1,247 research outputs found

    Instantaneous Interquark Potential in Generalized Landau Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD: A Linkage between the Landau and the Coulomb Gauges

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    We investigate in detail "instantaneous interquark potentials", interesting gauge-dependent quantities defined from the spatial correlators of the temporal link-variable U4U_4, in generalized Landau gauge using SU(3) quenched lattice QCD. The instantaneous QQˉ\bar{\rm Q} potential has no linear part in the Landau gauge, and it is expressed by the Coulomb plus linear potential in the Coulomb gauge, where the slope is 2-3 times larger than the physical string tension. Using the generalized Landau gauge, we find that the instantaneous potential can be continuously described between the Landau and the Coulomb gauges, and its linear part rapidly grows in the neighborhood of the Coulomb gauge. We also investigate the instantaneous 3Q potential in the generalized Landau gauge, and obtain similar results to the QQˉ\bar{\rm Q} case. TT-length terminated Polyakov-line correlators and their corresponding "finite-time potentials" are also investigated in generalized Landau gauge

    Lattice analysis for the energy scale of QCD phenomena

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    We formulate a new framework in lattice QCD to study the relevant energy scale of QCD phenomena. By considering the Fourier transformation of link variable, we can investigate the intrinsic energy scale of a physical quantity nonperturbatively. This framework is broadly available for all lattice QCD calculations. We apply this framework for the quark-antiquark potential and meson masses in quenched lattice QCD. The gluonic energy scale relevant for the confinement is found to be less than 1 GeV in the Landau or Coulomb gauge.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The System of Multi Color-flux-tubes in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory

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    We study the system of multi color-flux-tubes in terms of the dual Ginzburg -Landau theory. We consider two ideal cases, where the directions of all the color-flux-tubes are the same in one case and alternative in the other case for neighboring flux-tubes. We formulate the system of multi color-flux -tubes by regarding it as the system of two color-flux-tubes penetrating through a two dimensional sphere surface. We find the multi flux-tube configuration becomes uniform above some critical flux-tube number density ρc=1.31.7fm2\rho_c = 1.3 \sim 1.7 {\rm fm}^{-2}. On the other hand, the inhomogeneity on the color electric distribution appears when the flux-tube density is smaller than ρc\rho_c. We discuss the relation between the inhomogeneity in the color-electric distribution and the flux-tube number density in the multi-flux-tube system created during the QGP formation process in the ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collision.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex, ( 7 figures - available on request from [email protected]

    Detailed analysis of the gluonic excitation in the three-quark system in lattice QCD

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    We study the excited-state potential and the gluonic excitation in the static three-quark (3Q) system using SU(3) lattice QCD with 163×3216^3\times 32 at β\beta=5.8 and 6.0 at the quenched level. For about 100 different patterns of spatially-fixed 3Q systems, we accurately extract the excited-state potential V3Qe.s.V_{\rm 3Q}^{\rm e.s.} together with the ground-state potential V3Qg.s.V_{\rm 3Q}^{\rm g.s.} by diagonalizing the QCD Hamiltonian in the presence of three quarks. The gluonic excitation energy ΔE3QV3Qe.s.V3Qg.s.\Delta E_{\rm 3Q} \equiv V_{\rm 3Q}^{\rm e.s.}-V_{\rm 3Q}^{\rm g.s.} is found to be about 1 GeV at the typical hadronic scale. This large gluonic-excitation energy is conjectured to give a physical reason of the success of the quark model for low-lying hadrons even without explicit gluonic modes. We investigate the functional form of ΔE3Q\Delta E_{\rm 3Q} in terms of the 3Q location. The lattice data of ΔE3Q\Delta E_{\rm 3Q} are relatively well reproduced by the ``inverse Mercedes Ansatz'' with the ``modified Y-type flux-tube length'', which indicates that the gluonic-excitation mode is realized as a complicated bulk excitation of the whole 3Q system.Comment: 13pages, 13figure

