28 research outputs found

    Memory Reduction via Delayed Simulation

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    We address a central (and classical) issue in the theory of infinite games: the reduction of the memory size that is needed to implement winning strategies in regular infinite games (i.e., controllers that ensure correct behavior against actions of the environment, when the specification is a regular omega-language). We propose an approach which attacks this problem before the construction of a strategy, by first reducing the game graph that is obtained from the specification. For the cases of specifications represented by "request-response"-requirements and general "fairness" conditions, we show that an exponential gain in the size of memory is possible.Comment: In Proceedings iWIGP 2011, arXiv:1102.374

    Indigenous crop diversity maintained despite the introduction of major global crops in an African centre of agrobiodiversity

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    Societal Impact Statement The global success and expansion of a small pool of major crops, including rice, wheat and maize, risks homogenising global agriculture. Focusing on the agriculturally diverse Ethiopian Highlands, this study tested whether farm diversity tends to be lower among farmers who grow more introduced crops. Surprisingly, it was found that farmers have successfully integrated introduced crops, resulting in more diverse and heterogenous farms without negatively impacting indigenous crop diversity. This is encouraging because diverse farms, comprising indigenous agricultural systems supplemented by introduced crops, may help address global challenges such as food insecurity. Summary The global expansion of a handful of major crops risks eroding indigenous crop diversity and homogenising agroecosystems, with significant consequences for sustainable and resilient food systems. Here, we investigate the farm-scale impact of introduced crops on indigenous agroecosystems. We surveyed 1369 subsistence farms stratified across climate gradients in the Ethiopian Highlands, a hotspot of agrobiodiversity, to characterise the richness and cultivated area of the 83 edible crops they contained. We further categorise these crops as being indigenous to Ethiopia, or introduced across three different eras. We apply non-metric multidimensional scaling and mixed effects modelling to characterise agroecosystem composition across farms with different proportions of introduced crops. Crops from different periods do not differ significantly in frequency or abundance across farms. Among geographically matched pairs of farms, those with higher proportions of modern introduced crops had significantly higher overall crop richness. Furthermore, farms with a high proportion of modern introduced crops showed higher heterogeneity in crop composition. An analysis of socio-economic drivers indicated that poverty is negatively associated with the cultivated area of introduced crops. In our Ethiopian case study, global patterns of major crop expansion are not necessarily associated with agrobiodiversity loss at the farm scale or higher homogeneity across indigenous agricultural systems. Importantly, socioeconomic factors may influence farmers' propensity to adopt novel species, suggesting targets for agricultural extension policies. Given the rapid climatic, economic and demographic changes impacting global food systems and the threats to food security these entail, robust indigenous agricultural systems enriched with diverse introduced crops may help maintain resilience

    Decision procedures for path feasibility of string-manipulating programs with complex operations

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    The design and implementation of decision procedures for checking path feasibility in string-manipulating programs is an important problem, with such applications as symbolic execution of programs with strings and automated detection of cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in web applications. A (symbolic) path is given as a finite sequence of assignments and assertions (i.e. without loops), and checking its feasibility amounts to determining the existence of inputs that yield a successful execution. Modern programming languages (e.g. JavaScript, PHP, and Python) support many complex string operations, and strings are also often implicitly modified during a computation in some intricate fashion (e.g. by some autoescaping mechanisms). In this paper we provide two general semantic conditions which together ensure the decidability of path feasibility: (1) each assertion admits regular monadic decomposition (i.e. is an effectively recognisable relation), and (2) each assignment uses a (possibly nondeterministic) function whose inverse relation preserves regularity. We show that the semantic conditions are expressive since they are satisfied by a multitude of string operations including concatenation, one-way and two-way finite-state transducers, replaceall functions (where the replacement string could contain variables), string-reverse functions, regular-expression matching, and some (restricted) forms of letter-counting/length functions. The semantic conditions also strictly subsume existing decidable string theories (e.g. straight-line fragments, and acyclic logics), and most existing benchmarks (e.g. most of Kaluza’s, and all of SLOG’s, Stranger’s, and SLOTH’s benchmarks). Our semantic conditions also yield a conceptually simple decision procedure, as well as an extensible architecture of a string solver in that a user may easily incorporate his/her own string functions into the solver by simply providing code for the pre-image computation without worrying about other parts of the solver. Despite these, the semantic conditions are unfortunately too general to provide a fast and complete decision procedure. We provide strong theoretical evidence for this in the form of complexity results. To rectify this problem, we propose two solutions. Our main solution is to allow only partial string functions (i.e., prohibit nondeterminism) in condition (2). This restriction is satisfied in many cases in practice, and yields decision procedures that are effective in both theory and practice. Whenever nondeterministic functions are still needed (e.g. the string function split), our second solution is to provide a syntactic fragment that provides a support of nondeterministic functions, and operations like one-way transducers, replaceall (with constant replacement string), the string-reverse function, concatenation, and regular-expression matching. We show that this fragment can be reduced to an existing solver SLOTH that exploits fast model checking algorithms like IC3. We provide an efficient implementation of our decision procedure (assuming our first solution above, i.e., deterministic partial string functions) in a new string solver OSTRICH. Our implementation provides built-in support for concatenation, reverse, functional transducers (FFT), and replaceall and provides a framework for extensibility to support further string functions. We demonstrate the efficacy of our new solver against other competitive solvers

    Weak second-order arithmetic and finite automata : technical report

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    Turing-machines and the Entscheidungsproblem : technical report

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