1,125 research outputs found

    An imaging system for PLIF/Mie measurements for a combusting flow

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    The equipment required to establish an imaging system can be divided into four parts: (1) the light source and beam shaping optics; (2) camera and recording; (3) image acquisition and processing; and (4) computer and output systems. A pulsed, Nd:YAG-pummped, frequency-doubled dye laser which can freeze motion in the flowfield is used for an illumination source. A set of lenses is used to form the laser beam into a sheet. The induced fluorescence is collected by an UV-enhanced lens and passes through an UV-enhanced microchannel plate intensifier which is optically coupled to a gated solid state CCD camera. The output of the camera is simultaneously displayed on a monitor and recorded on either a laser videodisc set of a Super VHS VCR. This videodisc set is controlled by a minicomputer via a connection to the RS-232C interface terminals. The imaging system is connected to the host computer by a bus repeater and can be multiplexed between four video input sources. Sample images from a planar shear layer experiment are presented to show the processing capability of the imaging system with the host computer

    A planar reacting shear layer system for the study of fluid dynamics-combustion interaction

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    A versatile planar reacting shear layer facility is constructed at NASA-Lewis. The research objectives, as well as design, instrumentations and the operational procedures developed for the system are described. The fundamental governing equations and the type of quantitative information that are needed from experiments are described. Additionally, a review of earlier work is presented. Whenever appropriate, comparisons are made with similar systems in other facilities and the main differences are described. Finally, the nonintrusive measurement techniques (PLIF, PMS, LDV, and Schlieren photography) and the type of experiments that are planned are described

    Macroeconomic Confusion

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    This note critically evaluates the New Classical Macroeconomics from a Marshallian perspective. Revisiting the famous Keynes-Tinbergen controversy, it is argued that Keynes' criticism comprises the "Lucas critique," and that it is misleading to label this a critique of Keynesian economics. The postulate of immutable economic structures carries Tinbergen's approach to the extreme and neglects the possibility of slowly changing structures, as conceived by Marshall. The position is defended by arguments about equilibrium and rationality that are admittedly empty

    Vapor growth of GeTe single crystals in micro-gravity

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    The positive effects of micro-gravity on crystal growth and fundamental properties of the vapor transport reaction were established by analyzing the results of GeSe and GeTe vapor transport experiments performed on board Skylab. The analysis was based on a direct comparison of GeSe and GeTe crystals and of mass transport rate data obtained on earth and in space. For this purpose, a total of six transport experiments employing different concentrations of transport agent (GeI4) and two temperature gradients were performed during the Skylab 3 and 4 missions. Extensive ground-based studies demonstrated that the crystal morphology and the mass transport rates of the above systems are affected by the transport conditions, in particular by gravity-driven convection. The results demonstrate unambiguously a considerable improvement of the space crystals in terms of surface perfection, crystalline homogeneity and defect density. The observation of greater mass transport rates than expected in micro-gravity environment is of basic scientific and technological significance. This indicates that conventional transport models are incomplete and demonstrates that crystals of improved quality can be grown at reasonable rates by this technique in space. Results are of practical importance for the modification of crystal growth techniques on earth

    Comparison of reacting and non-reacting shear layers at a high subsonic Mach number

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    The flow field in a hydrogen-fueled planar reacting shear layer was measured with an LDV system and is compared with a similar air to air case without combustion. Measurements were made with a speed ratio of 0.34 with the highspeed stream at Mach 0.71. They show that the shear layer with reaction grows faster than one without, and both cases are within the range of data scatter presented by the established database. The coupling between the streamwise and the cross-stream turbulence components inside the shear layer is slow, and reaction only increased it slightly. However, a more organized pattern of the Reynolds stress is present in the reacting shear layer, possibly as a result of larger scale structure formation in the layer associated with heat release

    Turbulence measurement in a reacting and non-reacting shear layer at a high subsonic Mach number

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    The results of two component velocity and turbulence measurements are presented which were obtained on a planar reacting shear layer burning hydrogen. Quantitative LDV and temperature measurements are presented with and without chemical reaction within the shear layer at a velocity ratio of 0.34 and a high speed Mach number of 0.7. The comparison showed that the reacting shear layer grew faster than that without reaction. Using a reduced width coordinate, the reacting and non-reacting profiles were very similar. The peak turbulence for both cases was 20 percent

    Experimental Reacting Hydrogen Shear Layer Data at High Subsonic Mach Number

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    The flow in a planar shear layer of hydrogen reacting with hot air was measured with a two-component laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) system, a schlieren system, and OH fluorescence imaging. It was compared with a similar air-to-air case without combustion. The high-speed stream's flow speed was about 390 m/s, or Mach 0.71, and the flow speed ratio was 0.34. The results showed that a shear layer with reaction grows faster than one without; both cases are within the range of data scatter presented by the established data base. The coupling between the streamwise and the cross-stream turbulence components inside the shear layers was low, and reaction only increased it slightly. However, the shear layer shifted laterally into the lower speed fuel stream, and a more organized pattern of Reynolds stress was present in the reaction shear layer, likely as a result of the formation of a larger scale structure associated with shear layer corrugation from heat release. Dynamic pressure measurements suggest that coherent flow perturbations existed inside the shear layer and that this flow became more chaotic as the flow advected downstream. Velocity and thermal variable values are listed in this report for a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) benchmark

    Low NOx, Lean Direct Wall Injection Combustor Concept Developed

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    The low-emissions combustor development at the NASA Glenn Research Center is directed toward advanced high-pressure aircraft gas turbine applications. The emphasis of this research is to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) at high-power conditions and to maintain carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons at their current low levels at low-power conditions. Low-NOx combustors can be classified into rich burn and lean burn concepts. Lean burn combustors can be further classified into lean-premixed-prevaporized (LPP) and lean direct injection (LDI) combustors. In both concepts, all the combustor air, except for liner cooling flow, enters through the combustor dome so that the combustion occurs at the lowest possible flame temperature. The LPP concept has been shown to have the lowest NOx emissions, but for advanced high-pressure-ratio engines, the possibly of autoignition or flashback precludes its use. LDI differs from LPP in that the fuel is injected directly into the flame zone and, thus, does not have the potential for autoignition or flashback and should have greater stability. However, since it is not premixed and prevaporized, the key is good atomization and mixing of the fuel quickly and uniformly so that flame temperatures are low and NOx formation levels are comparable to those of LPP

    Atom-wave diffraction between the Raman-Nath and the Bragg regime: Effective Rabi frequency, losses, and phase shifts

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    We present an analytic theory of the diffraction of (matter) waves by a lattice in the "quasi-Bragg" regime, by which we mean the transition region between the long-interaction Bragg and "channelling" regimes and the short-interaction Raman-Nath regime. The Schroedinger equation is solved by adiabatic expansion, using the conventional adiabatic approximation as a starting point, and re-inserting the result into the Schroedinger equation to yield a second order correction. Closed expressions for arbitrary pulse shapes and diffraction orders are obtained and the losses of the population to output states otherwise forbidden by the Bragg condition are derived. We consider the phase shift due to couplings of the desired output to these states that depends on the interaction strength and duration and show how these can be kept negligible by a choice of smooth (e.g., Gaussian) envelope functions even in situations that substantially violate the adiabaticity condition. We also give an efficient method for calculating the effective Rabi frequency (which is related to the eigenvalues of Mathieu functions) in the quasi-Bragg regime.Comment: Minor additions, more concise text. To appear in Phys. Rev. A. 20 pages, 10 figure