276 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la competencia clínica en el posgrado de medicina familiar mediante el Examen Clínico Objetivo Estructurado

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    ObjetivoValorar la competencia clínica de los residentes de primer año del Curso de Especialización en Medicina Familiar aplicando un examen clínico objetivo estructurado (ECOE) para evaluar en forma simultánea las áreas cognoscitiva, afectiva y psicomotriz.DiseñoDescriptivo, observacional.EmplazamientoClínicas de medicina familiar del área metropolitana de la Ciudad de México.ParticipantesOchenta y nueve médicos en capacitación del curso de especialización en medicina familiar, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.Mediciones principalesPrevio diseño de listas de cotejo, validación de contenido por expertos, diseño de material de apoyo para la evaluación y prueba piloto, se aplicó un ECOE con 10 temas o estaciones, ocho de ellas dinámicas y dos estáticas. El criterio para considerar un nivel de desempeño competente fue de 60 puntos de un máximo de 100, tanto en cada estación como en el promedio global. El análisis estadístico fue univariado, utilizando estadística descriptiva.ResultadosEl promedio global de las calificaciones en todas las estaciones fue inferior a 60. El promedio porcentual más alto fue 73 en la estación de control de niño sano. En las cinco estaciones con mejor puntuación, la dispersión fue menor que en las cinco estaciones con la puntuación más baja. En la estación de estudio de familia se obtuvo una puntuación baja.ConclusionesEl rendimiento académico evaluado mediante ECOE para valorar la competencia clínica fue bajo. La aplicación de este tipo de examen permitió evaluar de forma más objetiva la competencia clínica. Se requiere probar escalas de evaluación de intervalo para valorar de forma más adecuada la calidad de la realización de las actividades clínicas.ObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical competence of first-year residents on the course specialising in family medicine, by applying a structured objective clinical test (SOCT) for simultaneous assessment of cognitive, affective and psychomotor areas.DesignObservational and descriptive.SettingFamily medicine clinics in the metropolitan area of Mexico City.Participants89 doctors on the specialist course in Family Medicine at the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).Main measurementsAfter prior design of comparison lists, expert validation of content, and design of support material for the evaluation and pilot study, a SOCT with ten themes or sections, eight dynamic and two static, was administered. The cut-off point for competent performance was 60 out of 100, both in each section and in the overall average. The statistical analysis was univariate, using descriptive statistics.ResultsThe overall average of scores in all sections was under 60. The highest average was 73, in the section for monitoring healthy children. In the five highest-scoring sections, the scattering was lower than in the other five. There were low scores in the family study section.ConclusionsAcademic performance, as evaluated by a SOCT measuring clinical competence, was low. This kind of test enabled clinical competence to be assessed more objectively. Interval evaluation scales need to be tested so as to evaluate better the quality of the performance of clinical activities

    Software público, libre, abierto, gratuito, privativo y comercial para la innovación y mejora de la calidad en la docencia, investigación, gestión y asistencia

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    The public free software (now renamed as open software) is the basis of the open source software (OSS) project. This initiative promotes the use of open standards and platform-independent accessibility. Many OSS products are free or low cost, which allows their deployment even in the absence of large economic resources (developing countries, schools, etc.). Besides, their source code can be modified, adapted and optimized by anyone, since it is public. Nevertheless, the OSS may also have drawbacks. Thus, its development may not be as orderly and hierarchical as the privative software is, and may not have an appropriate funding. This may jeopardize the ease of use and coherence of the final product, increasing the transition, training and technical support costs. Besides, it must be taken into account that there is also commercial open software, as well as free privative software. In any case, the excellence of the software may be independent of such variables. Thus, the best strategy is the coexistence and free competition of all kinds of software. This will allow a quality improvement and an innovation enhancement, which will benefit the education, research, management and assistance at the university in particular and at the whole society in general.El software público libre es el fundamento del movimiento de software de fuente abierta (OSS). Éste puede facilitar el uso de estándares abiertos, con accesibilidad independiente de plataforma informática. El bajo coste o gratuidad de muchos productos OSS permite su implantación cuando los recursos económicos son escasos (países en desarrollo, escuelas, etc.). Además, su código se puede modificar, adaptar y mejorar por cualquiera, ya que es público. No obstante, el OSS también puede presentar inconvenientes. Así, su desarrollo puede no ser tan ordenado y jerárquico como el del software privativo y puede no tener una financiación apropiada. De este modo, puede verse comprometida la facilidad de uso y coherencia del producto final. Ello puede incrementar los costes de transición, entrenamiento y soporte técnico. Por otra parte, conviene recordar que existe software libre comercial y software privativo gratuito. En cualquier caso, la excelencia del software puede ser independiente de dichas variables. Por tanto, la mejor estrategia es la coexistencia y libre competencia de todo tipo de software. Así se puede conseguir una mejora de calidad y una potenciación de la innovación, que beneficie a la docencia, investigación, gestión y asistencia universitarias en particular, así como a la sociedad en general

