1,460 research outputs found

    What Drives People's Choices in Turn-Taking Games, if not Game-Theoretic Rationality?

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    In an earlier experiment, participants played a perfect information game against a computer, which was programmed to deviate often from its backward induction strategy right at the beginning of the game. Participants knew that in each game, the computer was nevertheless optimizing against some belief about the participant's future strategy. In the aggregate, it appeared that participants applied forward induction. However, cardinal effects seemed to play a role as well: a number of participants might have been trying to maximize expected utility. In order to find out how people really reason in such a game, we designed centipede-like turn-taking games with new payoff structures in order to make such cardinal effects less likely. We ran a new experiment with 50 participants, based on marble drop visualizations of these revised payoff structures. After participants played 48 test games, we asked a number of questions to gauge the participants' reasoning about their own and the opponent's strategy at all decision nodes of a sample game. We also checked how the verbalized strategies fit to the actual choices they made at all their decision points in the 48 test games. Even though in the aggregate, participants in the new experiment still tend to slightly favor the forward induction choice at their first decision node, their verbalized strategies most often depend on their own attitudes towards risk and those they assign to the computer opponent, sometimes in addition to considerations about cooperativeness and competitiveness.Comment: In Proceedings TARK 2017, arXiv:1707.0825

    Targeting HDAC Complexes in Asthma and COPD

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    Around three million patients die due to airway inflammatory diseases each year. The most notable of these diseases are asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Therefore, new therapies are urgently needed. Promising targets are histone deacetylases (HDACs), since they regulate posttranslational protein acetylation. Over a thousand proteins are reversibly acetylated, and acetylation critically influences aberrant intracellular signaling pathways in asthma and COPD. The diverse set of selective and non-selective HDAC inhibitors used in pre-clinical models of airway inflammation show promising results, but several challenges still need to be overcome. One such challenge is the design of HDAC inhibitors with unique selectivity profiles, such as selectivity towards specific HDAC complexes. Novel strategies to disrupt HDAC complexes should be developed to validate HDACs further as targets for new anti-inflammatory pulmonary treatments

    Barbed channels enhance unidirectional connectivity between neuronal networks cultured on multi electrode arrays.

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    Cultured neurons on multi electrode arrays (MEAs) have been widely used to study various as-pects of neuronal (network) functioning. A possible drawback of this approach is the lack of struc-ture in these networks. At the single cell level, several solutions have been proposed to enable di-rected connectivity, and promising results were obtained. At the level of connected sub-populations, a few attempts have been made with promising results. First assessment of the de-signs’ functionality, however, suggested room for further improvement.\ud We designed a two chamber MEA aiming to create a unidirectional connection between the net-works in both chambers (‘emitting’ and ‘receiving’). To achieve this unidirectionality, all intercon-necting channels contained barbs that hindered axon growth in the opposite direction (from receiv-ing to emitting chamber). Visual inspection showed that axons predominantly grew through the channels in the promoted direction. This observation was confirmed by spontaneous activity re-cordings. Cross-correlation between the signals from two electrodes inside the channels suggested signal propagation at ≈2 m/s from emitting to receiving chamber. Cross-correlation between the fir-ing patterns in both chambers indicated that most correlated activity was initiated in the emitting chamber, which was also reflected by a significantly lower fraction of partial bursts (e. a one-chamber-only burst) in the emitting chamber. Finally, electrical stimulation in the emitting chamber induced a fast response in that chamber, and a slower response in the receiving chamber. Stimula-tion in the receiving chamber evoked a fast response in that chamber, but no response in the emit-ting chamber. These results confirm the predominantly unidirectional nature of the connecting channels from emitting to receiving chamber

    Multi-wavelength fluorescence sensing with integrated waveguides in an optofluidic chip

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    Femtosecond-laser-written integrated waveguides enable multi-wavelength fluorescence sensing of flowing biomolecules in an optofluidic chip. Fluorescence from differently labeled biomolecules with distinct absorption wavelengths, encoded by uniquely modulating each excitation beam, is detected by a color-blind photodetector, and the origin of each signal is unraveled by Fourier analysis

    Multi-color fluorescent DNA analysis in an integrated optofluidic lab-on-a-chip

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    Sorting and sizing of DNA molecules within the human genome project has enabled the genetic mapping of various illnesses. By employing tiny lab-on-a-chip devices for such DNA analysis, integrated DNA sequencing and genetic diagnostics have become feasible. However, such diagnostic chips typically lack integrated sensing capability. We address this issue by combining microfluidic capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection resulting in optofluidic integration towards an on-chip bio-analysis tool [1,2]. We achieve a spatial separation resolution of 12 ÎŒm, which can enable a 20-fold enhancement in electropherogram peak resolution, leading to plate numbers exceeding one million. We demonstrate a high sizing/calibration accuracy of 99% [3], and ultrasensitive fluorescence detection (limit of detection = 65 femtomolar, corresponding to merely 2-3 molecules in the excitation/detection volume) of diagnostically relevant double-stranded DNA molecules by integrated-waveguide laser excitation. Subsequently, we introduce a principle of parallel optical processing to this optofluidic lab-on-a-chip. Different sets of exclusively color-labeled DNA fragments – otherwise rendered indistinguishable by their spatio-temporal coincidence – are traced back to their origin by modulation-frequency-encoded multi-wavelength laser excitation, fluorescence detection with a color-blind photomultiplier, and Fourier-analysis decoding. As a proof of principle, fragments from independent human genomic segments, associated with genetic predispositions to breast cancer and anemia, are extracted by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, and simultaneously analyzed. Such multiple yet unambiguous optical identification of biomolecules opens new horizons for “enlightened” lab-on-a-chip devices

    Extraction of soil solution by drainage centrifugation-effects of centrifugal force and time of centrifugation on soil moisture recovery and solute concentration in soil moisture of loess subsoils.

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    The solute concentration in the subsoil beneath the root zone is an important parameter for leaching assessment. Drainage centrifugation is considered a simple and straightforward method of determining soil solution chemistry. Although several studies have been carried out to determine whether this method is robust, hardly any results are available for loess subsoils. To study the effect of centrifugation conditions on soil moisture recovery and solute concentration, we sampled the subsoil (1.5-3.0 m depth) at commercial farms in the loess region of the Netherlands. The effect of time (20, 35, 60, 120 and 240 min) on recovery was studied at two levels of the relative centrifugal force (733 and 6597g). The effect of force on recovery was studied by centrifugation for 35 min at 117, 264, 733, 2932, 6597 and 14,191g. All soil moisture samples were chemically analysed. This study shows that drainage centrifugation offers a robust, reproducible and standardised way for determining solute concentrations in mobile soil moisture in silt loam subsoils. The centrifugal force, rather than centrifugation time, has a major effect on recovery. The maximum recovery for silt loams at field capacity is about 40%. Concentrations of most solutes are fairly constant with an increasing recovery, as most solutes, including nitrate, did not show a change in concentration with an increasing recovery

    Multi-point, multi-wavelength fluorescence monitoring of DNA separation in a lab-on-a-chip with monolithically integrated femtosecond-laser-written waveguides

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    Electrophoretic separation of fluorescently labeled DNA molecules in on-chip microfluidic channels was monitored by integrated waveguide arrays, with simultaneous spatial and wavelength resolution. This is an important step toward point-of-care diagnostics with multiplexed DNA assays
