26 research outputs found

    Comparative in-vitro activity of new quinolones against clinical isolates and resistant mutants

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    The in-vitro activity of five new fluoroquinolones, WIN 57273, sparfloxacin, flerox-acin, temafloxacin and tiprofloxacin was determined against 543 recent clinical isolates and eight quinolone resistant strains derived by mutation and their five parent strains. WIN 57273 was the most active compound against Gram-positive bacteria, sparfloxacin had a broad spectrum which was similar to that of cipro-floxacin. Ciprofloxacin showed the greatest activity against Gram-negative bacteria. Temafloxacin showing some activity against Gram-positive organisms and Acinetobacter spp. Fleroxacin was the least active compound studied. Compared to wild type parent strains, the mutated strains produced the following results. In Enterobacter cloacae OmpF deficiency increased the MICs of all quinolones by 8-32-fold. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa OmpF deficiency had a limited effect, Omp D2 deficiency combined with an increased lipopolysaccharide content produced greater resistance, i.e. 4-16-fold; mutations in gyrase were associated with variously increased MICs, depending on the strain and compound teste

    Bone marrow-derived cells in ocular neovascularization: contribution and mechanisms

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    Ocular neovascularization often leads to severe vision loss. The role of bone marrow-derived cells (BMCs) in the development of ocular neovascularization, and its significance, is increasingly being recognized. In this review, we discuss their contribution and the potential mechanisms that mediate the effect of BMCs on the progression of ocular neovascularization. The sequence of events by which BMCs participate in ocular neovascularization can be roughly divided into four phases, i.e., mobilization, migration, adhesion and differentiation. This process is delicately regulated and liable to be affected by multiple factors. Cytokines such as vascular endothelial growth factor, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and erythropoietin are involved in the mobilization of BMCs. Studies have also demonstrated a key role of cytokines such as stromal cell-derived factor-1, tumor necrosis factor-α, as well as vascular endothelial growth factor, in regulating the migration of BMCs. The adhesion of BMCs is mainly regulated by vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular endothelial cadherin. However, the mechanisms regulating the differentiation of BMCs are largely unknown at present. In addition, BMCs secrete cytokines that interact with the microenvironment of ocular neovascularization; their contribution to ocular neovascularization, especially choroidal neovascularization, can be aggravated by several risk factors. An extensive regulatory network is thought to modulate the role of BMCs in the development of ocular neovascularization. A comprehensive understanding of the involved mechanisms will help in the development of novel therapeutic strategies related to BMCs. In this review, we have limited the discussion to the recent progress in this field, especially the research conducted at our laboratory

    Comparative in-vitro activity of new quinolones against clinical isolates and resistant mutants

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    The in-vitro activity of five new fluoroquinolones, WIN 57273, sparfloxacin, fleroxacin, temafloxacin and ciprofloxacin was determined against 543 recent clinical isolates and eight quinolone resistant strains derived by mutation and their five parent strains. WIN 57273 was the most active compound against Gram-positive bacteria, sparfloxacin had a broad spectrum which was similar to that of ciprofloxacin. Ciprofloxacin showed the greatest activity against Gram-negative bacteria. Temafloxacin showing some activity against Gram-positive organisms and Acinetobacter spp. Fleroxacin was the least active compound studied. Compared to wild type parent strains, the mutated strains produced the following results. In Enterobacter cloacae OmpF deficiency increased the MICs of all quinolones by 8-32-fold. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa OmpF deficiency had a limited effect, Omp D2 deficiency combined with an increased lipopolysaccharide content produced greater resistance, i.e. 4-16-fold; mutations in gyrase were associated with variously increased MICs, depending on the strain and compound tested

    A nanostructured bacterial bioscaffold for the sustained bottom-up delivery of protein drugs

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    Aims: Bacterial inclusion bodies (IBs) are protein-based, amyloidal nanomaterials that mechanically stimulate mammalian cell proliferation upon surface decoration. However, their biological performance as potentially functional scaffolds in mammalian cell culture still needs to be explored.<p></p> Materials and methods: Using fluorescent proteins, we demonstrate significant membrane penetration of surface-attached IBs and a corresponding intracellular bioavailability of the protein material. Results: When IBs are formed by protein drugs, such as the intracellular acting human chaperone Hsp70 or the extracellular/intracellular acting human FGF-2, IB components intervene on top-growing cells, namely by rescuing them from chemically induced apoptosis or by stimulating cell division under serum starvation, respectively. Protein release from IBs seems to mechanistically mimic the sustained secretion of protein hormones from amyloid-like secretory granules in higher organisms.<p></p> Conclusions: We propose bacterial IBs as biomimetic nanostructured scaffolds (bioscaffolds) suitable for tissue engineering that, while acting as adhesive materials, partially disintegrate for the slow release of their biologically active building blocks. The bottom-up delivery of protein drugs mediated by bioscaffolds offers a highly promising platform for emerging applications in regenerative medicine.<p></p&gt

    Factors regulating capillary remodeling in a reversible model of inflammatory corneal angiogenesis

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    Newly formed microcapillary networks arising in adult organisms by angiogenic and inflammatory stimuli contribute to pathologies such as corneal and retinal blindness, tumor growth, and metastasis. Therapeutic inhibition of pathologic angiogenesis has focused on targeting the VEGF pathway, while comparatively little attention has been given to remodeling of the new microcapillaries into a stabilized, functional, and persistent vascular network. Here, we used a novel reversible model of inflammatory angiogenesis in the rat cornea to investigate endogenous factors rapidly invoked to remodel, normalize and regress microcapillaries as part of the natural response to regain corneal avascularity. Rapid reversal of an inflammatory angiogenic stimulus suppressed granulocytic activity, enhanced recruitment of remodelling macrophages, induced capillary intussusception, and enriched pathways and processes involving immune cells, chemokines, morphogenesis, axonal guidance, and cell motility, adhesion, and cytoskeletal functions. Whole transcriptome gene expression analysis revealed suppression of numerous inflammatory and angiogenic factors and enhancement of endogenous inhibitors. Many of the identified genes function independently of VEGF and represent potentially new targets for molecular control of the critical process of microvascular remodeling and regression in the cornea.Funding Agencies|Bayer HealthCare AB, Solna, Sweden; Swedish Research Council [2012-2472]</p