368 research outputs found

    VLBI for Gravity Probe B. V. Proper Motion and Parallax of the Guide Star, IM Pegasi

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    We present the principal astrometric results of the very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) program undertaken in support of the Gravity Probe B (GP-B) relativity mission. VLBI observations of the GP-B guide star, the RS CVn binary IM Pegasi (HR 8703), yielded positions at 35 epochs between 1997 and 2005. We discuss the statistical assumptions behind these results and our methods for estimating the systematic errors. We find the proper motion of IM Peg in an extragalactic reference frame closely related to the International Celestial Reference Frame 2 (ICRF2) to be -20.83 +- 0.03 +- 0.09 mas/yr in right ascension and -27.27 +- 0.03 +- 0.09 mas/yr in declination. For each component the first uncertainty is the statistical standard error and the second is the total standard error (SE) including plausible systematic errors. We also obtain a parallax of 10.37 +- 0.07 mas (distance: 96.4 +- 0.7 pc), for which there is no evidence of any significant contribution of systematic error. Our parameter estimates for the ~25-day-period orbital motion of the stellar radio emission have SEs corresponding to ~0.10 mas on the sky in each coordinate. The total SE of our estimate of IM Peg's proper motion is ~30% smaller than the accuracy goal set by the GP-B project before launch: 0.14 mas/yr for each coordinate of IM Peg's proper motion. Our results ensure that the uncertainty in IM Peg's proper motion makes only a very small contribution to the uncertainty of the GP-B relativity tests.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Astrometric accuracy of phase-referenced observations with the VLBA and EVN

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    Astrometric accuracy of complex modern VLBI arrays cannot be calculated analytically. We study the astrometric accuracy of phase-referenced VLBI observations for the VLBA, EVN and global VLBI array by simulating VLBI data for targets at declinations -25^\circ, 0^\circ, 25^\circ, 50^\circ, 75^\circ and 85^\circ. The systematic error components considered in this study are calibrator position, station coordinate, Earth orientation and troposphere parameter uncertainties. We provide complete tables of the astrometric accuracies of these arrays for a source separation of 1^\circ either along the right ascension axis or along the declination axis. Astrometric accuracy is 50microas at mid declination and is 300microas at low (-25^\circ) and high (85^\circ) declinations for the VLBA and EVN. In extending our simulations to source separations of 0.5^\circ and 2^\circ, we establish the formula for the astrometric accuracy of the VLBA: Delta = (Delta_1^\circ-14)*d+ 14 (microas) where Delta_1^\circ is the astrometric accuracy for a separation d=1^\circ provided in our tables for various declinations and conditions of the wet troposphere. We argue that this formula is also valid for the astrometric accuracy of the EVN and global VLBI array.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronom

    VLBA determination of the distance to nearby star-forming regions II. Hubble 4 and HDE 283572 in Taurus

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    The non-thermal 3.6 cm radio continuum emission from the naked T Tauri stars Hubble 4 and HDE 283572 in Taurus has been observed with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) at 6 epochs between September 2004 and December 2005 with a typical separation between successive observations of 3 months. Thanks to the remarkably accurate astrometry delivered by the VLBA, the trajectory described by both stars on the plane of the sky could be traced very precisely, and modeled as the superposition of their trigonometric parallax and uniform proper motion. The best fits yield distances to Hubble 4 and HDE 283572 of 132.8 +/- 0.5 and 128.5 +/- 0.6 pc, respectively. Combining these results with the other two existing VLBI distance determinations in Taurus, we estimate the mean distance to the Taurus association to be 137 pc with a dispersion (most probably reflecting the depth of the complex) of about 20 pc.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figues, accepted in ApJ (Dec 20, 2007 issue

    Discovery of the Fomalhaut C debris disc

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    Fomalhaut is one of the most interesting and well studied nearby stars, hosting at least one planet, a spectacular debris ring, and two distant low-mass stellar companions (TW PsA and LP 876-10, a.k.a. Fomalhaut B & C). We observed both companions with Herschel, and while no disc was detected around the secondary, TW PsA, we have discovered the second debris disc in the Fomalhaut system, around LP 876-10. This detection is only the second case of two debris discs seen in a multiple system, both of which are relatively wide (\gtrsim3000 AU for HD 223352/40 and 158 kAU [0.77 pc] for Fomalhaut/LP 876-10). The disc is cool (24K) and relatively bright, with a fractional luminosity Ldisc/L=1.2×104L_{\rm disc}/L_\star = 1.2 \times 10^{-4}, and represents the rare observation of a debris disc around an M dwarf. Further work should attempt to find if the presence of two discs in the Fomalhaut system is coincidental, perhaps simply due to the relatively young system age of 440 Myr, or if the stellar components have dynamically interacted and the system is even more complex than it currently appears.Comment: Published in MNRAS Letters. Merry Xma

    Integration of the atmospheric fluctuations in a dual-field optical interferometer: the short exposure regime

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    Spatial phase-referencing in dual-field optical interferometry is reconsidered. Our analysis is based on the 2-sample variance of the differential phase between target and reference star. We show that averaging over time of the atmospheric effects depends on this 2-sample phase variance (Allan variance) rather than on the true variance. The proper expression for fringe smearing beyond the isoplanatic angle is derived. With simulations of atmospheric effects, based on a Paranal turbulence model, we show how the performances of a dual-field optical interferometer can be evaluated in a diagram 'separation angle' versus 'magnitude of faint object'. In this diagram, a domain with short exposure is found to be most useful for interferometry, with about the same magnitude limits in the H and K bands. With star counts from a Galaxy model, we evaluate the sky coverage for differential astrometry and detection of exoplanets, i.e. likelihood of faint reference stars in the vicinity of a bright target. With the 2mass survey, we evaluate sky coverage for phase-referencing, i.e. avaibility of a bright enough star for main delay tracking in the vicinity of any target direction.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Ionized Nitrogen at High Redshift

