7,336 research outputs found

    The Refractive Index of Curved Spacetime: the Fate of Causality in QED

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    It has been known for a long time that vacuum polarization in QED leads to a superluminal low-frequency phase velocity for light propagating in curved spacetime. Assuming the validity of the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation, this would imply a superluminal wavefront velocity and the violation of causality. Here, we calculate for the first time the full frequency dependence of the refractive index using world-line sigma model techniques together with the Penrose plane wave limit of spacetime in the neighbourhood of a null geodesic. We find that the high-frequency limit of the phase velocity (i.e. the wavefront velocity) is always equal to c and causality is assured. However, the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation is violated due to a non-analyticity of the refractive index in the upper-half complex plane, whose origin may be traced to the generic focusing property of null geodesic congruences and the existence of conjugate points. This puts into question the issue of micro-causality, i.e. the vanishing of commutators of field operators at spacelike separated points, in local quantum field theory in curved spacetime.Comment: 43 pages, 19 figures, JHEP3, conclusions respecting microcausality modifie

    `Superluminal' Photon Propagation in QED in Curved Spacetime is Dispersive and Causal

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    It is now well-known that vacuum polarisation in QED can lead to superluminal low-frequency phase velocities for photons propagating in curved spacetimes. In a series of papers, we have shown that this quantum phenomenon is dispersive and have calculated the full frequency dependence of the refractive index, explaining in detail how causality is preserved and various familiar results from quantum field theory such as the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation and the optical theorem are realised in curved spacetime. These results have been criticised in a recent paper by Akhoury and Dolgov arXiv:1003.6110 [hep-th], who assert that photon propagation is neither dispersive nor necessarily causal. In this note, we point out a series of errors in their work which have led to this false conclusion.Comment: 11 page

    Causality and Micro-Causality in Curved Spacetime

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    We consider how causality and micro-causality are realised in QED in curved spacetime. The photon propagator is found to exhibit novel non-analytic behaviour due to vacuum polarization, which invalidates the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation and calls into question the validity of micro-causality in curved spacetime. This non-analyticity is ultimately related to the generic focusing nature of congruences of geodesics in curved spacetime, as implied by the null energy condition, and the existence of conjugate points. These results arise from a calculation of the complete non-perturbative frequency dependence of the vacuum polarization tensor in QED, using novel world-line path integral methods together with the Penrose plane-wave limit of spacetime in the neighbourhood of a null geodesic. The refractive index of curved spacetime is shown to exhibit superluminal phase velocities, dispersion, absorption (due to \gamma \to e^+e^-) and bi-refringence, but we demonstrate that the wavefront velocity (the high-frequency limit of the phase velocity) is indeed c, thereby guaranteeing that causality itself is respected.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, JHEP3, microcausality now shown to be respected even when the Kramers-Kronig relation is violate

    Graviton Propagation and Vacuum Polarization in Curved Space

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    The effects of vacuum polarization arising from loops of massive scalar particles on graviton propagation in curved space are considered. Physically, they are due to curvature induced tidal forces acting on the cloud of virtual scalar particles surrounding the graviton. The effects are tractable in a WKB and large mass limit and the results can be written as an effective refractive index for the graviton modes with both a real and imaginary part. The imaginary part of the refractive index is a curvature induced contribution to the wavefunction renormalization of the graviton in real affine time and can have the effect of dressing or un-dressing the graviton. The real part of the refractive index increases logarithmically at high frequency as long as the null energy condition is satisfied by the background.Comment: 21 pages, typos correcte

    Generalized molecular chaos hypothesis and H-theorem: Problem of constraints and amendment of nonextensive statistical mechanics

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    Quite unexpectedly, kinetic theory is found to specify the correct definition of average value to be employed in nonextensive statistical mechanics. It is shown that the normal average is consistent with the generalized Stosszahlansatz (i.e., molecular chaos hypothesis) and the associated H-theorem, whereas the q-average widely used in the relevant literature is not. In the course of the analysis, the distributions with finite cut-off factors are rigorously treated. Accordingly, the formulation of nonextensive statistical mechanics is amended based on the normal average. In addition, the Shore-Johnson theorem, which supports the use of the q-average, is carefully reexamined, and it is found that one of the axioms may not be appropriate for systems to be treated within the framework of nonextensive statistical mechanics.Comment: 22 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    A method to measure vacuum birefringence at FCC-ee