    Photoelectric Properties of MOS-like Structures with Twofold SRO Films

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    AbstractThe optical properties of silicon rich oxide (SRO) have been deeply studied because, between other reasons, they emit an intense photoluminescence (PL) from visible to the near infrared range when excited with UV light. MOS-like structures with SRO film as the active layer have shown an enhanced conductivity under different illumination conditions. In this paper, MOS-like structures with double SRO layer were fabricated in order to have a barrier to isolate the silicon substrate from the active SRO layer. Results show that all structures have a higher current when light shines on them than that obtained under dark conditions. A possible application of this photo-effect can be used to increase the response of photodetectors and silicon solar cells

    Steady-State 3D Trapping and Manipulation of Microbubbles Using Thermocapillary

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    [EN] An experimental and theoretical study on the 3D trapping and manipulation of microbubbles by means low power laser-induced temperature gradients induced in ethanol by bulk light absorption (¿ 1550 nm) is presented. Two optical fibers were used: One for bubble generation (OFG) and the other for both trapping and manipulation (OFT). Light from a Q-switched pulsed laser (¿ 532 nm and pulse width ¿p 5 ns) propagates in fiber OFG and gets absorbed at silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), previously photodeposited, at the distal end of a fiber optic core, generating the microbubbles. In the fiber OFT, light of low power CW laser was used to trap and manipulate the bubbles by thermocapillary induced by light bulk absorption in ethanol. The microbubble generated on OFG migrates toward the fiber OFT. The equilibrium between the buoyancy force FB, drag force FD and the Marangoni force (also known as thermocapillary force) FM gives rise to a 3D stably trapping and manipulation of the microbubble for the best time to our best knowledge.This work was supported by CONACyT through the grant number A1-S-28440.Muñoz-Pérez, FM.; Ortega-Mendoza, JG.; Padilla-Vivanco, A.; Toxqui-Quitl, C.; Sarabia-Alonso, J.; Ramos-García, R. (2020). Steady-State 3D Trapping and Manipulation of Microbubbles Using Thermocapillary. Frontiers in Physics. 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2020.585590

    De semillas a bioenergía: un camino de conversión para la valorización de semillas de ricino y jatrofa

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    The world’s energy matrix can be diversified with biodiesel from castor and jatropha oil. Hence, the objective of this study was to assess a conversion path for the valorization of castor and jatropha seeds. The results showed the maximum extraction of castor oil at 90 °C, 2 rpm, and 6 mm nozzle, achieving a yield of 36.97% and for jatropha oil at 100 °C, 1.5 rpm, and 10 mm nozzle, achieving a yield of 20.11%. The acid value and cloud point of castor and jatropha oil were 0.797 and 23.44 mg KOH/g, 10±1 °C and 12±0.55 °C, respectively; while the pour point was -3 °C for both. The acid value and cloud point for biodiesels ranged from 0.26-0.43 mg KOH/g, and -12.50-6.10 °C, respectively. The viscosity of oils and biodiesel ranged from 0.02-1.3 P. GC-MS indicated 66.38% of methyl ricinoleate in castor biodiesel and 31.64% of methyl oleate in jatropha biodiesel. The HHV for castor and jatropha biodiesel ranged from 32.37-40.25 MJ/kg.La matriz energética mundial puede diversificarse con biodiesel de ricino y de jatrofa. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la ruta de conversión de las semillas de ricino y jatrofa. Los resultados mostraron que la máxima extracción de aceite de ricino se dio a 90 °C, 2 rpm, y boquilla de 6 mm, alcanzando un rendimiento de 36,97% y para el aceite de jatrofa fue a 100 °C, 1,5 rpm, y boquilla de 10 mm, obteniendo un rendimiento de 20,11%. El índice de acidez y punto de nube del aceite de ricino y jatrofa fue de 0,797 y 23,44 mg de KOH/g, 10 ± 1 °C y 12 ± 0,55 °C, respectivamente, mientras que el punto de fluidez fue de -3 °C para ambos. El índice de acidez y el punto de nube del biodiésel de ricino y jatropha fueron 0,43 y 0,26 mg KOH/g, -12,50 °C y 6,10 °C, respectivamente. La viscosidad dinámica de los aceites y el biodiesel osciló entre 0,02 y 1,3 P. El análisis GC-MS indicó 66,38% de ricinoleato de metilo en biodiesel de higuerilla y 31,64% de oleato de metilo en biodiesel de jatrofa. El HHV para el biodiésel de ricino y jatrofa osciló entre 32,37 y 40,25 MJ/kg

