4 research outputs found

    As criaçÔes do gĂȘnio: AmbivalĂȘncias da "metafĂ­sica da arte" nietzschiana

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    As criaçÔes do gĂȘnio apolĂ­neo-dionisĂ­aco estĂŁo no centro das preocupaçÔes da metafĂ­sica de artista, e suscitam a questĂŁo acerca do vĂ­nculo de Nietzsche com a estĂ©tica do Romantismo AlemĂŁo e de Schopenhauer. Investigamos neste artigo as ambivalĂȘncias do pensamento nietzschiano no que tange ao conflito entre a arte apolĂ­nea da ilusĂŁo e a sabedoria dionisĂ­aca, entre o Uno-Primordial e a aparĂȘncia.<br>The creations of the apollinian-dionysian genius are in the center of the concerns of the artist's metaphysics and raise the question about the relationship of Nietzsche to the aesthetics of German Romanticism and Schopenhauer's. In this article we investigate the ambivalences of the Nietzschean thinking regarding the conflict between the apollinian art of illusion and the Dionysian wisdom, between the Primordial-One and the appearance

    Nietzsche e Platão: arte e orquestração das paixÔes

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    O objetivo deste texto é apontar os pontos de proximidade e de diferença entre as reflexÔes de Nietzsche e de Platão sobre o papel da arte para o autogoverno do indivíduo e a autonomia e soberania da cultura.<br>This article aims to show the points of difference and affinities between Nietzsche's and Plato's thoughts on the role of the art in the individual self-governing and sovereign of culture

    The HF Dimer: Potential Energy Surface and Dynamical Processes

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