    QCD Phase Transition at Finite Temperature in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory

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    We study the pure-gauge QCD phase transition at finite temperatures in the dual Ginzburg-Landau theory, an effective theory of QCD based on the dual Higgs mechanism. We formulate the effective potential at various temperatures by introducing the quadratic source term, which is a new useful method to obtain the effective potential in the negative-curvature region. Thermal effects reduce the QCD-monopole condensate and bring a first-order deconfinement phase transition. We find a large reduction of the self-interaction among QCD-monopoles and the glueball masses near the critical temperature by considering the temperature dependence of the self-interaction. We also calculate the string tension at finite temperatures.Comment: 13 pages, uses PHYZZX ( 5 figures - available on request from [email protected]

    Lattice QCD analysis for Faddeev-Popov eigenmodes in terms of gluonic momentum components in the Coulomb gauge

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    We analyze the relation between Faddeev-Popov eigenmodes and gluon-momentum components in the Coulomb gauge using SU(3) lattice QCD. In the Coulomb gauge, the color-Coulomb energy is largely enhanced by near-zero Faddeev-Popov eigenmodes, which would lead to the confining potential. By the ultraviolet-momentum gluon cut, the color-Coulomb energy and the Faddeev-Popov spectrum are almost unchanged. In contrast to the ultraviolet insensitivity, the color-Coulomb energy and the Faddeev-Popov eigenmodes drastically change by infrared-momentum gluon cut. Without infrared gluons, the color-Coulomb energy tends to become non-confining, and near-zero Faddeev-Popov eigenmodes vanish. We also investigate the full FP eigenmodes, and find that infrared gluons widely influence both high and low Faddeev-Popov eigenmodes.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Off-diagonal Gluon Mass Generation and Infrared Abelian Dominance in Maximally Abelian Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD

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    In SU(3) lattice QCD formalism, we propose a method to extract gauge fields from link-variables analytically. With this method, we perform the first study on effective mass generation of off-diagonal gluons and infrared Abelian dominance in the maximally Abelian (MA) gauge in the SU(3) case. Using SU(3) lattice QCD, we investigate the propagator and the effective mass of the gluon fields in the MA gauge with U(1)_3 \timesU(1)_8 Landau gauge fixing. The Monte Carlo simulation is performed on 16416^4 at β\beta=5.7, 5.8 and 6.0 at the quenched level. The off-diagonal gluons behave as massive vector bosons with the approximate effective mass Moff1.11.2GeVM_{\mathrm{off}} \simeq 1.1-1.2\mathrm{GeV} in the region of r=0.30.8r =0.3-0.8fm, and the propagation is limited within a short range, while the propagation of diagonal gluons remains even in a large range. In this way, infrared Abelian dominance is shown in terms of short-range propagation of off-diagonal gluons. Furthermore, we investigate the functional form of the off-diagonal gluon propagator. The functional form is well described by the four-dimensional Euclidean Yukawa-type function emoffr/re^{-m_{\rm off}r}/r with moff1.31.4GeVm_{\rm off} \simeq 1.3-1.4\mathrm{GeV} for r=0.10.8r = 0.1- 0.8 fm. This also indicates that the spectral function of off-diagonal gluons has the negative-value region

    Gluon-propagator functional form in the Landau gauge in SU(3) lattice QCD: Yukawa-type gluon propagator and anomalous gluon spectral function

