331 research outputs found

    Effect Of Food Supplementation On The White Blood Cells Count And Differential Leucocytes Count Of Trypanosome-Infected Pregnant Rats

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    Trypanosomiasis is an important livestock disease in sub-Saharan Africa. Improvement on host\'s nutrition is mportant in moderating the severity of pathophysiological efect of trypanosomiasis and it also influences the rate of recovery. Earlier researchers demonstrated that dietary supplement of selenium and vitamin E enhanced immune response in white rats. It has also been reported that during pregnancy, immune response is depressed. Leucocytes count has been recognized as a measure of immune response. This research was therefore conducted using chicks\' marsh fortified with 80 mg of vitamin E and 0.3 mg of selenum as control (Diet 1) to determine theefect of dietary suppementaton ofmoderate protein (combinaton of 250 g of corn meal, 240 g soyabean meal and 10 g of crayfish) inthe chicks\' mash (Diet 2), high dietary protein (combination of 400 g of caseinogen and 300 g o soyabean meal) (Diet 3), and high detary carbohydrate (combinaton of 400 g dextrose and 300 g cornmeal) (Diet 4) in the chicks\' mash on the white blood cells count and differential leucocytes count of trypanosome-infected pregnant rats. Dies 1 – 4 were given to rats in Cage A – D, respectively. The rats were nfected withtrypanosomes within 10th to 14th day of pregnancy. Each experimental set up was replicated three times. On comparing the total white blood cell counts of all the rats fed differen diets, there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the rats in Cage A (fed Det 1) and rats in Cage B (fed Diet 2), and similarly between rats in Cage C (ed Diet 3) and rats in Cage D (fed Diet 4). There was,however, significant difference (P < 0.05) between rats in Cage A and rats in Cages C and D, and also between rats in Cage B and those in Cages C and D Det 2 with a moderate (20.01%) proein leveland a balance of other nutrients produced the highest leucocytes count. Diet 2 therefore produced the highest immune response in the pregnant trypanosome-infected rats. Keywords: Trypanosomiasis, Nutrition, Leucocytes count, Immune responseAnimal Research International Vol. 4 (2) 2007 pp. 643-64

    Using 3D gastrointestinal tract in vitro models with microfold cells and mucus secreting ability to assess the hazard of copper oxide nanomaterials

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    Abstract: Background: Copper oxide nanomaterials (CuO NMs) are exploited in many products including inks, cosmetics, textiles, wood preservatives and food contact materials. Their incorporation into these products may enhance oral exposure in consumer, environmental and occupational settings. Undifferentiated and differentiated monocultures of Caco-2 cells are commonly used to assess NM toxicity to the intestine in vitro. However, the integration of other cell types into Caco-2 in vitro models increases their physiological relevance. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the toxicity of CuO NMs and copper sulphate ( CuSO4) to intestinal microfold (M) cell (Caco-2/Raji B) and mucus secreting (Caco-2/HT29-MTX) co-culture in vitro models via assessment of their impact on barrier integrity, viability and interleukin (IL)-8 secretion. The translocation of CuO NMs and CuSO4 across the intestinal barrier was also investigated in vitro. Results: CuO NMs and CuSO4 impaired the function of the intestinal barrier in the co-culture models [as indicated by a reduction in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and Zonular occludens (ZO-1) staining intensity]. Cu translocation was observed in both models but was greatest in the Caco-2/Raji B co-culture. CuO NMs and CuSO4 stimulated an increase in IL-8 secretion, which was greatest in the Caco-2/HT29-MTX co-culture model. CuO NMs and CuSO4 did not stimulate a loss of cell viability, when assessed using light microscopy, nuclei counts and scanning electron microscopy. CuO NMs demonstrated a relatively similar level of toxicity to CuO4 in both Caco-2/Raji B and Caco-2/ HT29-MTX co- culture models. Conclusions: The Caco-2/Raji B co-culture model was more sensitive to CuO NM and CuSO4 toxicity than the Caco-2/HT29-MTX co-culture model. However, both co-culture models were less sensitive to CuO NM and CuSO4 toxicity than simple monocultures of undifferentiated and differentiated Caco-2 cells, which are more routinely used to investigate NM toxicity to the intestine. Obtained data can therefore feed into the design of future studies which assess the toxicity of substances (e.g. NMs) and pathogens to the intestine (e.g. by informing model and endpoint selection). However, more testing with a wider panel of NMs would be beneficial in order to help select which in vitro models and endpoints to prioritise when screening the safety of ingested NMs. Comparisons with in vivo findings will also be essential to identify the most suitable in vitro model to screen the safety of ingested NMs

    A novel dual-functioning ruthenium(II)–arene complex of an anti-microbial ciprofloxacin derivative — anti-proliferative and anti-microbial activity

