977 research outputs found

    Fitting the Phenomenological MSSM

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    We perform a global Bayesian fit of the phenomenological minimal supersymmetric standard model (pMSSM) to current indirect collider and dark matter data. The pMSSM contains the most relevant 25 weak-scale MSSM parameters, which are simultaneously fit using `nested sampling' Monte Carlo techniques in more than 15 years of CPU time. We calculate the Bayesian evidence for the pMSSM and constrain its parameters and observables in the context of two widely different, but reasonable, priors to determine which inferences are robust. We make inferences about sparticle masses, the sign of the μ\mu parameter, the amount of fine tuning, dark matter properties and the prospects for direct dark matter detection without assuming a restrictive high-scale supersymmetry breaking model. We find the inferred lightest CP-even Higgs boson mass as an example of an approximately prior independent observable. This analysis constitutes the first statistically convergent pMSSM global fit to all current data.Comment: Added references, paragraph on fine-tunin

    Level of heavy metals in soil and some vegetables irrigated with industrial waste water around Sharada Industrial Area, Kano, Nigeria

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    The level of some heavy metals in soil and plant samples from Sharada Industrial Area was analyzed. Plants absorb contaminants through root systems and store them in the root biomass and/or transport them to the stem and/or leaves. The waste water generated by industries was used to irrigate plants; onion (Alium cepa), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), okra (Hibiscus esculentus), Drumstick (Moringa oleifera) and carrot (Daucus carota) which are consumed locally. The level of heavy metals in these plants differs with plant species. Level of lead (Pb) ranged from 10.21±0.20-17.14±0.10μg/g in okra and onion respectively, and the level in soil was found to be 28.00±2.00μg/g. The level of heavy metal was higher in soil than in plants studied. Accumulation of heavy metals varied from plant to plant. The soil levels of copper (Cu) was found to be 9.00±2.00 μg/g with onion having the highest value (8.00±0.10 μg/g) compared to other plants. The uptake of cobalt (Co) by plants varies with plant species. Moringa oleifera had highest concentration of cobalt (14.00±8.00μg/g) and onion had the least concentration of Co (5.00±2.00μg/g). The high values of these metals might be attributed to the use of untreated effluents from industries by farmers for the irrigation of these plants. Thus, the high values of these metals in the plant samples could put the consumers of these vegetables at health risk, since the levels of these metals in plants and soil samples are all above WHO permissible limits.Keywords: Accumulation, Heavy metals, Irrigation, Industrial effluents, Vegetable

    Profitability of groundnut-based cropping systems among farmers in Hong local government area of Adamawa state, Nigeria

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    Groundnut is an important cash crop and a good source of vegetable oil to resource-poor farmers. The study examined the Profitability of Groundnut–based Cropping Systems among farmers in Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. Specifically, the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers were described, their cropping systems identified, and the profitability of groundnut-based cropping systems determined. Multi-stage random sampling was used in selecting one hundred and twenty respondents used for the study. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, gross margin and profitability ratios. The result of the analysis revealed that majority (60%) of the farmers were female, having an average household size of 8 people and had some level of formal education. Two groundnut-based cropping systems were identified, namely; groundnut/sorghum and sole groundnut cropping systems. The analysis of cost and returns revealed a total variable cost of N18,931.68/ha in groundnut/sorghum enterprise, while that of sole groundnut enterprise was N20,244.40/ha. On the returns from production, the total revenue from groundnut/sorghum production was N66,273.950/ha while that of sole groundnut enterprise was N77,319.40/ha. The profit from groundnut/sorghum production was N47,324.27/ha, while that of sole groundnut production was N57,075.00/ha indicating the later to be more profitable than the former. Sole groundnut production had higher profitability index, higher rate of return on investment and higher rate of return on variable cost than groundnut/sorghum production. Based on the findings the study recommended that farmers cultivate groundnut solely. Government and donor agencies should encourage groundnut breeding researches so as to raise the productivity of existing groundnut seeds.KEYWORDS: Groundnut, Production, Cropping System, Profitabilit