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    We study the gluon propagator Dμνab(x)D_{\mu\nu}^{ab}(x) in the Landau gauge in SU(3) lattice QCD at β\beta = 5.7, 5.8, and 6.0 at the quenched level. The effective gluon mass is estimated as 400600400 \sim 600MeV for r(xαxα)1/2=0.51.0r \equiv (x_\alpha x_\alpha)^{1/2} = 0.5 \sim 1.0 fm. Through the functional-form analysis of Dμνab(x)D_{\mu\nu}^{ab}(x) obtained in lattice QCD, we find that the Landau-gauge gluon propagator Dμμaa(r)D_{\mu\mu}^{aa}(r) is well described by the Yukawa-type function emr/re^{-mr}/r with m600m \simeq 600MeV for r=0.11.0r = 0.1 \sim 1.0 fm in the four-dimensional Euclidean space-time. In the momentum space, the gluon propagator D~μμaa(p2)\tilde D_{\mu\mu}^{aa}(p^2) with (p2)1/2=0.53(p^2)^{1/2}= 0.5 \sim 3 GeV is found to be well approximated with a new-type propagator of (p2+m2)3/2(p^2+m^2)^{-3/2}, which corresponds to the four-dimensional Yukawa-type propagator. Associated with the Yukawa-type gluon propagator, we derive analytical expressions for the zero-spatial-momentum propagator D0(t)D_0(t), the effective mass Meff(t)M_{\rm eff}(t), and the spectral function ρ(ω)\rho(\omega) of the gluon field. The mass parameter mm turns out to be the effective gluon mass in the infrared region of \sim 1fm. As a remarkable fact, the obtained gluon spectral function ρ(ω)\rho(\omega) is almost negative-definite for ω>m\omega >m, except for a positive δ\delta-functional peak at ω=m\omega=m.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Scalar-Quark Systems and Chimera Hadrons in SU(3)_c Lattice QCD

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    Light scalar-quarks \phi (colored scalar particles or idealized diquarks) and their color-singlet hadronic states are studied with quenched SU(3)_c lattice QCD in terms of mass generation in strong interaction without chiral symmetry breaking. We investigate ``scalar-quark mesons'' \phi^\dagger \phi and ``scalar-quark baryons'' \phi\phi\phi which are the bound states of scalar-quarks \phi. We also investigate the bound states of scalar-quarks \phi and quarks \psi, i.e., \phi^\dagger \psi, \psi\psi\phi and \phi\phi\psi, which we name ``chimera hadrons''. All the new-type hadrons including \phi are found to have a large mass even for zero bare scalar-quark mass m_\phi=0 at a^{-1}\simeq 1GeV. We find that the constituent scalar-quark and quark picture is satisfied for all the new-type hadrons. Namely, the mass of the new-type hadron composed of m \phi's and n \psi's, M_{{m}\phi+{n}\psi}, satisfies M_{{m}\phi+{n}\psi}\simeq {m} M_\phi +{n} M_\psi, where M_\phi and M_\psi are the constituent scalar-quark and quark mass, respectively. M_\phi at m_\phi=0 estimated from these new-type hadrons is 1.5-1.6GeV, which is larger than that of light quarks, M_\psi\simeq 400{\rm MeV}. Therefore, in the systems of scalar-quark hadrons and chimera hadrons, scalar-quarks acquire large mass due to large quantum corrections by gluons. Together with other evidences of mass generations of glueballs and charmonia, we conjecture that all colored particles generally acquire a large effective mass due to dressed gluon effects.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Nonperturbative QCD

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    Nonperturbative QCD is studied with the dual Ginzburg-Landau theory, where color confinement is realized through the dual Higgs mechanism by QCD-monopole condensation. We obtain a general analytic formula for the string tension. A compact formula is derived for the screened inter-quark potential in the presence of light dynamical quarks. The QCD phase transition at finite temperature is studied using the effective potential formalism. The string tension and the QCD-monopole mass are largely reduced near the critical temperature, TcT_c. The surface tension is estimated from the effective potential at TcT_c. We propose also a new scenario of the quark-gluon-plasma creation through the color-electric flux-tube annihilation. Finally, we discuss a close relation between instantons and QCD-monopoles.Comment: Talk presented by H. Suganuma at the Int. Conf. ``CONFINEMENT95'', March 22-24, 1995, Osaka, Japan, 12 pages, uses PHYZZ