10,539 research outputs found

    Tellipsoid: Exploiting inter-gene correlation for improved detection of differential gene expression

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    Motivation: Algorithms for differential analysis of microarray data are vital to modern biomedical research. Their accuracy strongly depends on effective treatment of inter-gene correlation. Correlation is ordinarily accounted for in terms of its effect on significance cut-offs. In this paper it is shown that correlation can, in fact, be exploited {to share information across tests}, which, in turn, can increase statistical power. Results: Vastly and demonstrably improved differential analysis approaches are the result of combining identifiability (the fact that in most microarray data sets, a large proportion of genes can be identified a priori as non-differential) with optimization criteria that incorporate correlation. As a special case, we develop a method which builds upon the widely used two-sample t-statistic based approach and uses the Mahalanobis distance as an optimality criterion. Results on the prostate cancer data of Singh et al. (2002) suggest that the proposed method outperforms all published approaches in terms of statistical power. Availability: The proposed algorithm is implemented in MATLAB and in R. The software, called Tellipsoid, and relevant data sets are available at http://www.egr.msu.edu/~desaikeyComment: 19 pages, Submitted to Bioinformatic

    Weak-wave advancement in nearly collinear four-wave mixing

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    We identify a new four-wave mixing process in which two nearly collinear pump beams produce phase-dependent gain into a weak bisector signal beam in a self-defocusing Kerr medium. Phase matching is achieved by weak-wave advancement caused by cross-phase modulation between the pump and signal beams. We relate this process to the inverse of spatial modulational instability and suggest a time-domain analog.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Data acquisition system for NASA LaRC impact dynamics research facility

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    A data system is designed to permit the simultaneous recording of 90 data channels on one 28 track magnetic tape recorder using a constant bandwidth FM multiplexing technique. Dynamic signals from transducers located in the test aircraft are amplified and fed to voltage controlled oscillators where they are converted to discrete FM signals. The signals from each group of five VCO's are fed to a mixer/distribution amplifier where they are combined into one composite signal and recorded, using direct recording techniques, on one magnetic tape recorder track. Millivolt signals from the recorders reproduce heads are amplified to one volt and then electronically switched to an FM demultiplexing system where appropriate frequency discrimination and signal filtering recover the original analog information

    Photonic crystal polarizers and polarizing beam splitters

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    We have experimentally demonstrated polarizers and polarizing beam splitters based on microwave-scale two-dimensional photonic crystals. Using polarized microwaves within certain frequency bands, we have observed a squared-sinusoid (Malus) transmission law when using the photonic crystal as a polarizer. The photonic crystal also functions as a polarizing beamsplitter; in this configuration it can be engineered to split incident polarizations in either order, making it more versatile than conventional, Brewster-angle beamsplitters.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, published Journal Applied Physics 93, 9429 (2003

    Solar silicon via the Dow Corning process

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    Carbon, as a reductant for quartz, must be made available so as to have suitable reactivity in conjunction with high purity, especially with respect to boron and phosphorus. A detailed experimental plan was developed to do this. Different sources of carbon were selected to be subjected to various purification methods and reactivity-enhancement processes. A developmental scale arc furnace was installed to perform quartz-carbon reactivity testing

    Microwave measurements of the photonic bandgap in a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab

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    We have measured the photonic bandgap in the transmission of microwaves through a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab. The structure was constructed by cementing acrylic rods in a hexagonal closed-packed array to form rectangular stacks. We find a bandgap centered at approximately 11 GHz, whose depth, width and center frequency vary with the number of layers in the slab, angle of incidence and microwave polarization.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    The development of a solar powered residential heating and cooling system

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    A solar energy collector design is disclosed that would be efficient for both energy transfer and fluid flow, based upon extensive parametric analyses. Thermal design requirements are generated for the energy storage systems which utilizes sensible heat storage in water. Properly size system components (including the collector and storage) and a practical, efficient total system configuration are determined by means of computer simulation of system performance

    Silicon materials task of the low cost solar array project, part 2

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    Purity requirements for solar cell grade silicon material was developed and defined by evaluating the effects of specific impurities and impurity levels on the performance of silicon solar cells. Also, data was generated forming the basis for cost-tradeoff analyses of silicon solar cell material. Growth, evaluation, solar cell fabrication and testing was completed for the baseline boron-doped Czochralski material. Measurements indicate Cn and Mn seriously degrade cell performance, while neither Ni nor Cu produce any serious reduction in cell efficiency

    SAGE 3: A visible wavelength limb sounder

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    A brief description is presented for the SAGE 3 (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment 3) instrument that has been selected to fly onboard the National Polar Platform 1 (NPOP 1) for the Earth Observational System (Eos) in 1996. The SAGE 3 instrument will perform earth limb sounding with the solar occultation technique measuring the ultraviolet (UV), the visible, and the near infrared (IR) wavelength solar radiation. The instrument will produce atmospheric data for the vertical distribution of aerosol, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, water vapor, and oxygen. The details of the instrument design, data flow, and processing requirements are discussed