    Effect of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Borreria verticillata Species of Sudano-Sahelian Savanna on CCl4 Induced Hepatotoxicity

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    Preliminary phytochemical screening of Borreria verticillata species of Sudano-Sahelian savanna and the effect of aqueous leaf extract of the plant were studied in CCL4-induced hepatotoxicity rats. Screening of the aqueous extract indicates the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, sterol and saponins. While athraquinone was absent. Serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total protein (TP) and bilirubin (BL) were analysed in rats intraperitoneally administered with 100 mg/kg CCl4 followed by oral treatment with 300mg/kg of aqueous leaf extract of B. verticillata for 48 and 96hrs. The rats treated for 48 hours after had serum AST, ALT, ALP, TP and BL levels not statistically different (P>0.05) compared to both normal control and positive control (treated with 100mg/kg standard drug) although the value of positive control was slightly lower than the test values. However, the test values were statistically lower compared to toxicity control at P< 0.05. The serum AST, ALT, ALP, TP and BL levels when the treatment was extended to 96 hours showed similar pattern to 48 hours treatment. Even though the test values with respect to the enzymes activity were slightly lower in the extended treatment. This result indicates the hepatocurative properties of aqueous leaf extract of B. verticillata on CCL4-induced hepatotoxicity rats, which could be attributed to its phytochemical contents. Keywords: Borreria verticillata, Hepatotoxicity, Hepatocurative, Aqueous leaf extract, CCL

    Effect of Administration of Aqueous Suspension of Ricinus communis Seeds on Serum Estrogen and Progesterone in Female Albino Rats

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    In this study, twenty seven (27) female albino rats were used in the determination of contraceptive effect of oral administration of aqueous suspension of Ricinus communis seed. Estrogen and progesterone levels of these rats were analysed using electrochemiluminescent method. The result revealed estrogenic property of the aqueous suspension of R. communis seed, which is partly attributed to the anticonceptive effect of the seeds. The estrogenic activity was high with 107×10-2mg/kg dose administered after 48hours and 7 days respectively, indicating some degree of dose-dependency. In addition, alteration of estrogen/progesterone balance as indicated by this study may be responsible for the contraceptive effect of aqueous suspension of R. communis seed. Keywords: Contraceptive effect, Estrogen, Estrogenic activity, Progesterone, Ricinus communi

    Over diagnosis of typhoid and malaria co-infection by health care workers in north central Nigeria: A cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Typhoid and malaria are significant causes of morbidity and mortality, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Typhoid and malaria co-infection may occur as superinfection or even simultaneous infections. However, it appears to be rather rare. It is imperative to make an accurate diagnosis of typhoid and malaria co-infection. The study set out to determine the practice among healthcare workers in the diagnosis and treatment of typhoid and malaria co-infection.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in Jos North Local Government Area in North-Central Nigeria. The sample population consisted of health care workers (HCWs) who were involved in the management of typhoid and malaria. Data were analysed using STATA version 14.0 College station, Boston, USA.Results: Seventy-five HCWs were interviewed. Typhoid and malaria were diagnosed by 67 (89%) HCWs at least once weekly, and by the other 11% at least once every month. The Widal test was used to make a diagnosis of typhoid in greater than 70% of the cases. There was no statistical difference in the rate of typhoid diagnoses between medical doctors and other HCW.Conclusion: There is a high rate of false diagnosis of malaria and typhoid co-infection. This informs the crucial need for quality training and re-training of health care workers in the diagnosis of these conditions. Keywords: False, typhoid, malaria, co-infectio

    Association of British Neurologists: revised (2015) guidelines for prescribing disease-modifying treatments in multiple sclerosis.

