63 research outputs found

    The Grover algorithm with large nuclear spins in semiconductors

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    We show a possible way to implement the Grover algorithm in large nuclear spins 1/2<I<9/2 in semiconductors. The Grover sequence is performed by means of multiphoton transitions that distribute the spin amplitude between the nuclear spin states. They are distinguishable due to the quadrupolar splitting, which makes the nuclear spin levels non-equidistant. We introduce a generalized rotating frame for an effective Hamiltonian that governs the non-perturbative time evolution of the nuclear spin states for arbitrary spin lengths I. The larger the quadrupolar splitting, the better the agreement between our approximative method using the generalized rotating frame and exact numerical calculations.Comment: 11 pages, 18 EPS figures, REVTe

    Nonmonotonic inelastic tunneling spectra due to surface spin excitations in ferromagnetic junctions

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    The paper addresses inelastic spin-flip tunneling accompanied by surface spin excitations (magnons) in ferromagnetic junctions. The inelastic tunneling current is proportional to the magnon density of states which is energy-independent for the surface waves and, for this reason, cannot account for the bias-voltage dependence of the observed inelastic tunneling spectra. This paper shows that the bias-voltage dependence of the tunneling spectra can arise from the tunneling matrix elements of the electron-magnon interaction. These matrix elements are derived from the Coulomb exchange interaction using the itinerant-electron model of magnon-assisted tunneling. The results for the inelastic tunneling spectra, based on the nonequilibrium Green's function calculations, are presented for both parallel and antiparallel magnetizations in the ferromagnetic leads.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, version as publishe

    Spin interactions and switching in vertically tunnel-coupled quantum dots

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    We determine the spin exchange coupling J between two electrons located in two vertically tunnel-coupled quantum dots, and its variation when magnetic (B) and electric (E) fields (both in-plane and perpendicular) are applied. We predict a strong decrease of J as the in-plane B field is increased, mainly due to orbital compression. Combined with the Zeeman splitting, this leads to a singlet-triplet crossing, which can be observed as a pronounced jump in the magnetization at in-plane fields of a few Tesla, and perpendicular fields of the order of 10 Tesla for typical self-assembled dots. We use harmonic potentials to model the confining of electrons, and calculate the exchange J using the Heitler-London and Hund-Mulliken technique, including the long-range Coulomb interaction. With our results we provide experimental criteria for the distinction of singlet and triplet states and therefore for microscopic spin measurements. In the case where dots of different sizes are coupled, we present a simple method to switch on and off the spin coupling with exponential sensitivity using an in-plane electric field. Switching the spin coupling is essential for quantum computation using electronic spins as qubits.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Magnetic Interactions and Transport in (Ga,Cr)As

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    The magnetic, transport, and structural properties of (Ga,Cr)As are reported. Zincblende Ga1x_{1-x}Crx_{x}As was grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). At low concentrations, x\sim0.1, the materials exhibit unusual magnetic properties associated with the random magnetism of the alloy. At low temperatures the magnetization M(B) increases rapidly with increasing field due to the alignment of ferromagnetic units (polarons or clusters) having large dipole moments of order 10-102^2μB\mu_B. A standard model of superparamagnetism is inadequate for describing both the field and temperature dependence of the magnetization M(B,T). In order to explain M(B) at low temperatures we employ a distributed magnetic moment (DMM) model in which polarons or clusters of ions have a distribution of moments. It is also found that the magnetic susceptibility increases for decreasing temperature but saturates below T=4 K. The inverse susceptibility follows a linear-T Curie-Weiss law and extrapolates to a magnetic transition temperature θ\theta=10 K. In magnetotransport measurements, a room temperature resistivity of ρ\rho=0.1 Ω\Omegacm and a hole concentration of 1020\sim10^{20} cm3^{-3} are found, indicating that Cr can also act as a acceptor similar to Mn. The resistivity increases rapidly for decreasing temperature below room temperature, and becomes strongly insulating at low temperatures. The conductivity follows exp[-(T1_1/T)1/2^{1/2}] over a large range of conductivity, possible evidence of tunneling between polarons or clusters.Comment: To appear in PRB 15 Mar 200

    Spin relaxation: From 2D to 1D

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    In inversion asymmetric semiconductors, spin-orbit interactions give rise to very effective relaxation mechanisms of the electron spin. Recent work, based on the dimensionally constrained D'yakonov Perel' mechanism, describes increasing electron-spin relaxation times for two-dimensional conducting layers with decreasing channel width. The slow-down of the spin relaxation can be understood as a precursor of the one-dimensional limit

