349 research outputs found

    Extending FuzAtAnalyzer to approach the management of classical negation

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    FuzAtAnalyzer was conceived as a Java framework which goes beyond of classical tools in formal concept analysis. Specifically, it successfully incorporated the management of uncertainty by means of methods and tools from the area of fuzzy formal concept analysis. One limitation of formal concept analysis is that they only consider the presence of properties in the objects (positive attributes) as much in fuzzy as in crisp case. In this paper, a first step in the incorporation of negations is presented. Our aim is the treatment of the absence of properties (negative attributes). Specifically, we extend the framework by including specific tools for mining knowledge combining crisp positive and negative attributes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    How online search behavior is influenced by user-generated content on review websites and hotel interactive websites

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    ABSTRACT: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to advance in research on consumer Psychology of hospitality, since it investigates how online search behavior of users (particularly, information search and choice) is influenced by the opinions of other people in a new context characterized by the generalized use of Web 2.0 applications. Design/methodology/approach – Empirical research was carried out in the hotel sector in Iberian Peninsula, where two Web 2.0 applications are especially relevant for users: the review Web sites and the hotel interactive Web sites. A qualitative method (in-depth interviews with hotel managers) and a quantitative technique (personal surveys to a sample of 830 users) were used to conduct this research. Findings – The results indicates that the perceived influence on behavior of the user-generated content on these Web 2.0 applications is determined, in both cases, by the value of the information, the credibility of the sources and the degree of similarity between the user and the creators of content. Practical implications – Firms should have an active presence in the review Web sites and the hotel interactive Web sites, and use these platforms for market research and communication. Firms should engage users to post content, support their credibility and facilitate the evaluation of the content generators’ similarity. Originality/value – This paper is the first study in the hospitality literature that develops and empirically tests an integrative model explaining the perceived influence on behavior of user-generated content on Web 2.0 applications

    New methodologies to characterize the effectiveness of the gene transfer mediated by DNA-chitosan nanoparticles

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    In this work three DNA-chitosan nanoparticle formulations (Np), differing in the molecular weight (MW; 150 kDa, 400 kDa, and 600 kDa) of the polysaccharide, were prepared and administered by two different administration routes: the hydrodynamics-based procedure and the intraduodenal injection. After the hydrodynamic injection, DNA-chitosan nanoparticles were predominantly accumulated in the liver, where the transgene was expressed during at least 105 days. No signifi cant infl uence of MW was observed on the levels of luciferase expression. The curves of bioluminescence versus time obtained using the charge-coupled device (CCD) camera were described and divided in three phases: (i) the initial phase, (ii) the sustained release step and (iii) the decline phase (promotor inactivation, immunological and physiological processes). From these curves, which describe the transgene expression profi le, the behavior of the different formulations as gene delivery systems was characterized. Therefore, the following parameters such as Cmax (maximum level of detected bioluminescence), AUC (area under the bioluminescence-time curve) and MET (mean time of the transgene expression) were calculated. This approach offers the possibility of studying and comparing transgene expression kinetics among a wide variety of gene delivery systems. Finally, the intraduodenal administration of naked DNA permitted the gene transfer in a dose dependent manner quantifi able with the CCD camera within 3 days. Nevertheless, the same administration procedure of the three formulations did not improve the levels of transgene expression obtained with naked DNA. This fact could be explained by the rapid physiological turn-over of enterocytes and by the ability of chitosan nanoparticles to control the DNA release

    Adding flavor to the gravity dual of non-commutative gauge theories

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    We study the addition of flavor degrees of freedom to the supergravity dual of the non-commutative deformation of the maximally supersymmetric gauge theories. By considering D7 flavor branes in the probe approximation and studying their fluctuations we extract the spectrum of scalar and vector mesons as a function of the non-commutativity. We find that the spectrum for very large non-commutative parameter is equal to the one in the commutative theory, while for some intermediate values of the non-commutativity some of the modes disappear from the discrete spectrum. We also study the semiclassical dynamics of rotating open strings attached to the D7-brane, which correspond to mesons with large spin. Under the effect of the non-commutativity the open strings get tilted. However, at small(large) distances they display the same Regge-like (Coulombic) behaviour as in the commutative theory. We also consider the addition of D5-flavor branes to the non-commutative deformation of the N=1 supersymmetric Maldacena-Nunez background.Comment: 50 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX; v2: minor improvements, references added; v3: typos correcte

