529 research outputs found

    Aportación al estudio micosociológico de la provincia de León

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    Se muestran los resultados de algunas excursiones y el catálogo de las especies de macromicetes recolectadas en cada localidad.We show the results of some excursions with the catalogue of species rellected in each place

    Detection of resistant mutations in the reverse transcriptase of HIV-1-infected children

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    Clinical effect of deep water running on non-specific low back pain: A randomised trial

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    Objectives: To evaluate clinical effect of deep water running(DW R) on non-specific low back pain. Outcome measures were pain, disability,general health and physical fitness.  Materials and methods: Experimental, randomized,  controlled trial involving 46 persons with CLBP over 15 weekswith two experimental processes, each three times a week. Evidence-basedProgram (EBP, personalized physical exercise program, manual therapy andhealth educa tion) was the common process to which was added 20 minutes ofpersonalized intensity DW R at the aerobic threshold. Measurements were made at the beginning and end of the studyof pain, disability, general health and physical fitness.  R esults: The pain of CLBP were homogeneous at baseline.Significant changes between group were don’t found for pain in favour of the EBP+DW R group (p<0.3). The within-group differences were highly significant for all clinical and functional variables. The effect was clinically relevant forpain in the EBP+DW R group (0.70) and in the EBP group (0.58), and for disability degree it was also relevant in theEBP+DW R group (0.48) and relevant for the EBP group (0.36). Conclusion: Significant improvement was seen inCLBP when EBP was complemented with the high-intensity exercise of DW R

    Nutritive value of palm kernel meal in diets for growing rabbits

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    The aim of this work was to determine the nutritive value of palm kernel meal (PKM) in diets for growing rabbits. In Experiment 1, 20 New Zealand × Californian growing rabbits 50 d-old were used to determine energy, crude protein, fibre and fat digestibility of PKM. The nutritive value was estimated by the difference method using a basal diet and another diet made by substituting 200 g/kg of basal diet with PKM. Energy, crude protein, ether extract and neutral detergent fibre of PKM digestibilities were, respectively, 0.549 (±0.056, SE), 0.541 (±0.069), 0.850 (±0.048) and 0.430 (±0.101), and the digestible energy concentration was 10.9 MJ/kg (±1.03) DM. In Experiment 2, 412 rabbits were allocated at random to the two experimental diets to measure growing performance. Inclusion of 200 g PKM/kg in the diet did not affect feed or digestible energy intake but decreased slightly (by around 5%) average daily gain (P = 0.003) and feed efficiency (P < 0.001). Neither mortality nor Clostridium perfringens counts in soft faeces were affected by type of diet. Palm kernel meal can be considered a palatable source of fibre, protein and fat for rabbits and can substitute significant amounts of other fibrous ingredients in the diet without adverse effects on growth performance

    Nutritional impact on health and performance in intensively reared rabbits

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    The present work summarizes research related to the definition of nutrient recommendations for feeds used in the intensive production of rabbit's meat. Fibre is the main chemical constituent of rabbit diets that typically contain 320 to 360 and 50 to 90 g/kg of insoluble and soluble fibre, respectively. Instead, the dietary contents of cereal grains (∼120 to 160 g/kg), fat (15 to 25 g/kg) and protein concentrates (150 to 180 g/kg) are usually low with respect to other intensively reared monogastric animals. Cell wall constituents are not well digested in rabbits, but this effect is compensated by its stimulus of gut motility, which leads to an increasing rate of passage of digesta, and allows achieving an elevated dry matter intake. A high feed consumption and an adequate balance in essential nutrients are required to sustain the elevated needs of high-productive rabbits measured either as reproductive yield, milk production or growth rate in the fattening period. Around weaning, pathologies occur in a context of incomplete development of the digestive physiology of young rabbits. The supply of balanced diets has also been related to the prevention of disorders by means of three mechanisms: (i) promoting a lower retention time of the digesta in the digestive tract through feeding fibre sources with optimal chemical and physical characteristics, (ii) restricting feed intake after weaning or (iii) causing a lower flow of easily available substrates into the fermentative area by modifying feed composition (e.g. by lowering protein and starch contents, increasing its digestibility or partially substituting insoluble with soluble fibre), or by delaying age at weaning. The alteration in the gut microbiota composition has been postulated as the possible primary cause of these pathologies