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    We present secure [N II]_(205 μm) detections in two millimeter-bright, strongly lensed objects at high redshift, APM 08279+5255 (z = 3.911) and MM 18423+5938 (z = 3.930), using the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer. Due to its ionization energy [N II]_(205 μm) is a good tracer of the ionized gas phase in the interstellar medium. The measured fluxes are S([N II]_(205 μm)) = (4.8 ± 0.8) Jy km s^(–1) and (7.4 ± 0.5) Jy km s^(–1), respectively, yielding line luminosities of L([N II]_(205 μm)) = (1.8 ± 0.3) × 10^9 μ^(–1) L_⊙ for APM 08279+5255 and L([N II]_(205 μm)) = (2.8 ± 0.2) × 10(^9) μ^(–1) L_⊙ for MM 18423+5938. Our high-resolution map of the [N II]_(205 μm) and 1 mm continuum emission in MM 18423+5938 clearly resolves an Einstein ring in this source and reveals a velocity gradient in the dynamics of the ionized gas. A comparison of these maps with high-resolution EVLA CO observations enables us to perform the first spatially resolved study of the dust continuum-to-molecular gas surface brightness (Σ_(FIR)α Σ^N_CO, which can be interpreted as the star formation law) in a high-redshift object. We find a steep relation (N = 1.4 ± 0.2), consistent with a starbursting environment. We measure a [N II]_(205 μm)/FIR luminosity ratio in APM 08279+5255 and MM 18423+5938 of 9.0 × 10^(–6) and 5.8 × 10^(–6), respectively. This is in agreement with the decrease of the [N II]_(205 μm)/FIR ratio at high FIR luminosities observed in local galaxies

    Discovery of an extremely bright submillimeter galaxy at z=3.93

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    Serendipitously we have discovered a rare, bright submillimeter galaxy (SMG) with a flux density of 30 +/- 2 mJy at lambda=1.2mm, using MAMBO2 at the IRAM 30-meter millimeter telescope. Although no optical counterpart is known for MM18423+5938, we were able to measure the redshift z=3.92960 +/- 0.00013 from the detection of CO lines using the IRAM Eight MIxer Receiver (EMIR). In addition, by collecting all available photometric data in the far-infrared and radio to constrain its spectral energy distribution, we derive the FIR luminosity 4.8 10^14/m Lsol and mass 6.0 10^9/m Msol for its dust, allowing for a magnification factor m caused by a probable gravitational lens. The corresponding star-formation rate is 8.3 10^4/m Msol/yr. The detection of three lines of the CO rotational ladder, and a significant upper limit for a fourth CO line, allow us to estimate an H2 mass of between 1.9 10^11/m Msol and 1.1 10^12/m Msol. The two lines CI(3p1-3p0) and CI(3p2-3p1) were clearly detected and yield a [CI]/[H2] number abundance between 1.4 10^-5 and 8.0 10^-5. Upper limits are presented for emission lines of HCN, HCO^+, HNC, H_2O and other molecules observed. The moderate excitation of the CO lines is indicative of an extended starburst, and excludes the dominance of an AGN in heating this high-redshift SMG.Comment: Model revised. Accepted as an Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Astrometric Positions and Proper Motions of 19 Radio Stars

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    We have used the Very Large Array, linked with the Pie Town Very Long Baseline Array antenna, to determine astrometric positions of 19 radio stars in the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF). The positions of these stars were directly linked to the positions of distant quasars through phase referencing observations. The positions of the ICRF quasars are known to 0.25 mas, thus providing an absolute reference at the angular resolution of our radio observations. Average values for the errors in our derived positions for all sources were 13 mas and 16 mas in R.A. and declination respectively, with accuracies approaching 1-2 mas for some of the stars observed. Differences between the ICRF positions of the 38 quasars, and those measured from our observations showed no systematic offsets, with mean values of -0.3 mas in R.A. and -1.0 mas in declination. Standard deviations of the quasar position differences of 17 mas and 11 mas in R.A. and declination respectively, are consistent with the mean position errors determined for the stars. Our measured positions were combined with previous Very Large Array measurements taken from 1978-1995 to determine the proper motions of 15 of the stars in our list. With mean errors of approximately 1.6 mas/yr, the accuracies of our proper motions approach those derived from Hipparcos, and for a few of the stars in our program, are better than the Hipparcos values. Comparing the positions of our radio stars with the Hipparcos catalog, we find that at the epoch of our observations, the two frames are aligned to within formal errors of approximately 3 mas. This result confirms that the Hipparcos frame is inertial at the expected level.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures Accepted by the Astronomical Journal, 2003 March 1

    Astrometric Control of the Inertiality of the Hipparcos Catalog

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    Based on the most complete list of the results of an individual comparison of the proper motions for stars of various programs common to the Hipparcos catalog, each of which is an independent realization of the inertial reference frame with regard to stellar proper motions, we redetermined the vector ω\omega of residual rotation of the ICRS system relative to the extragalactic reference frame. The equatorial components of this vector were found to be the following: ωx=+0.04±0.15\omega_x = +0.04\pm 0.15 mas yr1^{-1}, ωy=+0.18±0.12\omega_y = +0.18\pm 0.12 mas yr1^{-1}, and ωz=0.35±0.09\omega_z = -0.35\pm 0.09 mas yr1^{-1}.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur