263 research outputs found

    Growth factor in f(T) gravity

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    We derive the evolution equation of growth factor for the matter over-dense perturbation in f(T)f(T) gravity. For instance, we investigate its behavior in power law model at small redshift and compare it to the prediction of Λ\LambdaCDM and dark energy with the same equation of state in the framework of Einstein general relativity. We find that the perturbation in f(T)f(T) gravity grows slower than that in Einstein general relativity if \p f/\p T>0 due to the effectively weakened gravity.Comment: 15 pages,1 figure; v2,typos corrected; v3, discussions added, accepted by JCA

    Parametrization for the Scale Dependent Growth in Modified Gravity

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    We propose a scale dependent analytic approximation to the exact linear growth of density perturbations in Scalar-Tensor (ST) cosmologies. In particular, we show that on large subhorizon scales, in the Newtonian gauge, the usual scale independent subhorizon growth equation does not describe the growth of perturbations accurately, as a result of scale-dependent relativistic corrections to the Poisson equation. A comparison with exact linear numerical analysis indicates that our approximation is a significant improvement over the standard subhorizon scale independent result on large subhorizon scales. A comparison with the corresponding results in the Synchronous gauge demonstrates the validity and consistency of our analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Minor modifications and references added to match published versio

    Generalized second law of thermodynamics in f(T) gravity

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    We investigate the validity of the generalized second law (GSL) of gravitational thermodynamics in the framework of f(T) modified teleparallel gravity. We consider a spatially flat FRW universe containing only the pressureless matter. The boundary of the universe is assumed to be enclosed by the Hubble horizon. For two viable f(T) models containing f(T)=T+μ1(T)nf(T)=T+\mu_1{(-T)}^n and f(T)=Tμ2T(1eβT0T)f(T)=T-\mu_2 T(1-e^{\beta\frac{T_0}{T}}), we first calculate the effective equation of state and deceleration parameters. Then, we investigate the null and strong energy conditions and conclude that a sudden future singularity appears in both models. Furthermore, using a cosmographic analysis we check the viability of two models. Finally, we examine the validity of the GSL and find that for both models it is satisfied from the early times to the present epoch. But in the future, the GSL is violated for the special ranges of the torsion scalar T.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted by JCAP 201

    A step towards testing general relativity using weak gravitational lensing and redshift surveys

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    Using the linear theory of perturbations in General Relativity, we express a set of consistency relations that can be observationally tested with current and future large scale structure surveys. We then outline a stringent model-independent program to test gravity on cosmological scales. We illustrate the feasibility of such a program by jointly using several observables like peculiar velocities, galaxy clustering and weak gravitational lensing. After addressing possible observational or astrophysical caveats like galaxy bias and redshift uncertainties, we forecast in particular how well one can predict the lensing signal from a cosmic shear survey using an over-lapping galaxy survey. We finally discuss the specific physics probed this way and illustrate how f(R)f(R) gravity models would fail such a test.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Observational Constraints on Teleparallel Dark Energy

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    We use data from Type Ia Supernovae (SNIa), Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO), and Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations to constrain the recently proposed teleparallel dark energy scenario based on the teleparallel equivalent of General Relativity, in which one adds a canonical scalar field, allowing also for a nonminimal coupling with gravity. Using the power-law, the exponential and the inverse hyperbolic cosine potential ansatzes, we show that the scenario is compatible with observations. In particular, the data favor a nonminimal coupling, and although the scalar field is canonical the model can describe both the quintessence and phantom regimes.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, version accepted by JCA

    Notes on f(T)f(T) Theories

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    The cosmological models based on teleparallel gravity with nonzero torsion are considered. To investigate the evolution of this theory, we consider the phase-space analysis of the f(T)f(T) theory. It shows when the tension scalar can be written as an inverse function of xx where x=ρe/(3mpl2H2)x=\rho_{e}/(3m_{pl}^{2}H^{2}) and T=g(x)T=g(x), the system is an autonomous one. Furthermore,the ωeωe\omega_{e}-\omega'_{e} phase analysis is given out. We perform the dynamical analysis for the models f(T)=βTln(T/T0)f(T)=\beta T\ln(T/T_{0}) and f(T)=αmpl2(T/mpl2)nf(T)=\alpha m_{pl}^{2}(-T/m_{pl}^{2})^{n} particularly. We find that the universe will settle into de-Sitter phase for both models. And we have examined the evolution behavior of the power law form in the ωepωep\omega_{ep}-\omega'_{ep} plane.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    A parametrization for the growth index of linear matter perturbations

