377 research outputs found

    On {\cal N}=1 exact superpotentials from U(N) matrix models

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    In this letter we compute the exact effective superpotential of {\cal N}=1 U(N) supersymmetric gauge theories with N_f fundamental flavors and an arbitrary tree-level polynomial superpotential for the adjoint Higgs field. We use the matrix model approach in the maximally confinig phase. When restricted to the case of a tree-level even polynomial superpotential, our computation reproduces the known result of the SU(N) theory.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Exact Superpotentials, Theories with Flavor and Confining Vacua

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    In this paper we study some interesting properties of the effective superpotential of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories with fundamental matter, with the help of the Dijkgraaf--Vafa proposal connecting supersymmetric gauge theories with matrix models. We find that the effective superpotential for theories with N_f fundamental flavors can be calculated in terms of quantities computed in the pure (N_f=0) gauge theory. Using this property we compute in a remarkably simple way the exact effective superpotential of N=1 supersymmetric theories with fundamental matter and gauge group SU(N_c), at the point in the moduli space where a maximal number of monopoles become massless (confining vacua). We extend the analysis to a generic point of the moduli space, and show how to compute the effective superpotential in this general case.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    Integration of a Spanish-to-LSE machine translation system into an e-learning platform

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21657-2_61This paper presents the first results of the integration of a Spanish-to-LSE Machine Translation (MT) system into an e-learning platform. Most e-learning platforms provide speech-based contents, which makes them inaccessible to the Deaf. To solve this issue, we have developed a MT system that translates Spanish speech-based contents into LSE. To test our MT system, we have integrated it into an e-learning tool. The e-learning tool sends the audio to our platform. The platform sends back the subtitles and a video stream with the signed translation to the e-learning tool. Preliminary results, evaluating the sign language synthesis module, show an isolated sign recognition accuracy of 97%. The sentence recognition accuracy was of 93%.Authors would like to acknowledge the FPU-UAM grant program for its financial support. Authors are grateful to the FCNSE linguistic department for sharing their knowledge in LSE and performing the evaluations. Many thanks go to María Chulvi and Benjamín Nogal for providing help during the imple-mentation of this system. This work was partially supported by the Telefónica Móviles España S.A. project number 10-047158-TE-Ed-01-1

    Survival through networks: the 'grip' of the administrative links in the Russian post-Soviet context

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    © 2014 Taylor & Francis. Based on an analysis of the post-Soviet transformation experience of four defence sector organizations in a Russian region where the defence sector occupies a substantial part of the local economy, this article develops a typology of network relationships: Grooved Inter-relationship Patterns (Gr’ip) networks and Fluid Inter-relationship Patterns (Fl’ip) networks. This typology can be applied to a range of transition/emerging market and low system trust contexts. Gr’ip networks, in this case, represent the persisting legacy of the Soviet command-administrative system. Fl’ip networks are here an attempt by the defence companies to link into the civilian supply chains of a developing market economy. This article argues that Gr’ip networks had and still have a crucial role to play in Russian enterprises’ survival and development

    Global and local space properties of stream programs

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceIn this paper, we push forward the approach proposed in [1] aiming at studying semantic interpretation criteria for the purpose of ensuring safety and complexity properties of programs working on streams. The paper improves the previous results by considering global and local upper bounds properties of both theoretical and practical interests guaranteeing that the size of each output stream element is bounded by a function in the maximal size of the input stream elements. Moreover, in contrast to previous studies, these properties also apply to a wide class of stream deïŹnitions, that is functions that do not have streams in the input but produce an output stream

    Evolution of the grass leaf by primordium extension and petiole-lamina remodeling

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    The sheathing leaf found in grasses and other monocots is an evolutionary innovation, yet its origin has been a subject of long-standing debate. Here, we revisit the problem in the light of developmental genetics and computational modeling. We show that the sheathing leaf likely arose through WOX-gene-dependent extension of a primordial zone straddling concentric domains around the shoot apex. Patterned growth within this zone, oriented by two polarity fields, accounts for wild-type, mutant and mosaic grass leaf development, whereas zone contraction and growth remodeling accounts for eudicot leaf development. In contrast to the prevailing view, our results suggest that the sheath derives from petiole, whereas the blade derives from the lamina of the eudicot leaf, consistent with homologies proposed in the 19th century

    Mesonic Chiral Rings in Calabi-Yau Cones from Field Theory

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    We study the half-BPS mesonic chiral ring of the N=1 superconformal quiver theories arising from N D3-branes stacked at Y^pq and L^abc Calabi-Yau conical singularities. We map each gauge invariant operator represented on the quiver as an irreducible loop adjoint at some node, to an invariant monomial, modulo relations, in the gauged linear sigma model describing the corresponding bulk geometry. This map enables us to write a partition function at finite N over mesonic half-BPS states. It agrees with the bulk gravity interpretation of chiral ring states as cohomologically trivial giant gravitons. The quiver theories for L^aba, which have singular base geometries, contain extra operators not counted by the naive bulk partition function. These extra operators have a natural interpretation in terms of twisted states localized at the orbifold-like singularities in the bulk.Comment: Latex, 25pgs, 12 figs, v2: minor clarification

    Quivers, YBE and 3-manifolds

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    We study 4d superconformal indices for a large class of N=1 superconformal quiver gauge theories realized combinatorially as a bipartite graph or a set of "zig-zag paths" on a two-dimensional torus T^2. An exchange of loops, which we call a "double Yang-Baxter move", gives the Seiberg duality of the gauge theory, and the invariance of the index under the duality is translated into the Yang-Baxter-type equation of a spin system defined on a "Z-invariant" lattice on T^2. When we compactify the gauge theory to 3d, Higgs the theory and then compactify further to 2d, the superconformal index reduces to an integral of quantum/classical dilogarithm functions. The saddle point of this integral unexpectedly reproduces the hyperbolic volume of a hyperbolic 3-manifold. The 3-manifold is obtained by gluing hyperbolic ideal polyhedra in H^3, each of which could be thought of as a 3d lift of the faces of the 2d bipartite graph.The same quantity is also related with the thermodynamic limit of the BPS partition function, or equivalently the genus 0 topological string partition function, on a toric Calabi-Yau manifold dual to quiver gauge theories. We also comment on brane realization of our theories. This paper is a companion to another paper summarizing the results.Comment: 61 pages, 16 figures; v2: typos correcte

    The Beta Ansatz: A Tale of Two Complex Structures

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    Brane tilings, sometimes called dimer models, are a class of bipartite graphs on a torus which encode the gauge theory data of four-dimensional SCFTs dual to D3-branes probing toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. An efficient way of encoding this information exploits the theory of dessin d’enfants, expressing the structure in terms of a permutation triple, which is in turn related to a Belyi pair, namely a holomorphic map from a torus to a P1 with three marked points. The procedure of a-maximization, in the context of isoradial embeddings of the dimer, also associates a complex structure to the torus, determined by the R-charges in the SCFT, which can be compared with the Belyi complex structure. Algorithms for the explicit construction of the Belyi pairs are described in detail. In the case of orbifolds, these algorithms are related to the construction of covers of elliptic curves, which exploits the properties of Weierstraß elliptic functions. We present a counter example to a previous conjecture identifying the complex structure of the Belyi curve to the complex structure associated with R-charges
