1,710 research outputs found

    Rumen ciliate protozoa of the sable antelope Hippotragus niger

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    Of the 11 ciliate protozoa present in the rumen of the sable antelope, two are holotrichs and nine entodiniomorphs. One new species Diplodinium (Eudiplodinium) sablei is described. The seven antelopes investigated gave an average total number of protozoa per cm3 rumen fluid of 1,79 ± 0,39 × 105, a relatively low figure typical of grazing wild ungulates.Van die 11 siliaat-protozoa teenwoordig in die rumen van die swartwitpens was twee holotriche en nege entodiniomorphe vorme. Een nuwe spesies Diplodinium (Eudiplodinium) sablei word beskryf. Die sewe swartwitpense wat ondersoek is, het gemiddeld 1,79 ± 0,39 × 10* protozoa per cm3 rumenvloeistof gehad, 'n relatief lae syfer tipies van weiende wildsbokke

    Declining grouper spawning aggregations in Western Province, Solomon Islands, signal the need for a modified management approach

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    Globally, groupers (Epinephelidae) that form fish spawning aggregations (FSAs) are highly vulnerable to overfishing and often require site-specific approaches to management. Over 5-years (2009-2013), we conducted underwater visual censuses (UVC) at a well-known spawning site at Njari Island, Gizo, Western Province, Solomon Islands, that supports aggregations of squaretail coralgrouper (Plectropomus areolatus), camouflage grouper (Epinephelus polyphekadion) and brown-marbled grouper (E. fuscoguttatus). Findings show that while there were species-specific variations in the duration and timing of the spawning season, aggregation densities peaked from March to June, representing the main spawning season for all three species. For P. areolatus, gonad analysis from samples taken from 2008 to 2011 confirmed reproductive activity in support of density trends observed through UVC. Over the 5-year UVC monitoring period, FSA densities declined for P. areolatus and E. polyphekadion. Conversely, following the first year of monitoring, E. fuscoguttatus densities increased. These inter-specific differences may reflect variable responses to fishing as shown elsewhere, or for example, differences in recruitment success. In response to known declines in FSAs of these species, in 2018 the Solomon Islands government placed a nationwide ban on these species' harvest and sale between October and January. As this study shows, this ban does not encompass the peak aggregation period at Njari and will offer limited protection to other FSAs of these species that are known to vary in reproductive seasonality across the Solomon Islands. A more biologically meaningful and practical management strategy would be to implement a nationwide ban on the harvest and sale of these groupers each month between full and new moons when these FSAs form consistently throughout the country. Since effective management of FSAs typically requires a combined approach, spatial management that protects both spawning sites and reproductive migratory corridors is warranted

    Manifolds with 1/4-pinched flag curvature

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    We say that a nonnegatively curved manifold (M,g)(M,g) has quarter pinched flag curvature if for any two planes which intersect in a line the ratio of their sectional curvature is bounded above by 4. We show that these manifolds have nonnegative complex sectional curvature. By combining with a theorem of Brendle and Schoen it follows that any positively curved manifold with strictly quarter pinched flag curvature must be a space form. This in turn generalizes a result of Andrews and Nguyen in dimension 4. For odd dimensional manifolds we obtain results for the case that the flag curvature is pinched with some constant below one quarter, one of which generalizes a recent work of Petersen and Tao

    On Z-gradations of twisted loop Lie algebras of complex simple Lie algebras

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    We define the twisted loop Lie algebra of a finite dimensional Lie algebra g\mathfrak g as the Fr\'echet space of all twisted periodic smooth mappings from R\mathbb R to g\mathfrak g. Here the Lie algebra operation is continuous. We call such Lie algebras Fr\'echet Lie algebras. We introduce the notion of an integrable Z\mathbb Z-gradation of a Fr\'echet Lie algebra, and find all inequivalent integrable Z\mathbb Z-gradations with finite dimensional grading subspaces of twisted loop Lie algebras of complex simple Lie algebras.Comment: 26 page