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    We propose a parametrization for the growth index of the linear matter perturbations, γ(z)=γ0+z1+zγ1\gamma(z)=\gamma_0+\frac{z}{1+z}\gamma_1. The growth factor of the perturbations parameterized as Ωmγ\Omega_m^{\gamma} is analyzed for both the wwCDM model and the DGP model with our proposed form for γ\gamma. We find that γ1\gamma_1 is negative for the wwCDM model but is positive for the DGP model. Thus it provides another signature to discriminate them. We demonstrate that Ωmγ\Omega_m^{\gamma} with γ\gamma taking our proposed form approximates the growth factor very well both at low and high redshfits for both kinds of models. In fact, the error is below 0.03% for the Λ\LambdaCDM model and 0.18% for the DGP model for all redshifts when Ωm0=0.27\Omega_{m0}=0.27. Therefore, our parametrization may be robustly used to constrain the growth index of different models with the observational data which include points for redshifts ranging from 0.15 to 3.8, thus providing discriminative signatures for different models.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures; Added reference

    Birkhoff's theorem in the f(T) gravity

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    Generalized from the so-called teleparallel gravity which is exactly equivalent to general relativity, the f(T)f(T) gravity has been proposed as an alternative gravity model to account for the dark energy phenomena. In this letter we prove that the external vacuum gravitational field for a spherically symmetric distribution of source matter in the f(T)f(T) gravity framework must be static and the conclusion is independent of the radial distribution and spherically symmetric motion of the source matter that is, whether it is in motion or static. As a consequence, the Birkhoff's theorem is valid in the general f(T)f(T) theory. We also discuss its application in the de Sitter space-time evolution phase as preferred to by the nowadays dark energy observations.Comment: 5p

    Exploring nu signals in dark matter detectors

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    We investigate standard and non-standard solar neutrino signals in direct dark matter detection experiments. It is well known that even without new physics, scattering of solar neutrinos on nuclei or electrons is an irreducible background for direct dark matter searches, once these experiments each the ton scale. Here, we entertain the possibility that neutrino interactions are enhanced by new physics, such as new light force carriers (for instance a "dark photon") or neutrino magnetic moments. We consider models with only the three standard neutrino flavors, as well as scenarios with extra sterile neutrinos. We find that low-energy neutrino--electron and neutrino--nucleus scattering rates can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude, potentially enough to explain the event excesses observed in CoGeNT and CRESST. We also investigate temporal modulation in these neutrino signals, which can arise from geometric effects, oscillation physics, non-standard neutrino energy loss, and direction-dependent detection efficiencies. We emphasize that, in addition to providing potential explanations for existing signals, models featuring new physics in the neutrino sector can also be very relevant to future dark matter searches, where, on the one hand, they can be probed and constrained, but on the other hand, their signatures could also be confused with dark matter signals.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figures, 1 table; v3: eq 3 and nuclear recoil plots corrected, footnote added, conclusions unchange

    Phase-Space analysis of Teleparallel Dark Energy

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    We perform a detailed dynamical analysis of the teleparallel dark energy scenario, which is based on the teleparallel equivalent of General Relativity, in which one adds a canonical scalar field, allowing also for a nonminimal coupling with gravity. We find that the universe can result in the quintessence-like, dark-energy-dominated solution, or to the stiff dark-energy late-time attractor, similarly to standard quintessence. However, teleparallel dark energy possesses an additional late-time solution, in which dark energy behaves like a cosmological constant, independently of the specific values of the model parameters. Finally, during the evolution the dark energy equation-of-state parameter can be either above or below -1, offering a good description for its observed dynamical behavior and its stabilization close to the cosmological-constant value.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, version published at JCA