495 research outputs found

    The ring imaging Cherenkov detector for the BRAHMS experiment at RHIC

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    A ring imaging Cherenkov counter, to be read out by four 100-channel PMTs, is a key element of the BRAHMS experiment. We report here the most recent results obtained tested at the BNL AGS using several radiator gases, including the heavy fluorocarbon C4F10. Ring radii were measured for different particles (pions, muons, and electrons) for momenta ranging from 2 to 12 GeV/c employing pure C4F10 as radiator.Comment: 3 pages 3 figure

    Proton stopping in C+C, d+C, C+Ta and d+Ta collisions at 4.2A GeV/c

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    The shape of proton rapidity distributions is analysed in terms of their Gaussian components, and the average rapidity loss is determined in order to estimate the amount of stopping in C+C, d+C, C+Ta and d+Ta collisions at 4.2A GeV/c. Three Gaussians correspond to the nuclear transparency and describe well all peripheral and also C+C central collisions. Two-component shape is obtained in case of d+C and C+Ta central collisions. Finally one Gaussian, found in d+Ta central collisions, corresponds to the full stopping. The calculated values of the average rapidity loss support the qualitative relationship between the number of Gaussian components and the corresponding stopping power. It is also observed, in central collisions, that the average rapidity loss increases with the ratio of the number of target and the number of projectile participants.Comment: 9 pages REVTeX, 1 PS figure replaced, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Single-Transverse Spin Asymmetry in Dijet Correlations at Hadron Colliders

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    We present a phenomenological study of the single-transverse spin asymmetry in azimuthal correlations of two jets produced nearly "back-to-back" in pp collisions at RHIC. We properly take into account the initial- and final-state interactions of partons that can generate this asymmetry in QCD hard-scattering. Using distribution functions fitted to the existing single-spin data, we make predictions for various weighted single-spin asymmetries in dijet correlations that are now readily testable at RHIC.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    The Spectator Electromagnetic Effect on Charged Pion Spectra in Peripheral Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We estimate the electromagnetic effect of the spectator charge on the momentum spectra of π+\pi^+ and π\pi^- produced in peripheral Pb+Pb collisions at SPS energies. We find that the effect is large and results in strongly varying structures in the xFx_F dependence of the π+/π\pi^+/\pi^- ratio, especially at low transverse momenta where a deep valley in the above ratio is predicted at xFx_F \sim 0.15 -- 0.20. It appears that the effect depends on initial conditions. Thus, it provides new information on the space and time evolution of the non-perturbative pion creation process.Comment: 20 pages and 8 figure

    Single Transverse-Spin Asymmetries at Large-x

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    The large-xx behavior of the transverse-momentum dependent quark distributions is analyzed in the factorization-inspired perturbative QCD framework, particularly for the naive time-reversal-odd quark Sivers function which is responsible for the single transverse-spin asymmetries in various semi-inclusive hard processes. By examining the dominant hard gluon exchange Feynman diagrams, and using the resulting power counting rule, we find that the Sivers function has power behavior (1x)4(1-x)^4 at x1x \to 1, which is one power of (1x)(1-x) suppressed relative to the unpolarized quark distribution. These power-counting results provide important guidelines for the parameterization of quark distributions and quark-gluon correlations.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Single Spin Asymmetry Scaling in the Forward Rapidity Region at RHIC

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    We investigate the scaling properties in inclusive hadron production and the associated single transverse spin asymmetry in the forward rapidity region at RHIC. We find that the spin-averaged experimental data in both pppp and dAudAu collisions demonstrates a transverse-momentum-dependent geometric scaling. We introduce the transverse momentum dependent Collins fragmentation function to study the scaling of the single transverse spin asymmetries. The general feature of the scaling analysis is consistent with the experimental observations, in particular, for the transverse momentum dependence of the spin asymmetries at RHIC energy. We further propose to probe the saturation scale of nucleus by measuring the spin asymmetry normalized by that in pppp scattering at low transverse momentum.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Single Transverse-Spin Asymmetry in Drell-Yan Production at Large and Moderate Transverse Momentum

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    We study the single-transverse spin asymmetry for the Drell-Yan process. We consider production of the lepton pair at large transverse momentum, qQq_\perp\sim Q, where QQ is the pair's mass. The spin asymmetry is then of higher twist and may be generated by twist-three quark-gluon correlation functions. Expanding the result for qQq_\perp\ll Q, we make contact with the transverse-momentum-dependent QCD factorization involving the so-called Sivers functions. We find that the two mechanisms, quark-gluon correlations on one hand and the Sivers effect on the other, contain the same physics in this region. This ties the two together and imposes an important constraint on phenomenological studies of single transverse spin asymmetries.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Is Strangeness still interesting at RHIC ?

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    With the advent of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Heavy Ion Physics will enter a new energy regime. The question is whether the signatures proposed for the discovery of a phase transition from hadronic matter to a Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), that were established on the basis of collisions at the BEVALAC, the AGS, and the SPS, respectively, are still useful and detectable at these high incident energies. In the past two decades, measurements related to strangeness formation in the collision were advocated as potential signatures and were tested in numerous fixed target experiments at the AGS and the SPS. In this article I will review the capabilities of the RHIC detectors to measure various aspects of strangeness, and I will try to answer the question whether the information content of those measurements is comparable to the one at lower energies.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, Invited Talk at the IV International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Padova (Italy), July 20-24, 199

    Fusion of light exotic nuclei at near-barrier energies : effect of inelastic excitation

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    The effect of inelastic excitation of exotic light projectiles (proton- as well as neutron-rich) 17^{17}F and 11^{11}Be on fusion with heavy target has been studied at near-barrier energies. The calculations have been performed in the coupled channels approach where, in addition to the normal coupling of the ground state of the projectile to the continuum, inelastic excitation of the projectile to the bound excited state and its coupling to the continuum have also been taken into consideration. The inclusion of these additional couplings has been found to have significant effect on the fusion excitation function of neutron-rich 11^{11}Be on 208^{208}Pb whereas the effect has been observed to be nominal for the case of proton-rich 17^{17}F on the same target. The pronounced effect of the channel coupling on the fusion process in case of 11^{11}Be is attributed to its well-developed halo structure.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, Revtex.st