    IBM-1 description of the fission products 108,110,112^{108,110,112}Ru

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    IBM-1} calculations for the fission products 108,110,112^{108,110,112}Ru have been carried out. The even-even isotopes of Ru can be described as transitional nuclei situated between the U(5) (spherical vibrator) and SO(6) (γ\gamma-unstable rotor) symmetries of the Interacting Boson Model. At first, a Hamiltonian with only one- and two-body terms has been used. Excitation energies and BB(E2) ratios of gamma transitions have been calculated. A satisfactory agreement has been obtained, with the exception of the odd-even staggering in the quasi-γ\gamma bands of 110,112^{110,112}Ru. The observed pattern is rather similar to the one for a rigid triaxial rotor. A calculation based on a Hamiltonian with three-body terms was able to remove this discrepancy. The relation between the IBM and the triaxial rotor model was also examined.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Role of Fragment Higher Static Deformations in the Cold Binary Fission of 252^{252}Cf

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    We study the binary cold fission of 252^{252}Cf in the frame of a cluster model where the fragments are born to their respective ground states and interact via a double-folded potential with deformation effects taken into account up to multipolarity λ=4\lambda=4. The preformation factors were neglected. In the case when the fragments are assumed to be spherical or with ground state quadrupole deformation, the QQ-value principle dictates the occurence of a narrow region around the double magic 132^{132}Sn, like in the case of cluster radioactivity. When the hexadecupole deformation is turned on, an entire mass-region of cold fission in the range 138 - 156 for the heavy fragment arise, in agreement with the experimental observations. This fact suggests that in the above mentioned mass-region, contrary to the usual cluster radioactivity where the daughter nucleus is always a neutron/proton (or both) closed shell or nearly closed shell spherical nucleus, the clusterization mechanism seems to be strongly influenced by the hexadecupole deformations rather than the QQ-value.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Elevated Levels of Trace Elements in Cores of Otoliths and Their Potential for Use as Natural Tags

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    Variation in the chemical composition of fish otoliths has been used in recent years to address a range of ecological questions, including levels of stock mixing, variation in habitat use, and rates of larval exchange. While some of these questions have been answered with varying success, the degree to which discrete populations are connected via larval exchange remains unknown. To identify larval sources using natural variation in otolith chemistry, we must distinguish and measure the chemical composition of the otolith core, the portion of the otolith formed at the spawning site. Using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS), we found that the core regions of otoliths from 6 different species of fishes were highly enriched in manganese (Mn), and elevated in magnesium (Mg) and barium (Ba), relative to adjacent regions of the otolith. These patterns were consistent for species drawn from different taxonomic groups, which inhabit temperate and tropical regions, are found in marine and freshwater, and utilize a variety of spawning modes. Variation among species in Mn concentration in the core also corresponds to maternal investment, measured by egg size. These data suggest that core enrichment may be a general characteristic of otoliths, and that the chemical composition of the otolith core is fundamentally different from other regions of the otolith. The localized elemental enrichment of the core underscores the importance of methods that analyze the core region in small, discrete samples if otolith chemistry is used to address questions of larval exchange among populations

    Coulomb gap in a model with finite charge transfer energy

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    The Coulomb gap in a donor-acceptor model with finite charge transfer energy Δ\Delta describing the electronic system on the dielectric side of the metal-insulator transition is investigated by means of computer simulations on two- and three-dimensional finite samples with a random distribution of equal amounts of donor and acceptor sites. Rigorous relations reflecting the symmetry of the model presented with respect to the exchange of donors and acceptors are derived. In the immediate neighborhood of the Fermi energy μ\mu the the density of one-electron excitations g(ϵ)g(\epsilon) is determined solely by finite size effects and g(ϵ)g(\epsilon) further away from μ\mu is described by an asymmetric power law with a non-universal exponent, depending on the parameter Δ\Delta.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The globalization of naval provisioning: ancient DNA and stable isotope analyses of stored cod from the wreck of the Mary Rose, AD 1545.

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    A comparison of ancient DNA (single-nucleotide polymorphisms) and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope evidence suggests that stored cod provisions recovered from the wreck of the Tudor warship Mary Rose, which sank in the Solent, southern England, in 1545, had been caught in northern and transatlantic waters such as the northern North Sea and the fishing grounds of Iceland and Newfoundland. This discovery, underpinned by control data from archaeological samples of cod bones from potential source regions, illuminates the role of naval provisioning in the early development of extensive sea fisheries, with their long-term economic and ecological impacts