9 research outputs found

    In vitro assessment of antagonistic activities of isolates from gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) gastrointestinal tract fed microalgae supplemented diet

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    The use of probiotics has emerged as a sustainable alternative to antibiotics in the control of infectious diseases, favouring fish health management, growth performance and feed utilisation, among others. microalgae represent an interesting source of nutrients and functional ingredients for aquafeeds. However, their digestibility is often limited by the presence of anti-nutritional factors or absence of appropriate enzymatic activities in the fish gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The aims of the present work were to isolate potential probiotics from the GIT of Sparus aurata fed with a diet containing 25 % microalgae and characterize their antagonism against fish pathogens. Altogether, 117 strains were isolated from juvenile seabream (146.8 ± 16.4 g) and screened for hydrolytic enzyme activities. Results showed that 48 %, 41 %, 77 % and 30 % of isolates were able to hydrolyse protein, lipids, collagen and starch, respectively. Moreover, 46 %, 8 % and 57 % of isolates exhibited the ability to degrade phytate, tannins and cellulose, respectively. Based on these results, a total of 32 isolates were selected for inhibitory activity against several fish pathogens assessment. Inhibition against Aeromonas hydrophila and Vibrio anguillarum was detected in 38 % of the isolates, whilst 44 % and 47 % inhibited P damselae subsp. damselae and P. damselae subsp. piscicida, respectively. Inhibition abilities were detected in the isolates when tested against Tenacibaculum species. Thus, 56 % inhibited Tenacibaculum maritimum; 63 % T. soleae and 22 % T. gallaecium. Overall, results showed that three strains display ability to hydrolyse 4 of the assayed substrates and produce inhibition against 8 fish pathogens, and two strains are capable to hydrolyse 5 substrates and inhibit 8 fish pathogens. Selected strains show characteristics to be considered for further characterization as potential probiotics in gilthead seabream aquaculture and microalgae-supplemented aquafeeds.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Dietary supplementation of heat-treated Gracilaria and Ulva seaweeds enhanced acute hypoxia tolerance in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)

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    Intensive aquaculture practices involve rearing fish at high densities. In these conditions, fish may be exposed to suboptimal dissolved O2 levels with an increased formation of reactive O2 species (ROS) in tissues. Seaweeds (SW) contain biologically active substances with efficient antioxidant capacities. This study evaluated the effects of dietary supplementation of heat-treated SW (5% Gracilaria vermiculophylla or 5% Ulva lactuca) on stress bioindicators in sea bream subjected to a hypoxic challenge. 168 fish (104.5 g average weight) were distributed in 24 tanks, in which eight tanks were fed one of three experimental diets for 34 days: (i) a control diet without SW supplementation, (ii) a control diet supplemented with Ulva, or (iii) a control diet with Gracilaria. Thereafter, fish from 12 tanks (n=4 tanks/dietary treatment) were subjected to 24 h hypoxia (1.3 mg O2 l-1) and subsequent recovery normoxia (8.6 mg O2 l-1). Hypoxic fish showed an increase in hematocrit values regardless of dietary treatment. Dietary modulation of the O2-carrying capacity was conspicuous during recovery, as fish fed SW supplemented diets displayed significantly higher haemoglobin concentration than fish fed the control diet. After the challenge, survival rates in both groups of fish fed SW were higher, which was consistent with a decrease in hepatic lipid peroxidation in these groups. Furthermore, the hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities were modulated differently by changes in environmental O2 condition, particularly in sea bream fed the Gracilaria diet. After being subjected to hypoxia, the gene expression of antioxidant enzymes and molecular chaperones in liver and heart were down regulated in sea bream fed SW diets. This study suggests that the antioxidant properties of heat-treated SW may have a protective role against oxidative stress. The nature of these compounds and possible mechanisms implied are currently being investigated. © 2017. Published by The Company of BiologistsThe authors are grateful to Pedro Eloi, Fernando Magalhães and Carlos Morais (ICBAS-UP) for fish maintenance. We would like to thank Kevin Tromp (WIAS-WU), Luis Pereira, Francisca Silva-Brito, and Filipa Fontinha for technical assistance during sampling and analysis (CIIMAR-UP). The authors would like to express gratitude to Rui Pereira (ALGA plus), Jorge Dias (Sparos Lda.), Jon Svendsen and Maria João Peixoto (CIIMAR-UP) for technical advic

    Characterization of the peripheral thyroid system of gilthead seabream acclimated to different ambient salinities