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    It is well-known that the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger effective Lagrangian predicts that a vacuum with a strong static electromagnetic field turns birefringent. We propose a scheme that can be implemented at the planned FCC-ee, to measure the nonlinear effect of vacuum birefringence in electrodynamics arising from QED corrections. Our scheme employs a pulsed laser to create Compton backscattered photons off a high energy electron beam, with the FCC-ee as a particularly interesting example. These photons will pass through a strong static magnetic field, which changes the state of polarization of the radiation - an effect proportional to the photon energy. This change will be measured by the use of an aligned single-crystal, where a large difference in the pair production cross-sections can be achieved. In the proposed experimental setup the birefringence effect gives rise to a difference in the number of pairs created in the analyzing crystal, stemming from the fact that the initial laser light has a varying state of polarization, achieved with a rotating quarter wave plate. Evidence for the vacuum birefringent effect will be seen as a distinct peak in the Fourier transform spectrum of the pair-production rate signal. This tell-tale signal can be significantly above background with only few hours of measurement, in particular at high energies.Comment: Presented by UIU at the International Symposium on "New Horizons in Fundamental Physics: From Neutrons Nuclei via Superheavy Elements and Supercritical Fields to Neutron Stars and Cosmic Rays," held to honor Walter Greiner on his 80th birthday at Makutsi Safari Farm, South Africa, November 23-29, 201

    Non-universal coarsening and universal distributions in far-from equilibrium systems

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    Anomalous coarsening in far-from equilibrium one-dimensional systems is investigated by simulation and analytic techniques. The minimal hard core particle (exclusion) models contain mechanisms of aggregated particle diffusion, with rates epsilon<<1, particle deposition into cluster gaps, but suppressed for the smallest gaps, and breakup of clusters which are adjacent to large gaps. Cluster breakup rates vary with the cluster length x as kx^alpha. The domain growth law x ~ (epsilon t)^z, with z=1/(2+alpha) for alpha>0, is explained by a scaling picture, as well as the scaling of the density of double vacancies (at which deposition and cluster breakup are allowed) as 1/[t(epsilon t)^z]. Numerical simulations for several values of alpha and epsilon confirm these results. An approximate factorization of the cluster configuration probability is performed within the master equation resulting from the mapping to a column picture. The equation for a one-variable scaling function explains the above results. The probability distributions of cluster lengths scale as P(x)= 1/(epsilon t)^z g(y), with y=x/(epsilon t)^z. However, those distributions show a universal tail with the form g(y) ~ exp(-y^{3/2}), which disagrees with the prediction of the independent cluster approximation. This result is explained by the connection of the vacancy dynamics with the problem of particle trapping in an infinite sea of traps and is confirmed by simulation.Comment: 30 pages (10 figures included), to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Phase shifts in nonresonant coherent excitation

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    Far-off-resonant pulsed laser fields produce negligible excitation between two atomic states but may induce considerable phase shifts. The acquired phases are usually calculated by using the adiabatic-elimination approximation. We analyze the accuracy of this approximation and derive the conditions for its applicability to the calculation of the phases. We account for various sources of imperfections, ranging from higher terms in the adiabatic-elimination expansion and irreversible population loss to couplings to additional states. We find that, as far as the phase shifts are concerned, the adiabatic elimination is accurate only for a very large detuning. We show that the adiabatic approximation is a far more accurate method for evaluating the phase shifts, with a vast domain of validity; the accuracy is further enhanced by superadiabatic corrections, which reduce the error well below 10−410^{-4}. Moreover, owing to the effect of adiabatic population return, the adiabatic and superadiabatic approximations allow one to calculate the phase shifts even for a moderately large detuning, and even when the peak Rabi frequency is larger than the detuning; in these regimes the adiabatic elimination is completely inapplicable. We also derive several exact expressions for the phases using exactly soluble two-state and three-state analytical models.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage analogs in classical physics

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    Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) is a well established technique for producing coherent population transfer in a three-state quantum system. We here exploit the resemblance between the Schrodinger equation for such a quantum system and the Newton equation of motion for a classical system undergoing torque to discuss several classical analogs of STIRAP, notably the motion of a moving charged particle subject to the Lorentz force of a quasistatic magnetic field, the orientation of a magnetic moment in a slowly varying magnetic field, the Coriolis effect and the inertial frame dragging effect. Like STIRAP, those phenomena occur for counterintuitively ordered field pulses and are robustly insensitive to small changes in the interaction properties
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