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    7-(4-(Decanoyl)piperazin-1-yl)-ciprofloxacin, CipA, (1) which is an analogue of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin, and its ruthenium(II) complex [Ru(η6-p-cymene)(CipA-H)Cl], (2) have been synthesised and the x-ray crystal structures of 1·1.3H2O·0.6CH3OH and 2·CH3OH·0.5H2O determined. The complex adopts a typical pseudo-octahedral ‘piano-stool’ geometry, with Ru(II) π-bonded to the p-cymene ring and σ-bonded to a chloride and two oxygen atoms of the chelated fluoroquinolone ligand. The complex is highly cytotoxic in the low μM range and is as potent as the clinical drug cisplatin against the human cancer cell lines A2780, A549, HCT116, and PC3. It is also highly cytotoxic against cisplatin- and oxaliplatin-resistant cell lines suggesting a different mechanism of action. The complex also retained low μM cytotoxicity against the human colon cancer cell line HCT116p53 in which the tumour suppressor p53 had been knocked out, suggesting that the potent anti-proliferative properties associated with this complex are independent of the status of p53 (in contrast to cisplatin). The complex also retained moderate anti-bacterial activity in two Escherichia coli, a laboratory strain and a clinical isolate resistant to first, second and third generation β-lactam antibiotics

    Toxicity, Growth And Survival Of Clarias Gariepinus Juveniles Exposed To Different Concentrations Of Crude Oil Fractions-Polluted Water

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    Studies were carried out on the toxicity, growth and survival of Clarias gariepinus juveniles exposed to different concentrations of oil-polluted water. Thirty-nine aerated aquaria (60 × 30 × 30 cm3), arranged in a 4 × 3 Complete Randomized Block Design were used for the study. Three oil types: the Bonny light crude oil (BLCO), the premium motor spirit (PMS) and kerosene (DPK) at oilconcentrations of 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 and2.50 ml L -1 were used in triplicates of 5 ml to contaminate 15L of dechlorinated tap water and 20 fingerlings o Clarias gariepinus (22 ± 0.24 g) exposed to it. A control treatment (0.00 ml L-1) of non-oil contamination was aso used in riplicates. A 96-hour toxicity phase in the oil-polluted water preceded a 42 days recovery phase. 38% crude proein dietwas fed to fish during exposure and recovery phases at 3% and 5% body weight per day respectively. Water temperature, pH, fish mortality and normalized biomass index (NBI) of each aquarium were monitored. The total organic nitrogen, soluble organic nitrogen and colloidal organic nitrogen in addition to soluble and adsorbed ammonia in the aquaria water and sediments were analyzed using standard methods. Results showed that the water temperature was 26 ± 2.04° C, pH was 6.50 ± 0.30 and fortnighty eed intake of fish increased between days 14 and 42. This increase, which corresponded wth the increase in the fortnightly weight gain, could be attributed to the reduction of stress caused during the 96-h toxicity phase. The increase in the soluble ammonium and the exchangeable ammonium concentrations o water correlated with the increase inthe concentrations (1.50 – 2.50 ml L-1) ofBLCO, PMS and DPK. Percent mortality of fsh reduced between days 14 and 42 irrespective o oil treatment while fish exposed to the control treatment had lower percent mortality than those exposed to the oil treatments. This trend was corroborated by the relatively higher NBI for the control during the exposure (-0.02) and recovery{0.08 (14 days), 0.08 (38 days) and 0.21 (42 days)} periods than those of oi treatments (-49.64 to-0.10). Keywords: Clarias gariepinus, Toxicity, Soluble ammonium, Feed intake, Weight gainAnimal Research International Vol. 3 (2) 2006 pp. 466-47

    Elemental Composition Analysis of Soil Samples from Bayelsa State in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

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    This study analysis the elemental composition and concentration of elements in the soils of the study area to ascertain degree of elemental enhancement in the soil resulting from anthropogenic activities with possible soil contamination, human health and environmental detriment. The study area was divided into eight grids and two soil samples per grid from over burden to a depth of 900mm was collected randomly in each grid. The samples were prepared using standard methods and analyzed with a linear accelerator. The number of detectable elements and their quantitative information was extracted from the elemental spectral signatures. . The result showed a high concentration value in some elements in the soil samples above values of elemental concentrations in soils from other reported studied region. In addition, Aluminium, Strontium, Barium, Gallium etc also showed an extremely high value in their concentration that exceeds the world wide mean range upper limit values in crustal soil study published. The study indicates some degree of potential contamination and therefore necessitate a regular periodic monitoring study to reduce potential health detriment to humans and the environment to as low as reasonably possible

    Presentation and Preliminary Results of DROÏD Project: Development of a Distributed Optical Fibre Dosimeter

