977 research outputs found

    TFAW: wavelet-based signal reconstruction to reduce photometric noise in time-domain surveys

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    There have been many efforts to correct systematic effects in astronomical light curves to improve the detection and characterization of planetary transits and astrophysical variability. Algorithms like the Trend Filtering Algorithm (TFA) use simultaneously-observed stars to remove systematic effects, and binning is used to reduce high-frequency random noise. We present TFAW, a wavelet-based modified version of TFA. TFAW aims to increase the periodic signal detection and to return a detrended and denoised signal without modifying its intrinsic characteristics. We modify TFA's frequency analysis step adding a Stationary Wavelet Transform filter to perform an initial noise and outlier removal and increase the detection of variable signals. A wavelet filter is added to TFA's signal reconstruction to perform an adaptive characterization of the noise- and trend-free signal and the noise contribution at each iteration while preserving astrophysical signals. We carried out tests over simulated sinusoidal and transit-like signals to assess the effectiveness of the method and applied TFAW to real light curves from TFRM. We also studied TFAW's application to simulated multiperiodic signals, improving their characterization. TFAW improves the signal detection rate by increasing the signal detection efficiency (SDE) up to a factor ~2.5x for low SNR light curves. For simulated transits, the transit detection rate improves by a factor ~2-5x in the low-SNR regime compared to TFA. TFAW signal approximation performs up to a factor ~2x better than bin averaging for planetary transits. The standard deviations of simulated and real TFAW light curves are ~40x better than TFA. TFAW yields better MCMC posterior distributions and returns lower uncertainties, less biased transit parameters and narrower (~10x) credibility intervals for simulated transits. We present a newly-discovered variable star from TFRM.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&A. 13 pages, 16 figures and 5 table

    LUNAR: Cellular automata for drifting data streams

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    With the advent of fast data streams, real-time machine learning has become a challenging task, demanding many processing resources. In addition, they can be affected by the concept drift effect, by which learning methods have to detect changes in the data distribution and adapt to these evolving conditions. Several emerging paradigms such as the so-called Smart Dust, Utility Fog, or Swarm Robotics are in need for efficient and scalable solutions in real-time scenarios, and where usually computing resources are constrained. Cellular automata, as low-bias and robust-to-noise pattern recognition methods with competitive classification performance, meet the requirements imposed by the aforementioned paradigms mainly due to their simplicity and parallel nature. In this work we propose LUNAR, a streamified version of cellular automata devised to successfully meet the aforementioned requirements. LUNAR is able to act as a real incremental learner while adapting to drifting conditions. Furthermore, LUNAR is highly interpretable, as its cellular structure represents directly the mapping between the feature space and the labels to be predicted. Extensive simulations with synthetic and real data will provide evidence of its competitive behavior in terms of classification performance when compared to long-established and successful online learning methods

    A novel Fireworks Algorithm with wind inertia dynamics and its application to traffic forecasting

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    Fireworks Algorithm (FWA) is a recently contributed heuristic optimization method that has shown a promising performance in applications stemming from different domains. Improvements to the original algorithm have been designed and tested in the related literature. Nonetheless, in most of such previous works FWA has been tested with standard test functions, hence its performance when applied to real application cases has been scarcely assessed. In this manuscript a mechanism for accelerating the convergence of this meta-heuristic is proposed based on observed wind inertia dynamics (WID) among fireworks in practice. The resulting enhanced algorithm will be described algorithmically and evaluated in terms of convergence speed by means of test functions. As an additional novel contribution of this work FWA and FWA-WID are used in a practical application where such heuristics are used as wrappers for optimizing the parameters of a road traffic short-term predictive model. The exhaustive performance analysis of the FWA and FWA-ID in this practical setup has revealed that the relatively high computational complexity of this solver with respect to other heuristics makes it critical to speed up their convergence (specially in cases with a costly fitness evaluation as the one tackled in this work), observation that buttresses the utility of the proposed modifications to the naive FWA solver

    Cost-efficient Selective Network Caching in Large-Area Vehicular Networks using Multi-objective Heuristics

