8 research outputs found

    The Isospectral Dirac Operator on the 4-dimensional Orthogonal Quantum Sphere

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    Equivariance under the action of Uq(so(5)) is used to compute the left regular and (chiral) spinorial representations of the algebra of the orthogonal quantum 4-sphere S^4_q. These representations are the constituents of a spectral triple on this sphere with a Dirac operator which is isospectral to the canonical one on the round undeformed four-sphere and which gives metric dimension four for the noncommutative geometry. Non-triviality of the geometry is proved by pairing the associated Fredholm module with an `instanton' projection. We also introduce a real structure which satisfies all required properties modulo smoothing operators.Comment: 40 pages, no figures, Latex. v2: Title changed. Sect. 9 on real structure completely rewritten and results strengthened. Additional minor changes throughout the pape

    Local Index Formula on the Equatorial Podles Sphere

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    We discuss spectral properties of the equatorial Podles sphere. As a preparation we also study the `degenerate' (i.e. q=0q=0) case (related to the quantum disk). We consider two different spectral triples: one related to the Fock representation of the Toeplitz algebra and the isopectral one. After the identification of the smooth pre-C∗C^*-algebra we compute the dimension spectrum and residues. We check the nontriviality of the (noncommutative) Chern character of the associated Fredholm modules by computing the pairing with the fundamental projector of the C∗C^*-algebra (the nontrivial generator of the K0K_0-group) as well as the pairing with the qq-analogue of the Bott projector. Finally, we show that the local index formula is trivially satisfied.Comment: 18 pages, no figures; minor correction

    The Behavior of Kasner Cosmologies with Induced Matter

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    We extend the induced matter model, previously applied to a variety of isotropic cases, to a generalization of Bianchi type-I anisotropic cosmologies. The induced matter model is a 5D Kaluza-Klein approach in which assumptions of compactness are relaxed for the fifth coordinate, leading to extra geometric terms. One interpretation of these extra terms is to identify them as an ``induced matter'' contribution to the stress-energy tensor. In similar spirit, we construct a five dimensional metric in which the spatial slices possess Bianchi type-I geometry. We find a set of solutions for the five dimensional Einstein equations, and determine the pressure and density of induced matter. We comment on the long-term dynamics of the model, showing that the assumption of positive density leads to the contraction over time of the fifth scale factor.Comment: 14 page

    Slow-roll parameters in braneworld cosmologies

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