95 research outputs found

    Alternativas de cultivos intercalados para el establecimiento de plantaciones de cítricos en el Piedemonte del departamento del Meta

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    Uno de los limitantes para la plantación de los huertos citrícolas en Colombia es el alto costo del establecimiento y el periodo improductivo en sus fases inciales. En condiciones del departamento del Meta, tomando como referencia árboles injertados en madarina, la entrada en producción después del transplante es: cuatro años para naranja, seis o más para tangelo, cinco para mandarina y dos para lima.Naranja-Naranja dulce - Citrus sinensis. P

    Determinación de actividad antioxidante en frutas autóctonas disponibles en los principales mercados de la ciudad capital de Guatemala

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    Actualmente algunas enfermedades degenerativas como el cáncer y la ateroesclerosis, han sido asociadas con el efecto oxidativo ocasionado por la exposición prolongada a sustancias altamente energéticas conocidas como radicales libres (1-3). Estas especies son generadas como producto del metabolismo y tienen la característica de ser bastante reactivas electrones no apareados (1,4). Sistemas denominados antioxidantes tienen la capacidad de inhibir o retrasar el efecto oxidativo causado por los radicales libres, con lo que previenen el desarrollo de enfermedades degenerativas (5). El organismo humano cuenta de forma natural con enzimas que ejercen antioxidantes pueden obtenerse a través del consumo de alimentos como vegetales y frutas que han sido reportados como portadores de alfatocoferol, beta-caroteno y vitamina C, entre otros, cuya acción antioxidante ha sido comprobada (6). Existe un amplio número de investigaciones que han determinado la composición química de ciertos grupos alimenticios entre los que se incluyen las frutas; sin embargo en Guatemala no se ha realizado ningún estudio similar por lo que se desconoce la totalidad de la composición de algunas frutas, incluyendo la capacidad antioxidante de las mismas

    Assessing Pandemic Preparedness, Response, and Lessons Learned From the Covid-19 Pandemic in Four South American Countries: Agenda for the Future

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    INTRODUCTION: The COVID-19 pandemic emerged in a context that lacked adequate prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR) activities, and global, regional, and national leadership. South American countries were among world\u27s hardest hit by the pandemic, accounting for 10.1% of total cases and 20.1% of global deaths. METHODS: This study explores how pandemic PPR were affected by political, socioeconomic, and health system contexts as well as how PPR may have shaped pandemic outcomes in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. We then identify lessons learned and advance an agenda for improving PPR capacity at regional and national levels. We do this through a mixed-methods sequential explanatory study in four South American countries based on structured interviews and focus groups with elite policy makers. RESULTS: The results of our study demonstrate that structural and contextual barriers limited PPR activities at political, social, and economic levels in each country, as well as through the structure of the health care system. Respondents believe that top-level government officials had insufficient political will for prioritizing pandemic PPR and post-COVID-19 recovery programs within their countries\u27 health agendas. DISCUSSION: We recommend a regional COVID-19 task force, post-pandemic recovery, social and economic protection for vulnerable groups, improved primary health care and surveillance systems, risk communication strategies, and community engagement to place pandemic PPR on Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru and other South American countries\u27 national public health agendas


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    Los suelos varían ampliamente en la Amazonía mostrando gran diversidad, diferentes características morfológicas y propiedades físico-químicas. Las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en estas áreas ayudan al conocimiento general de los suelos nativos e inexplorados y proporcionan muestras de control para su estudio. En la literatura existen importantes investigaciones de los bosques amazónicos en un entorno heterogéneo en relación con el suelo y la topografía. En el estudio actual se recolectaron muestras de suelo de 3 profundidades, 9 localidades y altitudes diferentes en la selva amazónica; y se proporciona la visión sobre los efectos de la profundidad del suelo así como las variaciones altitudinales sobre el contenido de Fe y la acidez intercambiable (intercambio iónico H-al). Los resultados indicaron que la altitud, en comparación con la profundidad del suelo, puede desempeñar un papel importante en el contenido de Fe y la acidez intercambiable.// Soils vary broadly across Amazonia having a large diversity of soil types, morphological characteristics and physicalchemical soil properties. Research that examines the soil properties of these areas improve the general knowledge of native, unexplored soils and provides promising control samples for soil science. There are important investigations in the literature that examine the Amazonian forests grow in a heterogeneous environment in relation to soil and topography. In this study soil samples of 3 depths and from 9 different altitudinal locations of Amazonian rainforest were collected. The present study provides the insight about the effects of soil depth as well as altitudinal variations on Fe content and interchangeable acidity (H-Al ion interchange). This study indicated that altitude compared to soil depth can play major role in Fe content and Interchangeable acidity