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    Thyroid hormones are involved in many developmental and physiological processes, including osmoregulation. The regulation of the thyroid system by environmental salinity in the euryhaline gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) is still poorly characterized. To this end seabreams were exposed to four different environmental salinities (5, 15, 40 and 55 ppt) for 14 days, and plasma free thyroid hormones (fT3, ff4), outer ring deiodination and Na+/K+ -ATPase activities in gills and kidney, as well as other osmoregulatory and metabolic parameters were measured. Low salinity conditions (5 ppt) elicited a significant increase in fT3 (29%) and ff4 (184%) plasma concentrations compared to control animals (acclimated to 40 ppt, natural salinity conditions in the Bay of Cadiz, Spain), while the amount of pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone subunit 13 (tshb) transcript abundance remained unchanged. In addition, plasma fT4 levels were positively correlated to renal and branchial deiodinase type 2 (dio2) mRNA expression. Gill and kidney T4-outer ring deiodination activities correlated positively with dio2 mRNA expression and the highest values were observed in fish acclimated to low salinities (5 and 15 ppt). The high salinity (55 ppt) exposure caused a significant increase in tshb expression (65%), but deiodinase gene expression (diol and dio2) and activity did not change and were similar to controls (40 ppt). In conclusion, acclimation to different salinities led to changes in the peripheral regulation of thyroid hormone metabolism in seabream. Therefore, thyroid hormones are involved in the regulation of ion transport and osmoregulatory physiology in this species. The conclusions derived from this study may also allow aquaculturists to modulate thyroid metabolism in seabream by adjusting culture salinity. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Socrates/Erasmus Grant from the European UnionUniversity of Cadiz [UCA 2009-074-FPI]Ministerio de Education y Ciencia, Spain [AGL2007-61211/ACU]FEDER, Spain [AGL2007-61211/ACU]Proyecto de Excelencia (Junta de Andalucia) [PO7-RNM-02843]Science Foundation (FCT) of Portugal [SFRH/BPD/89889/2012, SFRH/BPD/84033/2012]info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Selection for growth is associated in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) with diet flexibility, changes in growth patterns and higher intestine plasticity

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    Farmed gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) is able to grow efficiently with new feed formulations based on plant ingredients. Here, two experimental diets with standard and high inclusion levels of plant ingredients were formulated to assess the suited use of plant-based diets in fish with different growth genetic backgrounds. To pursue this issue, a long-term feeding trial (12-months) was conducted with fish (17 g initial body weight) of 16 families coming from the broodstock of PROGENSA project, that were grown communally in the IATS-CSIC experimental facilities. All fish in the study (2545) were PIT-tagged, and their pedigree was re-constructed with 96% success by using a SMsa1 multiplex of 11 microsatellites, which revealed the main parents contributions of 5 females and 6 males. Each diet was randomly assigned to replicate 3000 L tanks, gathering each replicate a similar family composition through all the feeding trial. Data on growth performance highlighted a strong ge- netic effect on growth trajectories, associated with enhanced growth during winter in fish selected for faster growth. No main dietary effects were found on growth rates or condition factor, and regression-correlation analyses of growth rates across families on both diets suggest that genome by diet interaction was weak, while genetic variation accounted for most of the growth phenotypic variation. Hepatosomatic index (HSI) and me- senteric fat index (MSI) of five families, covering the growth variability of the population, were regulated nu- tritionally and genetically, but without statistically significant genome by diet interactions. Fish from faster growing families showed shorter intestines after being fed the control diet, but this phenotype was masked by the enriched plant-based diet. Collectively, the results demonstrate that selection for faster growth is associated in gilthead sea bream with different growth trajectories and a high diet flexibility and intestine plasticity.Versión del editor2,04

    Feed supplementation with winery by-products improves the physiological status of juvenile Liza aurata during a short-term feeding trial and hypoxic challenge

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    The search of bioactive compounds obtained from natural sources with beneficial effects in growth and health is an increasing trend in aquaculture. Wine by-products are an excellent source of such compounds, mostly phenolics, with demonstrated antioxidant and immunostimulant activities in vertebrates. The present study evaluated the effects of dietary inclusion (100 g/kg) of two wine by-products (grape pomace and lees) on growth, immune status and metabolism of juvenile golden gray mullet (Liza aurata), as well as the potential protective effect of compounds present in the two by products against induced stress produced by moderate hypoxia. Results evidenced a significant positive effect of grape pomace on feed efficiency, as well as in different indicators of metabolic and immunological status of the fish. Also, a significant negative effect of wine lees on the functional diversity of intestinal microbiota was evidenced. Fish fed on diets containing any of the two by-products evidenced significantly lower levels of cortisol when challenged by hypoxia, this pointing to a protective effect mediated by their contents in phenolic compounds and suggesting an interesting and practical application for these agricultural by-products

    Selection for growth is associated in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) with diet flexibility, changes in growth patterns and higher intestine plasticity

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    Farmed gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) is able to grow efficiently with new feed formulations based on plant ingredients. Here, two experimental diets with standard and high inclusion levels of plant ingredients were formulated to assess the suited use of plant-based diets in fish with different growth genetic backgrounds. To pursue this issue, a long-term feeding trial (12-months) was conducted with fish (17 g initial body weight) of 16 families coming from the broodstock of PROGENSA project, that were grown communally in the IATS-CSIC experimental facilities. All fish in the study (2545) were PIT-tagged, and their pedigree was re-constructed with 96% success by using a SMsa1 multiplex of 11 microsatellites, which revealed the main parents contributions of 5 females and 6 males. Each diet was randomly assigned to replicate 3000 L tanks, gathering each replicate a similar family composition through all the feeding trial. Data on growth performance highlighted a strong genetic effect on growth trajectories, associated with enhanced growth during winter in fish selected for faster growth. No main dietary effects were found on growth rates or condition factor, and regression-correlation analyses of growth rates across families on both diets suggest that genome by diet interaction was weak, while genetic variation accounted for most of the growth phenotypic variation. Hepatosomatic index (HSI) and mesenteric fat index (MSI) of five families, covering the growth variability of the population, were regulated nutritionally and genetically, but without statistically significant genome by diet interactions. Fish from faster growing families showed shorter intestines after being fed the control diet, but this phenotype was masked by the enriched plant-based diet. Collectively, the results demonstrate that selection for faster growth is associated in gilthead sea bream with different growth trajectories and a high diet flexibility and intestine plasticity