    Histogenesis and cell differentiation in the retina of Thunnus thynnus: a morphological and immunohistochemical study

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    This study examines the anatomical development of the visual system of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, during the first 15 days of life at histological level, with emphasis in the immunohistochemical characterization of different cell types. As an altricial fish species, the retina was not developed at hatching. The appearance of eye pigmentation and the transformation of the retina from an undifferentiated neuroblastic layer into a laminated structure occurred during the first two days of life. At 16 days after hatching (DAH), the ganglion cells were arranged in a single row in the central region of the retina and the outer segments of the photoreceptors were morphologically developed. Furthermore, at this age, all the retinal cell types were immunohistochemically characterized. The presence of ganglion cell axons was confirmed with the TUJ1 antibody and the existence of functional synapses in the plexiform layers with antibodies against SV2. Cone opsins were immunostained with antibodies against visinin and CERN-922 immunoreactive rods were also identified. Different subpopulations of amacrine cells were immunostained with antibodies against αTH and PV. Highly GS-immunoreactive Müller cells were also detected at this age. These observations suggested that the T. thynnus retina was fully functional at the end of the second week of life. Basic studies on early morphology of the visual system and larval behaviour are necessary to support applied research on larval rearing. Furthermore, they may have implications for understanding larval ecology in the wild.Versión del edito

    Low Background Micromegas in CAST

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    Solar axions could be converted into x-rays inside the strong magnetic field of an axion helioscope, triggering the detection of this elusive particle. Low background x-ray detectors are an essential component for the sensitivity of these searches. We report on the latest developments of the Micromegas detectors for the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST), including technological pathfinder activities for the future International Axion Observatory (IAXO). The use of low background techniques and the application of discrimination algorithms based on the high granularity of the readout have led to background levels below 106^{-6} counts/keV/cm2^2/s, more than a factor 100 lower than the first generation of Micromegas detectors. The best levels achieved at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC) are as low as 107^{-7} counts/keV/cm2^2/s, showing good prospects for the application of this technology in IAXO. The current background model, based on underground and surface measurements, is presented, as well as the strategies to further reduce the background level. Finally, we will describe the R&D paths to achieve sub-keV energy thresholds, which could broaden the physics case of axion helioscopes.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Large TPC Conference 2014, Pari

    Educación y cooperación para el desarrollo mediante estándares universales de accesibilidad

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    Accesibilidad a Internet: requisitos para la calidad en la docencia e investigación

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    A good Internet platform for teaching and research must be accessible, independently of the computer platform used, language and other peculiarities (personal or external). This work analyzes the current limitations of Internet access, as well as the potentialities that would represent an access being truly independent of the computer platform, discapacities, availability and speed of access, language and legislation. Thus, the benefits for a more accesible network for lecturing and investigation, overcoming the geographic location or possible discapacity, would be immediate and would have a broad impact spectrum. A more accesible Internet would enhace not only the dissemination of the information, approaching us to the 'global village', but also others aspects like university principles and values that sould be considered: an improvement of the equality of opportunities and the access to the culture and the education, that are the basis of the progress and the individual and collective liberties.Una buena plataforma de docencia e investigación en la red debe ser accesible, independientemente del entorno informático, idioma y condicionantes( personales o externos). Es este trabajo se analizan, por una parte, las limitaciones actuales que se presentan en el acceso a Internet, y por otra las potencialidades que tendría un acceso un acceso independiente de las plataforma informáticas, discapacidades, disponibilidad y velocidad de acceso, idioma y legislación. Así, los beneficios para la docencia y la investigación de una red más accesible, por encima de la localización geográfica o posible discapacidad, serán inmediatos y redundaría en otros campos. Una Internet más accesible abriría una nueva vía no sólo para la difusión de la información, acercándonos a la 'aldea global', sino también para otros aspectos de lo que entenderemos como principios y valores universitarios y que deben ser considerados: una mejora en la igualdad de oportunidades y en el acceso a la cultura y la formación, que son las bases del progreso y de las libertades tanto individuales como colectivas