800 research outputs found

    Initial results from the HARP experiment at CERN

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    Initial results on particle yields obtained by the HARP experiment are presented. The measurements correspond to proton--nucleus collisions at beam energies of 12.9 GeV/cGeV/c and for a thin Al target of 5% interacion legth. The angular range considered is between 10 and 250 mradmrad. This results are the first step in the upcoming measurement of the forward production cross-section for the same target and beam energy, relevant for the calculation of the far--to--near ratio of the K2K experiment.Comment: Presented at the Neutrino 2004 Internation Conferenc

    Supersymmetry Breaking Vacua from M Theory Fivebranes

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    We consider intersecting brane configurations realizing N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories broken to N=1 by multitrace superpotentials, and softly to N=0. We analyze, in the framework of M5-brane wrapping a curve, the supersymmetric vacua and the analogs of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking and soft supersymmetry breaking in gauge theories. We show that the M5-brane does not exhibit the analog of metastable spontaneous supersymmetry breaking, and does not have non-holomorphic minimal volume curves with holomorphic boundary conditions. However, we find that any point in the N=2 moduli space can be rotated to a non-holomorphic minimal volume curve, whose boundary conditions break supersymmetry. We interpret these as the analogs of soft supersymmetry breaking vacua in the gauge theory.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, harvmac; v2: corrections in eq. 3.6 and in section 6, reference adde

    Meta-Stable Brane Configurations by Adding an Orientifold-Plane to Giveon-Kutasov

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    In hep-th/0703135, they have found the type IIA intersecting brane configuration where there exist three NS5-branes, D4-branes and anti-D4-branes. By analyzing the gravitational interaction for the D4-branes in the background of the NS5-branes, the phase structures in different regions of the parameter space were studied in the context of classical string theory. In this paper, by adding the orientifold 4-plane and 6-plane to the above brane configuration, we describe the intersecting brane configurations of type IIA string theory corresponding to the meta-stable nonsupersymmetric vacua of these gauge theories.Comment: 21 pp, 6 figures; reduced bytes of figures, DBI action analysis added and to appear in JHE

    Geometrically Induced Phase Transitions at Large N

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    Utilizing the large N dual description of a metastable system of branes and anti-branes wrapping rigid homologous S^2's in a non-compact Calabi-Yau threefold, we study phase transitions induced by changing the positions of the S^2's. At leading order in 1/N the effective potential for this system is computed by the planar limit of an auxiliary matrix model. Beginning at the two loop correction, the degenerate vacuum energy density of the discrete confining vacua split, and a potential is generated for the axion. Changing the relative positions of the S^2's causes discrete jumps in the energetically preferred confining vacuum and can also obstruct direct brane/anti-brane annihilation processes. The branes must hop to nearby S^2's before annihilating, thus significantly increasing the lifetime of the corresponding non-supersymmetric vacua. We also speculate that misaligned metastable glueball phases may generate a repulsive inter-brane force which stabilizes the radial mode present in compact Calabi-Yau threefolds.Comment: 47 pages, 7 figure

    On supersymmetry breaking in string theory from gauge theory in a throat

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    We embed the supersymmetry breaking mechanism in N=1 SQCD of hep-th/0602239 in a smooth superstring theory using D-branes in the background R^4 \times SL(2)_{k=1}/U(1) which smoothly captures the throat region of an intersecting NS5-brane configuration. A controllable deformation of the supersymmetric branes gives rise to the mass deformation of the magnetic SQCD theory on the branes. The consequent instability on the open string worldsheet can be followed onto a stable non-supersymmetric configuration of D-branes which realize the metastable vacuum configuration in the field theory. The new brane configuration is shown to backreact onto the background such as to produce different boundary conditions for the string fields in the radial direction compared to the supersymmetric configuration. In the string theory, this is interpreted to mean that the supersymmetry breaking is explicit rather than spontaneous.Comment: 29 pages, harvmac, 8 figures; v2 typos corrected, reference adde

    A new parametrization of the neutrino mixing matrix for neutrino oscillations

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    In this paper we study three active neutrino oscillations, favored by recent data from SuperK and SNO, using a new parametrization of the lepton mixing matrix VV constructed from a linear combination of the unit matrix II, and a hermitian unitary matrix UU, that is, V=cosθI+isinθUV = \cos\theta I + i\sin \theta U. There are only three real parameters in VV including the parameter θ\theta. It is interesting to find that experimental data on atmospheric neutrino dictates the angle θ\theta to be π/4\pi/4 such that the νμ\nu_\mu and ντ\nu_\tau mixing is maximal. The solar neutrino problem is solved via the MSW effect with a small mixing angle, with UU depending on one small parameter ϵ\epsilon. The resulting mixing matrix with just two parameters (θ\theta and ϵ\epsilon) predicts that the oscillating probabilities for νeνμ\nu_e\to \nu_\mu and νeντ\nu_e \to \nu_\tau to be equal and of the order 2ϵ2=(0.252.5)×1032\epsilon^2 = (0.25\sim 2.5)\times 10^{-3}. The measurement of CP asymmetries at the proposed Neutrino Factories would also provide a test of our parametrization.Comment: 10 pages, Retex, no figure

    Correlated Errors in Quantum Error Corrections

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    We show that errors are not generated correlatedly provided that quantum bits do not directly interact with (or couple to) each other. Generally, this no-qubits-interaction condition is assumed except for the case where two-qubit gate operation is being performed. In particular, the no-qubits-interaction condition is satisfied in the collective decoherence models. Thus, errors are not correlated in the collective decoherence. Consequently, we can say that current quantum error correcting codes which correct single-qubit-errors will work in most cases including the collective decoherence.Comment: no correction, 3 pages, RevTe

    Entangled Quantum Clocks for Measuring Proper-Time Difference

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    We report that entangled pairs of quantum clocks (non-degenerate quantum bits) can be used as a specialized detector for precisely measuring difference of proper-times that each constituent quantum clock experiences. We describe why the proposed scheme would be more precise in the measurement of proper-time difference than a scheme of two-separate-quantum-clocks. We consider possibilities that the proposed scheme can be used in precision test of the relativity theory.Comment: no correction, 4 pages, RevTe

    Neutrino oscillation physics with a higher γ\gamma β\beta-beam

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    The precision measurement and discovery potential of a neutrino factory based on a storage ring of boosted radioactive ions (β\beta-beam) is re-examined. In contrast with past designs, which assume ion γ\gamma factors of 100\sim 100 and baselines of L=130 km, we emphasize the advantages of boosting the ions to higher γ\gamma and increasing the baseline proportionally. In particular, we consider a medium-γ\gamma scenario (γ500\gamma \sim 500, L=730 km) and a high-γ\gamma scenario (γ2000\gamma \sim 2000, L = 3000 km).The increase in statistics, which grow linearly with the average beam energy, the ability to exploit the energy dependence of the signal and the sizable matter effects at this longer baseline all increase the discovery potential of such a machine very significantly.Comment: An error corrected, conclusions unchanged. Revised version to appear in Nuclear Physics