnados aeronáuticos Establishment of cure cycle of aeronautic prepregs

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    Os compósitos poliméricos podem ser produzidos via moldagem em autoclave, onde as condições de processamento podem ser otimizadas a partir do conhecimento físico-químico da matriz polimérica. A evolução da cinética da reação de cura ocorre simultaneamente com as modificações no comportamento reológico do sistema polimérico, sendo comum denominar o fenômeno de comportamento reo-cinético. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer os parâmetros de cura, cinéticos e reológicos, de três diferentes sistemas de pré-impregnados de resina epóxi (cura a 177 &deg;C), conhecidos como F161, F584 e 8552, hoje usados na indústria aeronáutica brasileira. Este estudo foi realizado com o auxílio das técnicas de DSC e reologia, utilizando-se análises dinâmicas e isotérmicas. Com isso, foi possível estabelecer a ordem de reação e a cinética de cura dos sistemas estudados. Neste estudo, foram utilizados como modelos matemáticos o de ordem n e o autocatalítico com ordem total de aproximadamente 2. A temperatura de gel foi de ~100 &deg;C, e o tempo de gel correspondente foi de 135 segundos. A partir do conhecimento da cinética de cura e dos parâmetros reológicos dos sistemas de pré-impregnados foi possível estabelecer um ciclo de cura destinado à consolidação das peças aeronáuticas via moldagem em autoclave.<br>Autoclave molding produces polymer composites, where the processing conditions can be optimized with physicochemical knowledge of the polymeric matrix. The cure reaction evolves simultaneously with changes in rheology, which is normally refered to as rheo-kinetic behavior. With the knowledge of the appropriate cure cycle one can identify the steps in which pressure should be applied and when to raise the temperature. This paper is aimed at investigating the cure, kinetics and rheological parameters of three prepreg epoxy systems, namely F161, F584 and 8552, which are currently used in the Brazilian aeronautic industry. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and rheological techniques have been used, both in the isothermal and dynamic modes. Kinetics data were obtained from dynamic and isothermal DSC, with rheological measurements being carried out during the cure. The mathematical models used were the nth order reaction model and the autocatalytic model with order of 2. The gel temperature was ~100 &deg;C, and the corresponding gelification time was 135 s. With the determination of the kinetics for the cure and of the rheological parameters of the prepreg systems, a cure cycle should be established that led to high-performance composites using the autoclave molding