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    In June 1999, the Association of British Neurologists (ABN) first published guidelines for the use of the licensed multiple sclerosis (MS) disease-modifying treatments (at that time β-interferon and glatiramer acetate). The guidelines were revised in 2001 and have been periodically updated since then. In 2002, following the negative assessment of these treatments by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the MS risk-sharing scheme started, in which patients eligible according to the 2001 ABN guidelines were provided with treatment funded through the UK National Health Service (NHS), and monitored annually for up to 10 years.1 Recruitment to the risk-sharing scheme cohort is complete. Pending a future final evaluation, the UK Department of Health's instruction to NHS funders remains in place: that patients who fulfil the ABN criteria should continue to receive treatment funded through the NHS. The British neurological community has fully accepted the risk-sharing scheme for prescribing β-interferon and glatiramer acetate. Approximately 70 ‘treating centres’ have recruited >5000 patients between 2002 and 2005, and these have been monitored annually for 10 years; many more patients have received these treatments since 2005. The ABN published revised guidelines in 2007, and then again in 2009, following the licensing of natalizumab and mitoxantrone. This 2015 revised guideline replaces former versions. It includes all newly approved or licensed treatments for MS and represents a consensus concerning their use. These guidelines will require future revision as other treatments receive approval (eg, daclizumab and ocrelizumab): we suggest they are reviewed after an interval of no longer than 12 months. The guideline is not intended to provide a complete description of the possible complications and monitoring of disease-modifying treatments in MS; we refer prescribing neurologists to the relevant summaries of product characteristics.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Differences in wild-type– and R338L-tenase complex formation are at the root of R338L-factor IX assay discrepancies

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    Adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapy has the potential to functionally cure hemophilia B by restoring factor (F)IX concentrations into the normal range. Next-generation AAV therapies express a naturally occurring gain-of-function FIX variant, FIX-Padua (R338L-FIX), that increases FIX activity (FIX:C) by approximately eightfold compared with wild-type FIX (FIX-WT). Previous studies have shown that R338L-FIX activity varies dramatically across different clinical FIX:C assays, which complicates the monitoring and management of patients. To better understand mechanisms that contribute to R338L-FIX assay discrepancies, we characterized the performance of R338L-FIX in 13 1-stage clotting assays (OSAs) and 2 chromogenic substrate assays (CSAs) in a global field study. This study produced the largest R338L-FIX assay dataset to date and confirmed that clinical FIX:C assay results vary over threefold. Both phospholipid and activating reagents play a role in OSA discrepancies. CSA generated the most divergent FIX:C results. Manipulation of FIX:C CSA kits demonstrated that specific activity gains for R338L-FIX were most profound at lower FIX:C concentrations and that these effects were enhanced during the early phases of FXa generation. Supplementing FX into CSA had the effect of dampening FIX-WT activity relative to R338L-FIX activity, suggesting that FX impairs WT tenase formation to a greater extent than R338L-FIX tenase. Our data describe the scale of R338L-FIX assay discrepancies and provide insights into the causative mechanisms that will help establish best practices for the measurement of R338LFIX activity in patients after gene therapy

    Studies on the development of cerebellum of one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius)

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    A histomorphological study of the development of foetal cerebellum was conducted. It was observed that at first trimester there were fewer fissures in the folia which progressively increased towards the third trimester. It was also observed that the histology of cerebellum of camel foetus at first trimester showed clear distinct external granular layer which was thin densely parked with cells which progressively decrease in thickness and amount of cells towards the third trimester. The next layer which was the molecular layer with less cell (stellate and basket) compared to the external germinal layer increased in volume with increased age. The molecular layer was followed by a densely cell (Golgi and granule) packed internal granular layer which progressively increased from first trimester to the third trimester. Purkinje cells which were in-between molecular and internal granular layer were not seen in the first trimester but were gradually becoming more visible in the subsequent trimesters. The development of the cerebellum in this study is similar to what was observed in most of the animal species
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