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    International audienceABSTRACT DROÏD project is intended to develop a distributed optical fibre dosimeter based on Radiation-Induced Attenua-tion (RIA). The RIA will be measured by a high resolution Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) technique that allows to locate the irradiated fibre section. The first part of the project focuses on designing a high radiation sensitive fibre. As a preliminary work, the attenu-ation of several fibres with various compositions has been recorded in situ during and after irradiation. The experimental setup and RIA values are presented and discussed. Several dopants and their combinations have been identified as a good starting point to design a highly radiation sensitive fibre

    Assessing Value-based Health Care Delivery for Hemodialysis

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    Rationale, aims and objectives Disparities in haemodialysis outcomes among centres have been well-documented. Besides, attempts to assess haemodialysis results have been based on non-comprehensive methodologies. This study aimed to develop a comprehensive methodology for assessing haemodialysis centres, based on the value of health care. The value of health care is defined as the patient benefit from a specific medical intervention per monetary unit invested (Value = Patient Benefit/Cost). This study assessed the value of health care and ranked different haemodialysis centres. Method A nephrology quality management group identified the criteria for the assess- ment. An expert group composed of stakeholders (patients, clinicians and managers) agreed on the weighting of each variable, considering values and preferences. Multi-criteria methodology was used to analyse the data. Four criteria and their weights were identified: evidence-based clinical performance measures = 43 points; yearly mortality = 27 points; patient satisfaction = 13 points; and health-related quality of life = 17 points (100-point scale). Evidence-based clinical performance measures included five sub-criteria, with respective weights, including: dialysis adequacy; haemoglobin concentration; mineral and bone disorders; type of vascular access; and hospitalization rate. The patient benefit was determined from co-morbidity–adjusted results and corresponding weights. The cost of each centre was calculated as the average amount expended per patient per year. Results The study was conducted in five centres (1–5). After adjusting for co-morbidity, value of health care was calculated, and the centres were ranked. A multi-way sensitivity analysis that considered different weights (10–60% changes) and costs (changes of 10% in direct and 30% in allocated costs) showed that the methodology was robust. The rankings: 4-5-3-2-1 and 4-3-5-2-1 were observed in 62.21% and 21.55%, respectively, of simula- tions, when weights were varied by 60%. Conclusions Value assessments may integrate divergent stakeholder perceptions, create a context for improvement and aid in policy-making decisions

    Grouping of orally ingested silica nanomaterials via use of an integrated approach to testing and assessment to streamline risk assessment

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    Background: Nanomaterials can exist in different nanoforms (NFs). Their grouping may be supported by the formulation of hypotheses which can be interrogated via integrated approaches to testing and assessment (IATA). IATAs are decision trees that guide the user through tiered testing strategies (TTS) to collect the required evidence needed to accept or reject a grouping hypothesis. In the present paper, we investigated the applicability of IATAs for ingested NFs using a case study that includes different silicon dioxide, SiO2 NFs. Two oral grouping hypotheses addressing local and systemic toxicity were identified relevant for the grouping of these NFs and verified through the application of oral IATAs. Following different Tier 1 and/or Tier 2 in vitro methods of the TTS (i.e., in vitro dissolution, barrier integrity and inflammation assays), we generated the NF datasets. Furthermore, similarity algorithms (e.g., Bayesian method and Cluster analysis) were utilized to identify similarities among the NFs and establish a provisional group(s). The grouping based on Tier 1 and/or Tier 2 testing was analyzed in relation to available Tier 3 in vivo data in order to verify if the read-across was possible and therefore support a grouping decision. Results: The measurement of the dissolution rate of the silica NFs in the oro-gastrointestinal tract and in the lysosome identified them as gradually dissolving and biopersistent NFs. For the local toxicity to intestinal epithelium (e.g. cytotoxicity, membrane integrity and inflammation), the biological results of the gastrointestinal tract models indicate that all of the silica NFs were similar with respect to the lack of local toxicity and, therefore, belong to the same group; in vivo data (although limited) confirmed the lack of local toxicity of NFs. For systemic toxicity, Tier 1 data did not identify similarity across the NFs, with results across different decision nodes being inconsistent in providing homogeneous group(s). Moreover, the available Tier 3 in vivo data were also insufficient to support decisions based upon the obtained in vitro results and relating to the toxicity of the tested NFs. Conclusions: The information generated by the tested oral IATAs can be effectively used for similarity assessment to support a grouping decision upon the application of a hypothesis related to toxicity in the gastrointestinal tract. The IATAs facilitated a structured data analysis and, by means of the expert’s interpretation, supported read-across with the available in vivo data. The IATAs also supported the users in decision making, for example, reducing the testing when the grouping was well supported by the evidence and/or moving forward to advanced testing (e.g., the use of more suitable cellular models or chronic exposure) to improve the confidence level of the data and obtain more focused information