    Assessing pandemic preparedness, response, and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic in four south American countries: agenda for the future

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    IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic emerged in a context that lacked adequate prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR) activities, and global, regional, and national leadership. South American countries were among world’s hardest hit by the pandemic, accounting for 10.1% of total cases and 20.1% of global deaths.MethodsThis study explores how pandemic PPR were affected by political, socioeconomic, and health system contexts as well as how PPR may have shaped pandemic outcomes in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. We then identify lessons learned and advance an agenda for improving PPR capacity at regional and national levels. We do this through a mixed-methods sequential explanatory study in four South American countries based on structured interviews and focus groups with elite policy makers.ResultsThe results of our study demonstrate that structural and contextual barriers limited PPR activities at political, social, and economic levels in each country, as well as through the structure of the health care system. Respondents believe that top-level government officials had insufficient political will for prioritizing pandemic PPR and post-COVID-19 recovery programs within their countries’ health agendas.DiscussionWe recommend a regional COVID-19 task force, post-pandemic recovery, social and economic protection for vulnerable groups, improved primary health care and surveillance systems, risk communication strategies, and community engagement to place pandemic PPR on Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru and other South American countries’ national public health agendas

    Ethnic group inequalities in coverage with reproductive, maternal and child health interventions:cross-sectional analyses of national surveys in 16 Latin American and Caribbean countries

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    Background Latin American and Caribbean populations include three main ethnic groups: indigenous people, people of African descent, and people of European descent. We investigated ethnic inequalities among these groups in population coverage with reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health interventions. Methods We analysed 16 standardised, nationally representative surveys carried out from 2004 to 2015 in Latin America and the Caribbean that provided information on ethnicity or a proxy indicator (household language or skin colour) and on coverage of reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health interventions. We selected four outcomes: coverage with modern contraception, antenatal care coverage (defined as four or more antenatal visits), and skilled attendants at birth for women aged 15-49 years; and coverage with three doses of diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT3) vaccine among children aged 12-23 months. We classified women and children as indigenous, of African descent, or other ancestry (reference group) on the basis of their self-reported ethnicity or language. Mediating variables included wealth quintiles (based on household asset indices), woman's education, and urban-rural residence. We calculated crude and adjusted coverage ratios using Poisson regression. Findings Ethnic gaps in coverage varied substantially from country to country. In most countries, coverage with modern contraception (median coverage ratio 0.82, IQR 0.66-0.92), antenatal care (0.86, 0.75-0.94), and skilled birth attendants (0.75, 0.68-0.92) was lower among indigenous women than in the reference group. Only three countries (Nicaragua, Panama, and Paraguay) showed significant gaps in DPT3 coverage between the indigenous and the reference groups. The differences were attenuated but persisted after adjustment for wealth, education, and residence. Women and children of African descent showed similar coverage to the reference group in most countries. Interpretation The lower coverage levels for indigenous women are pervasive, and cannot be explained solely by differences in wealth, education, or residence. Interventions delivered at community level-such as vaccines-show less inequality than those requiring access to services, such as birth attendance. Regular monitoring of ethnic inequalities is essential to evaluate existing initiatives aimed at the inclusion of minorities and to plan effective multisectoral policies and programmes.Entidad financiadora: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Wellcome Trus

    Recent Chicano poetry = Neueste Chicano-Lyrik. - Zweisprachig: Englisch / Deutsch

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    Die legalen und illegalen Einwanderer aus Mexiko haben in den USA in Malerei, Musik, Film und Literatur eine eigene Kultur entwickelt, die im Spannungsfeld zwischen mexikanischen Traditionen und der politisch-sozialen Realität in den Vereinigten Staaten angesiedelt ist. Im vorliegenden Band werden die verschiedenen lyrischen Tendenzen innerhalb dieser wahrhaft inter-amerikanischen Bewegung dokumentiert