    RGL2 controls flower development, ovule number and fertility in Arabidopsis

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    [EN] DELLA proteins are a group of plant specific GRAS proteins of transcriptional regulators that have a key role in gibberellin (GA) signaling. In Arabidopsis, the DELLA family is formed by five members. The complexity of this gene family raises the question on whether single DELLA proteins have specific or overlapping functions in the control of several GA-dependent developmental processes. To better understand the roles played by RGL2, one of the DELLA proteins in Arabidopsis, two transgenic lines that express fusion proteins of Venus-RGL2 and a dominant version of RGL2, YPet-rgl2A17, were generated by recombineering strategy using a genomic clone that contained the RGL2 gene. The dominant YPet-rg12 Delta 17 protein is not degraded by GAs, and therefore it blocks the RGL2-dependent GA signaling and hence RGL2-dependent development. The RGL2 role in seed germination was further confirmed using these genetic tools, while new functions of RGL2 in plant development were uncovered. RGL2 has a clear function in the regulation of flower development, particularly stamen growth and anther dehiscence, which has a great impact in fertility. Moreover, the increased ovule number in the YPet-rg12 Delta 17 line points out the role of RGL2 in the determination of ovule number.We wish to thank Ms. J. Yun,M.A. Argomániz for technical assistance, and the IBMCP microscopy facility. Edit Syndicate (http://www.editsyndicate.com/) provided proofreading of the manuscript. This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-FEDER [BI02011-26302 and BI02014-55946] and Generalitat Valenciana [ACOMP/2013/048 and ACOMP/2014/106] to M.A.P-A. and National Science Foundation [MCB-0923727] to J.M.A. MAP-A. received a fellowship of the 'Salvador de Madariaga' program from Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Gómez Jiménez, MD.; Fuster Almunia, C.; Ocaña-Cuesta, J.; Alonso, J.; Perez Amador, MA. (2019). RGL2 controls flower development, ovule number and fertility in Arabidopsis. Plant Science. 281:82-92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2019.01.014S829228

    Supersymmetric defects in the Maldacena-Nunez background

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    We find supersymmmetric configurations of a D5-brane probe in the Maldacena-Nunez background which are extended along one or two of the spatial directions of the gauge theory. These embeddings are worldvolume solitons which behave as codimension two or one defects in the gauge theory and preserve two of the four supersymmetries of the background.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX; v2: references adde

    Laboratory Assessment of Water Permeability Loss of Geotextiles Due to Their Installation in Pervious Pavements

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    During the last decades, the importance of sustainable development in society has increased considerably. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) are a group of techniques that aim to improve the management of rain and run-off water while reducing their pollution. Many of these systems incorporate geotextiles in their structures, which act as a layer separation and water filter. Some authors defend the idea that by simply being installed, geotextiles partially or totally lose their separation and filtering capacities. This study proposes a testing methodology that can reproduce this effect and obtain a reduction factor for the water permeability of the material after its installation, which is defined here as the ?new condition factor?. The procedure simulated the real installation conditions in the laboratory by causing the specimen to undergo both mechanical and hydraulic damage and subsequently measuring the loss of water permeability that it provoked on the geotextile. Two different nonwoven geotextiles were tested in order to validate the procedure and to obtain initial results that could confirm the need for the new condition factor in the design of pervious pavements with geotextiles. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the statistical significance of the test variableshis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant number BIA2012-32463, and by the Dirección de Investigación of the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, fund FAA 02/2018. The authors would like to thank the support and collaboration from the Construction Technology Research Group (Grupo de Investigación de Tecnología de la Construcción - GITECO), the Geosynthetics Laboratory of the University of Cantabria (LAGUC), Grupo de Caminos de Santander (GCS) and the Geotechnical Group of the University of Cantabria

    Wrapped branes with fluxes in 8d gauged supergravity

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    We study the gravity dual of several wrapped D-brane configurations in presence of 4-form RR fluxes partially piercing the unwrapped directions. We present a systematic approach to obtain these solutions from those without fluxes. We use D=8 gauged supergravity as a starting point to build up these solutions. The configurations include (smeared) M2-branes at the tip of a G_2 cone on S^3 x S^3, D2-D6 branes with the latter wrapping a special Lagrangian 3-cycle of the complex deformed conifold and an holomorphic sphere in its cotangent bundle T^*S^2, D3-branes at the tip of the generalized resolved conifold, and others obtained by means of T duality and KK reduction. We elaborate on the corresponding N=1 and N=2 field theories in 2+1 dimensions.Comment: 32 pages, LateX, v2: minor changes, reference added, v3: section 3.5.2 improve

    Photorefractive nonlinear propagation of single beams in undoped LiNbO3: Self-defocusing and beam break-up

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    Beam propagation in photorefractive LiNbO3 planar waveguides has been studied at different beam intensities and propagation lengths. Self-defocusing and beam break-up have been observed and explained using BPM simulations under a 2-centre band transport model