    N-acetylcysteine during critical neurodevelopmental periods prevents behavioral and neurochemical deficits in the Poly I:C rat model of schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder with an inflammatory/prooxidant component. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has been evaluated in schizophrenia as an adjuvant to antipsychotics, but its role as a preventive strategy has not been sufficiently explored. We aimed to evaluate the potential of NAC administration in two-time windows before the onset of symptoms in a schizophrenia-like maternal immune stimulation (MIS) rat model. Pregnant Wistar rats were injected with Poly I:C or Saline on gestational day (GD) 15. Three different preventive approaches were evaluated: 1) NAC treatment during periadolescence in the offspring (from postnatal day [PND] 35 to 49); 2) NAC treatment during pregnancy after MIS challenge until delivery (GD15–21); and 3) NAC treatment throughout all pregnancy (GD1–21). At postnatal day (PND) 70, prepulse inhibition (PPI) and anxiety levels were evaluated. In vivo magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was acquired on PND100 to assess structural changes in gray and white matter, and brain metabolite concentrations. Additionally, inflammation and oxidative stress (IOS) markers were measured ex vivo in selected brain regions. MIS offspring showed behavioral, neuroanatomical, and biochemical alterations. Interestingly, NAC treatment during periadolescence prevented PPI deficits and partially counteracted some biochemical imbalances. Moreover, NAC treatments during pregnancy not only replicated the beneficial outcomes reported by the treatment in periadolescence, but also prevented some neuroanatomical deficits, including reductions in hippocampal and corpus callosum volumes. This study suggests that early reduction of inflammation and prooxidation could help prevent the onset of schizophrenia-like symptoms, supporting the importance of anti-IOS compounds in ameliorating this disorder.15 página

    Трансформація ідеї державного суверенітету в системі міжнародних відносин XV – XVII ст.

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    Аналізується система міжнародних відносин XV–XVII ст., а також процес формування національних держав. Охарактеризовано принципи державного суверенітету і його законодавче закріплення у Вестфальському мирному договорі 1648 року. Шляхом зіставлення виділяються особливості та головні ознаки Вестфальської моделі державного суверенітету.The article analyzes the system of international relations XV–XVII and also process of forming of the national states. Principles of state sovereignty are characterized and him legislative fixing in Vestfallen of peace treaty in 1648. By comparison features and main signs of Vestfallen model of state sovereignty are selected

    Effectiveness of rosuvastatin plus colchicine, emtricitabine/tenofovir and combinations thereof in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 : a pragmatic, open-label randomized trial

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    Q1Q1The use of rosuvastatin plus colchicine and emtricitabine/tenofovir in hospitalized patients with SARS- CoV-2 disease (COVID-19) has not been assessed. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness and safety of rosuvastatin plus colchicine, emtricitabine/tenofovir, and their combined use in these patients.Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Ex vivo, in situ perfusion protocol for human brain fixation compatible with microscopy, MRI techniques, and anatomical studies

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    We present a method for human brain fixation based on simultaneous perfusion of 4% paraformaldehyde through carotids after a flush with saline. The left carotid cannula is used to perfuse the body with 10% formalin, to allow further use of the body for anatomical research or teaching. The aim of our method is to develop a vascular fixation protocol for the human brain, by adapting protocols that are commonly used in experimental animal studies. We show that a variety of histological procedures can be carried out (cyto- and myeloarchitectonics, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, intracellular cell injection, and electron microscopy). In addition, ex vivo, ex situ high-resolution MRI (9.4T) can be obtained in the same specimens. This procedure resulted in similar morphological features to those obtained by intravascular perfusion in experimental animals, provided that the postmortem interval was under 10 h for several of the techniques used and under 4 h in the case of intracellular injections and electron microscopy. The use of intravascular fixation of the brain inside the skull provides a fixed whole human brain, perfectly fitted to the skull, with negligible deformation compared to conventional techniques. Given this characteristic of ex vivo, in situ fixation, this procedure can probably be considered the most suitable one available for ex vivo MRI scans of the brain. We describe the compatibility of the method proposed for intravascular fixation of the human brain and fixation of the donor’s body for anatomical purposes. Thus, body donor programs can provide human brain tissue, while the remainder of the body can also be fixed for anatomical studies. Therefore, this method of human brain fixation through the carotid system optimizes the procurement of human brain tissue, allowing a greater understanding of human neurological diseases, while benefiting anatomy departments by making the remainder of the body available for teaching purposes.This work was supported in part by the National Institute of Health (Grant R01 AG056014-R01), a UCLM travel grant (to RI), a UCLM research grant to Human Neuroanatomy Laboratory (2020-GRIN-28837), and project EQC2019-006341-P (AEI/FEDER UE)