148 research outputs found

    Control individualizado de cerdos ibéricos "in vivo" en campo y sobre la canal en matadero mediante tecnología NIRS

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es la puesta a punto y optimización de la tecnología NIRS para el control del cerdo Ibérico tanto en campo sobre el animal vivo, ya que es una técnica completamente inocua para el animal, como sobre la canal en el matadero, lo cual permitirá consolidar un sistema de trazabilidad basado en sensores no destructivos y rápidos

    Condition and recruitment of Aristeus antennatus beyond fishing ground (to depths of 2200 m) in the Mediterranean: relationship with environmental factors

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    Depth relationships and seasonal trends in the biological condition and recruitment of the red shrimp Aristeus antennatus have been analyzed along down to 2300 m, over all the slope in the Balearic Basin (western Mediterranean). The analysis is based on a composite year (2008-2012 period) and identifies environmental causes of the trends. We found good reproductive and general biological condition of A. antennatus (Gonado-somatic index, GSI) at 800-1300 m in summer (June-July), depths below the fishing grounds. Mating and spawning were at depths below the more saline waters of the Levantine Intermediate water mass. Recruits Smallest juveniles (recruits, ca. 1 yr age) were exclusively distributed below 1000 m, associated with high near-bottom O2 concentration, low turbidity and high C/N in sediments implying favourable trophic conditions. A seasonal migratory pattern is suggested for females, which move shallower to the upper slope during periods of water-mass homogeneity (autumn-winter) to feed in canyons, increasing their energy reserves (hepatic gland weight, HSI). Females move downslope (800-1100 m) to spawn (high GSI) during periods of water mass stratification (late spring-summer). HSI of A. antennatus females decreased linearly with depth down the slope in February and in October-November, i.e., before and after the reproductive period. This nutritional condition of females in these periods is consistent with more consumption of benthic prey (ophiuroids, polychaetes, Calocaris macandreae) at the canyon heads (Cartes, 1994) in late autumn and winter. Our results confirm/suggest: i) how important it is to study the biology of deep-sea species over the whole depth range they inhabit and not only over fishing grounds, and ii) that changes in environmental conditions linked to the progressive warming of Mediterranean Deep Water (WMDW) with a parallel increase of salinity could provoke a decrease of O2 in water masses at below 1000 m, affecting A. antennatus recruitment and its life cycle, which is extensible to other deep-sea specie

    Estudio del apoyo metatarsal en bipedestación mediante podoscopio electrónico de alta resolución.

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    Con el jin de estudiar el apoyo metatarsal en bipedestación se han realizado 780 registros en la plataforma PDS 93, correspondientes a 390 individuos, no seleccionados, sin patología de la marcha, 234 varones y 156 mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre 24 y 41 años (edad media de 29,9 años). En cada registro se ha recogido la presión ejercida por cada metatarsiano, relacionando la carga obtenida con el peso, conjiguración mecánica del pie y huella plantar: Los resultados obtenidos se han procesado estadísticamente por medio del programa SPSS. El porcentaje de las cargas medias obtenidas para cada metatarsiano han sido: 16,85, 21,25, 23,88, 20,24 y 17,78%, existiendo dqerencias sign$cativas para el apoyo de los metatarsianos centrales (p < 0,001). Todos los metatarsianos soportan carga en bipedestación, de acuerdo con las teorías actuales. Sin embargo, aunque la distribución del peso para el primer metatarsiano se aproxima al doble de los otros, la carga máxima en g/cm2 se realiza en los metatarsianos centrales

    Mitochondrial DNA genetic relationships at the ancient Neolithic site of Tell Halula

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    The extent of racemization of aspartic acid (Asp) -expressed as D/L ratio- has been used as a marker of biomolecular degradation in ancient remains. However, Asp racemization rate is highly variable, and depends on biochemical and geochemical factors. In this paper we aim to determine to which extent the fraction analyzed and the kind of sample used may influence the D/L Asp ratios. Other factors, such as burial site and sample preservation conditions, are also considered. D/L Asp ratios were obtained in 38 ancient human samples from 30 different individuals in which Real Time PCR quantification and amplification of short mtDNA fragments had been previously achieved. Four samples were taken from bones, 16 from whole teeth and 18 from dentine. In 7 cases whole tooth and dentine fractions from the same individual were analyzed. The samples belonged to 8 archaeological sites from Pre-pottery Neolithic B (PPNB), Cardial Neolithic and Chalcolithic time periods. Results show significant differences between the D/L Asp ratios obtained in dentine and whole tooth fractions from the same tooth and individual, as well as among dentine samples from the same archaeological site and among samples of the same age from different, though nearby, archaeological sites. Ancient DNA (aDNA) could be characterized in the majority of the samples, independently from their racemization values, which suggests that other factors, apart from the sample preservation stage, are more significantly affecting the racemization rate. A generalized use of the Asp racemization ratio as a threshold value for ancient DNA preservation needs to be questioned until further methodological standardization is considered