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    In the last decade the interest around network caching tech- niques has augmented notably for alleviating the ever-growing demand of resources by end users in mobile networks. This gained momentum stems from the fact that even though the overall volume of traffic re- trieved from Internet has increased at an exponential pace over the last years, several studies have unveiled that a large fraction of this traffic is usually accessed by multiple end users at nearby locations, i.e. content demands are often local and redundant across terminals close to each other, even in mobility. In this context this manuscript explores the ap- plication of multi-objective heuristics to optimally allocate cache profiles over urban scenarios with mobile receivers (e.g. vehicles). To this end we formulate two conflicting objectives: the utility of the cache allocation strategy, which roughly depends on the traffic offloaded from the net- work and the number of users demanding contents; and its cost, given by an cost per unit of stored data and the rate demanded by the cached profile. Simulations are performed and discussed over a realistic vehicu- lar scenario modeled over the city of Cologne (Germany), from which it is concluded that the proposed heuristic solver excels at finding caching solutions differently balancing the aforementioned objectives

    An Analysis of Coalition-Competition Pricing Strategies for Multi-Operator Mobile Traffic Offloading using Bi-objective Heuristics

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    In a competitive market relationships between telecommuni- cations operators serving simultaneously over a certain geographical area are diverse and motivated by very different business strategies and goals. Such relationships ultimately yield distinct pricing portfolios depending on the contractual affiliation of the user being served. Furthermore a key role in the last decade is the concept of tethering (connection sharing) which, when controlled by the operator, may help alleviating the con- sumption of network resources in densely populated scenarios. In this work we investigate the application of bi-objective heuristics for the de- sign of Pareto-optimal network topologies leading to an optimal Pareto between the revenue of the incumbent operators in the scenario and the quality of service degradation experienced by the end users as a result of tethering. Based on computer simulation this work unveils that such a Pareto-optimal set of topologies is strongly determined by the market relationships between such operators

    Quantitative Analysis and Performance Study of Ant Colony Optimization Models Applied to Multi-Mode Resource Constraint Project Scheduling Problem

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    Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) belongs to this kind of traditional NP-hard problems with a high impact in both, research and industrial domains. However, due to the complexity that CSP problems exhibit, researchers are forced to use heuristic algorithms for solving the problems in a reasonable time. One of the most famous heuristic al- gorithms is Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. The possible utilization of ACO algorithms to solve CSP problems requires the de- sign of a decision graph where the ACO is executed. Nevertheless, the classical approaches build a graph where the nodes represent the vari- able/value pairs and the edges connect those nodes whose variables are different. In order to solve this problem, a novel ACO model have been recently designed. The goal of this paper is to analyze the performance of this novelty algorithm when solving Multi-Mode Resource-Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Experimental results reveals that the new ACO model provides competitive results whereas the number of pheromones created in the system is drastically reduced

    Comparative study of pheromone control heuristics in ACO algorithms for solving RCPSP problems

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    Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) belong to a kind of traditional NP-hard problems with a high impact on both research and industrial domains. The goal of these problems is to find a feasible assignment for a group of variables where a set of imposed restrictions is satisfied. This family of NP-hard problems demands a huge amount of computational resources even for their simplest cases. For this reason, different heuristic methods have been studied so far in order to discover feasible solutions at an affordable complexity level. This paper elaborates on the application of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms with a novel CSP-graph based model to solve Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems (RCPSP). The main drawback of this ACO-based model is related to the high number of pheromones created in the system. To overcome this issue we propose two adaptive Oblivion Rate heuristics to control the number of pheromones: the first one, called Dynamic Oblivion Rate, takes into account the overall number of pheromones produced in the system, whereas the second one inspires from the recently contributed Coral Reef Optimization (CRO) solver. A thorough experimental analysis has been carried out using the public PSPLIB library, and the obtained results have been compared to those of the most relevant contributions from the related literature. The performed experiments reveal that the Oblivion Rate heuristic removes at least 79% of the pheromones in the system, whereas the ACO algorithm renders statistically better results than other algorithmic counterparts from the literature