    Tune in to your emotions: a robust personalized affective music player

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    The emotional power of music is exploited in a personalized affective music player (AMP) that selects music for mood enhancement. A biosignal approach is used to measure listeners’ personal emotional reactions to their own music as input for affective user models. Regression and kernel density estimation are applied to model the physiological changes the music elicits. Using these models, personalized music selections based on an affective goal state can be made. The AMP was validated in real-world trials over the course of several weeks. Results show that our models can cope with noisy situations and handle large inter-individual differences in the music domain. The AMP augments music listening where its techniques enable automated affect guidance. Our approach provides valuable insights for affective computing and user modeling, for which the AMP is a suitable carrier application

    Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters for quantum wires

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    The low-energy properties of a homogeneous one-dimensional electron system are completely specified by two Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters KρK_{\rho} and vσv_{\sigma}. In this paper we discuss microscopic estimates of the values of these parameters in semiconductor quantum wires that exploit their relationship to thermodynamic properties. Motivated by the recognized similarity between correlations in the ground state of a one-dimensional electron liquid and correlations in a Wigner crystal, we evaluate these thermodynamic quantities in a self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation. According to our calculations, the Hartree-Fock approximation ground state is a Wigner crystal at all electron densities and has antiferromagnetic order that gradually evolves from spin-density-wave to localized in character as the density is lowered. Our results for KρK_{\rho} are in good agreement with weak-coupling perturbative estimates KρpertK_{\rho}^{pert} at high densities, but deviate strongly at low densities, especially when the electron-electron interaction is screened at long distances. Kρpertn1/2K_{\rho}^{pert}\sim n^{1/2} vanishes at small carrier density nn whereas we conjecture that Kρ1/2K_{\rho}\to 1/2 when n0n\to 0, implying that KρK_{\rho} should pass through a minimum at an intermediate density. Observation of such a non-monotonic dependence on particle density would allow to measure the range of the microscopic interaction. In the spin sector we find that the spin velocity decreases with increasing interaction strength or decreasing nn. Strong correlation effects make it difficult to obtain fully consistent estimates of vσv_{\sigma} from Hartree-Fock calculations. We conjecture that v_{\sigma}/\vf\propto n/V_0 in the limit n0n\to 0 where V0V_0 is the interaction strength.Comment: RevTeX, 23 pages, 8 figures include

    Tmetoceratidae (Ammonitina) fauna from the Gerecse Mts (Hungary)

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    Abstract Taxonomic and stratigraphic problems of the family Tmetoceratidae and the genera Dumortieria, Catulloceras, Cotteswoldia, Pleydellia and Tmetoceras included in it are briefly discussed. Fifteen species of Tmetoceratidae are described and illustrated from the Upper Toarcian-Aalenian ammonite assemblages of the Gerecse Mts (NE Transdanubian Range, Hungary). The fauna described here is closely allied to the Mediterranean Province of the Mediterranean-Caucasian Realm

    Management of acute hypercortisolism

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    An occasional patient with Cushing's syndrome may require urgent management primarily because the chronic ravages of hypercortisolism have caused the patient to be in a precarious metabolic condition. The side effects of prolonged excess corticosteroids increase the risk of operations in such patients and must be considered in overall management. Among the many effects of hypercortisolism to be considered are hypertension, diabetes, ocular hypertension, myopathies, dermatologic changes including skin infection, pancreatitis, osteoporosis, pathological fractures, peptic ulcers, renal calculi, coagulopathies, hypokalemia, poor wound healing, and increased susceptibility to infection. The most effective way to avert these complications is by earlier diagnosis and definitive treatment of Cushing's syndrome. The present report includes a review of the etiology and diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome and the management of problems associated with hypercortisolism . Il est possible qu'un malade atteint de maladie de Cushing ait besoin d'être traité sans attente en raisons de troubles métaboliques sévères dus aux effets nocifs de l'hypercortisolisme chronique qui augmentent les risques opératoires et doivent être pris en considération avant tout traitement. Il en est ainsi de l'hypertension, du diabète, de l'hypertension intra-oculaire, des lésions dermiques comprenant l'infection cutanée, la pancréatite, l'ostéoporose, les fractures pathologiques, l'ulcère peptique, les calculs rénaux, les coagulopathies, l'hypokaliémie, la lenteur du processus de cicatrisation et l'augmentation de la suceptibilité à l'infection.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41309/1/268_2005_Article_BF01655367.pd