    Molecular epidemiology of enterovirus 71, coxsackievirus A16 and A6 associated with hand, foot and mouth disease in Spain

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    Producción CientíficaHand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a childhood illness frequently caused by genotypes belonging to the enterovirus A species, including coxsackievirus (CV)-A16 and enterovirus (EV)-71. Between 2010 and 2012, several outbreaks and sporadic cases of HFMD occurred in different regions of Spain. The objective of the present study was to describe the enterovirus epidemiology associated with HFMD in the country. A total of 80 patients with HFMD or atypical rash were included. Detection and typing of the enteroviruses were performed directly in clinical samples using molecular methods. Enteroviruses were detected in 53 of the patients (66%). CV-A6 was the most frequent genotype, followed by CV-A16 and EV-71, but other minority types were also identified. Interestingly, during almost all of 2010, CV-A16 was the only causative agent of HFMD but by the end of the year and during 2011, CV-A6 became predominant, while CV-A16 was not detected. In 2012, however, both CV-A6 and CV-A16 circulated. EV-71 was associated with HFMD symptoms only in three cases during 2012. All Spanish CV-A6 sequences segregated into one major genetic cluster together with other European and Asian strains isolated between 2008 and 2011, most forming a particular clade. Spanish EV-71 strains belonged to subgenogroup C2, as did most of the European sequences circulated. In conclusion, the recent increase of HFMD cases in Spain and other European countries has been due to a larger incidence of circulating species A enteroviruses, mainly CV-A6 and CV-A16, and the emergence of new genetic variants of these viruses

    Carbapenem-resistant Citrobacter spp. isolated in Spain from 2013 to 2015 produced a variety of carbapenemases including VIM-1, OXA-48, KPC-2, NDM-1 and VIM-2

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    Objectives: There is little information about carbapenemase-producing (CP) Citrobacter spp.We studied the molecular epidemiology and microbiological features of CP Citrobacter spp. isolates collected in Spain (2013-15). Methods: In total, 119 isolates suspected of being CP by the EUCAST screening cut-off values were analysed. Carbapenemases and ESBLs were characterized using PCR and sequencing. The genetic relationship among Citrobacter freundii isolates was studied by PFGE. Results: Of the 119 isolates, 63 (52.9%) produced carbapenemases, of which 37 (58.7%) produced VIM-1, 20 (31.7%) produced OXA-48, 12 (19%) produced KPC-2, 2 (3.2%) produced NDM-1 and 1 (1.6%) produced VIM- 2; 9 C. freundii isolates co-produced VIM-1 plus OXA-48. Fourteen isolates (22.2%) also carried ESBLs: 8 CTX-M-9 plus SHV-12, 2 CTX-M-9, 2 SHV-12 and 2 CTX-M-15. Fifty-seven isolates (90.5%) were C. freundii, 4 (6.3%) were Citrobacter koseri, 1 (1.6%) was Citrobacter amalonaticus and 1 (1.6%) was Citrobacter braakii. By EUCAST breakpoints, eight (12.7%) of the CP isolates were susceptible to the four carbapenems tested. In the 53 CP C. freundii analysed by PFGE, a total of 44 different band patterns were observed. Four PFGE clusters were identified: cluster 1 included eight isolates co-producing VIM-1 and OXA-48; blaVIM-1 was carried in a class 1 integron (intI-blaVIM-1 - aacA4-dfrB1-aadA1-catB2-qacE¿1/sul1) and blaOXA-48 was carried in a Tn1999.2 transposon. Conclusions: We observed the clonal and polyclonal spread of CP Citrobacter spp. across several Spanish geographical areas. Four species of Citrobacter spp. produced up to five carbapenemase types, including coproduction of VIM-1 plus OXA-48. Some CP Citrobacter spp. isolates were susceptible to the four carbapenems tested, a finding with potential clinical implications

