8,009 research outputs found

    Configuration mixing of angular-momentum projected triaxial relativistic mean-field wave functions

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    The framework of relativistic energy density functionals is extended to include correlations related to the restoration of broken symmetries and to fluctuations of collective variables. The generator coordinate method is used to perform configuration mixing of angular-momentum projected wave functions, generated by constrained self-consistent relativistic mean-field calculations for triaxial shapes. The effects of triaxial deformation and of KK-mixing is illustrated in a study of spectroscopic properties of low-spin states in 24^{24}Mg.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Configuration mixing of angular-momentum projected triaxial relativistic mean-field wave functions. II. Microscopic analysis of low-lying states in magnesium isotopes

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    The recently developed structure model that uses the generator coordinate method to perform configuration mixing of angular-momentum projected wave functions, generated by constrained self-consistent relativistic mean-field calculations for triaxial shapes (3DAMP+GCM), is applied in a systematic study of ground states and low-energy collective states in the even-even magnesium isotopes 20−40^{20-40}Mg. Results obtained using a relativistic point-coupling nucleon-nucleon effective interaction in the particle-hole channel, and a density-independent δ\delta-interaction in the pairing channel, are compared to data and with previous axial 1DAMP+GCM calculations, both with a relativistic density functional and the non-relativistic Gogny force. The effects of the inclusion of triaxial degrees of freedom on the low-energy spectra and E2 transitions of magnesium isotopes are examined.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures and 1 tabl

    Overlap of quasiparticle random-phase approximation states for nuclear matrix elements of the neutrino-less double beta decay

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    Quasiparticle random-phase approximation (QRPA) is applied to two nuclei, and overlap of the QRPA excited states based on the different nuclei is calculated. The aim is to calculate the overlap of intermediate nuclear states of the double-beta decay. We use the like-particle QRPA after the closure approximation is applied to the nuclear matrix elements. The overlap is calculated rigorously by making use of the explicit equation of the QRPA ground state. The formulation of the overlap is shown, and a test calculation is performed. The effectiveness of the truncations used is shown.Comment: 3 minor corrections and 1 minor chang

    Self-consistent description of multipole strength: systematic calculations

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    We use the quasiparticle random phase approximation with a few Skyrme density functionals to calculate strength functions in the Jpi = 0+, 1-, and 2+ channels for even Ca, Ni, and Sn isotopes, from the proton drip line to the neutron drip line. We show where and how low-lying strength begins to appear as N increases. We also exhibit partial energy-weighted sums of the transition strength as functions of N for all nuclei calculated, and transition densities for many of the interesting peaks. We find that low-energy strength increases with N in all multipoles, but with distinctive features in each. The low-lying 0+ strength near the neutron at large N barely involves protons at all, with the strength coming primarily from a single two-quasineutron configuration with very large spatial extent. The low-lying 1- strength is different, with protons contributing to the transition density in the nuclear interior together with neutrons at large radii. The low-lying 2+ transition strength goes largely to more localized states. The three Skyrme interactions we test produce similar results, differing most significantly in their predictions for the location of the neutron drip line, the boundaries of deformed regions, energies of and transition strengths to the lowest 2+ states between closed shells, and isovector energy-weighted sum rules.Comment: 43 pages, 48 figures, 1 tabl

    Relativistic description of nuclear matrix elements in neutrinoless double-β\beta decay

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    Neutrinoless double-β\beta (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) decay is related to many fundamental concepts in nuclear and particle physics beyond the standard model. Currently there are many experiments searching for this weak process. An accurate knowledge of the nuclear matrix element for the 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay is essential for determining the effective neutrino mass once this process is eventually measured. We report the first full relativistic description of the 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay matrix element based on a state-of-the-art nuclear structure model. We adopt the full relativistic transition operators which are derived with the charge-changing nucleonic currents composed of the vector coupling, axial-vector coupling, pseudoscalar coupling, and weak-magnetism coupling terms. The wave functions for the initial and final nuclei are determined by the multireference covariant density functional theory (MR-CDFT) based on the point-coupling functional PC-PK1. The low-energy spectra and electric quadrupole transitions in 150{}^{150}Nd and its daughter nucleus 150{}^{150}Sm are well reproduced by the MR-CDFT calculations. The 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay matrix elements for both the 01+→01+0_1^+\rightarrow 0_1^+ and 01+→02+0_1^+\rightarrow 0_2^+ decays of 150{}^{150}Nd are evaluated. The effects of particle number projection, static and dynamic deformations, and the full relativistic structure of the transition operators on the matrix elements are studied in detail. The resulting 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay matrix element for the 01+→01+0_1^+\rightarrow 0_1^+ transition is 5.605.60, which gives the most optimistic prediction for the next generation of experiments searching for the 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay in 150{}^{150}Nd.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; table adde
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