    Variation in antiosteoporotic drug prescribing and spending across Spain. A population-based ecological cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Evidence has shown that utilization of antiosteoporotic medications does not correspond with risk, and studies on other therapies have shown that adequacy of pharmaceutical prescribing might vary between regions. Nevertheless, very few studies have addressed the variability in osteoporotic drug consumption. We aimed to describe variations in pharmaceutical utilization and spending on osteoporotic drugs between Health Areas (HA) in Spain. Methods: Population-based cross-sectional ecological study of expenditure and utilization of the five therapeutic groups marketed for osteoporosis treatment in Spain in 2009. Small area variation analysis (SAVA) methods were used. The units of analysis were the 168 HA of 13 Spanish regions, including 7.2 million women aged 50 years and older. The main outcomes were the defined daily dose (DDD) per 1000 inhabitants and day (DDD/1000/Day) dispensed according to the pharmaceutical claims reimbursed, and the expenditure on antiosteoporotics at retail price per woman =50 years old and per year. Results: The average osteoporosis drug consumption was 116.8 DDD/1000W/Day, ranging from 78.5 to 158.7 DDD/1000W/Day between the HAs in the 5th and 95th percentiles. Seventy-five percent of the antiosteoporotics consumed was bisphosphonates, followed by raloxifene, strontium ranelate, calcitonins, and parathyroid hormones including teriparatide. Regarding variability by therapeutic groups, biphosphonates showed the lowest variation, while calcitonins and parathyroid hormones showed the highest variation. The annual expenditure on antiosteoporotics was €426.5 million, translating into an expenditure of €59.2 for each woman =50 years old and varying between €38.1 and €83.3 between HAs in the 5th and 95th percentiles. Biphosphonates, despite accounting for 79% of utilization, only represented 63% of total expenditure, while parathyroid hormones with only 1.6% of utilization accounted for 15% of the pharmaceutical spending. Conclusion: This study highlights a marked geographical variation in the prescription of antiosteoporotics, being more pronounced in the case of costly drugs such as parathyroid hormones. The differences in rates of prescribing explained almost all of the variance in drug spending, suggesting that the difference in prescription volume between territories, and not the price of the drugs, is the main source of variation in this setting. Data on geographical variation of prescription can help guide policy proposals for targeting areas with inadequate antiosteoporotic drug use

    Diseases of Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica)

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    36 páginas, 7 figuras, 4 tablas.Iberian ibex (Caprapyrenaica) is an ecologically and economically relevant medium-sized emblematic mountain ungulate. Diseases participate in the population dynamics of the species as a regulating agent, but can also threaten the conservation and viability of vulnerable population units. Moreover, Iberian ibex can also be a carrier or even a reservoir of pathogens shared with domestic animals and/or humans, being therefore a concern for livestock and public health. The objective of this review is to compile the currently available knowledge on (1) diseases of Iberian ibex, presented according to their relevance on the health and demography of free-ranging populations; (2) diseases subjected to heath surveillance plans; (3) other dis-eases reported in the species; and (4) diseases with particular relevance in captive Iberian ibex populations. The systematic review of all the information on diseases affecting the species unveils unpublished reports, scientific communications in meetings, and scientific articles, allowing the first comprehensive compilation of Iberian ibex diseases. This review identi-fies the gaps in knowledge regarding pathogenesis, immune response, diagnostic methods, treatment, and management of diseases in Iberian ibex, providing a base for future research. Moreover, this challenges wildlife and livestock disease and wildlife population managers to assess the priorities and policies currently implemented in Iberian ibex health surveillance and monitoring and disease management.Open Access Funding provided by Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Part of the authors benefitted of the support of the Consejería de Medio Ambiente of the Junta de Andalucía (Spain) to the group RNN 118 through the grants 173/2009/M/00; 03/15/M/00; 861_11_M_00, 2016/00014/M. This review benefitted from funding of the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through the grants CGL2012-40043-C02-01, CGL2012-40043-C02-02, and CGL2016-80543-P. Marta Valldeperes was supported by the pre-doctoral grant 2020_FI_B2_00049, funded by the Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain) and the European Social Fund.Peer reviewe