96 research outputs found

    Semiconductor optical amplifiers and raman amplification for 1310-nm wavelength division multiplexed transmission

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    We investigate the utilization of semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) and quantum-dot laser-based Raman amplifiers in high-capacity dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) 1310-nm transmission systems. Performed simulations showed that in a 10×40  Gbit/s 10×40  Gbit/s system, the utilization of a single Raman amplifier in a back-propagation scheme can extend the maximum error-free (bit error rate <10 −9 <10−9 ) transmission distance by approximately 25 km in comparison with the same system utilizing only an SOA used as a preamplifier. We successfully applied a Raman amplifier in an 8×2×40  Gbit/s 8×2×40  Gbit/s 1310-nm polarization multiplexed (PolMux) DWDM transmission over 25 km. Conducted experiments showed that the utilization of a Raman amplifier in this system leads to 4-dB improvement of the average channel sensitivity in comparison to the same system utilizing SOAs. This sensitivity improvement can be translated into a higher power budget. Moreover, lower input optical power in a system utilizing a Raman amplifier reduces the four-wave mixing interactions. The obtained results prove that Raman amplification can be successfully applied in 1310-nm high-capacity transmission systems, e.g., to extend the reach of 400G and 1T Ethernet systems

    Remote Access Unit for Optic-to-Wireless Conversion

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    Antecipação de colheita de sementes de soja através do uso de dessecantes.

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    A systematic review of mental health outcome measures for young people aged 12 to 25 years

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    Effective and safe proton pump inhibitor therapy in acid-related diseases – A position paper addressing benefits and potential harms of acid suppression

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    Wstępne badania czystości mikrobiologicznej biogazu pod kątem oceny możliwości jego wprowadzenia do sieci gazowniczej

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    Badania mikrobiologiczne są jednym z elementów oceny jakości biogazu i stanowią uzupełnienie szczegółowych badań chemicznych tego medium. Badania parametrów biogazu, prowadzone pod kątem oceny możliwości ewentualnego wprowadzenia biogazu do krajowej sieci gazowniczej, stanowią ważny aspekt omawianej problematyki. Artykuł prezentuje wstępne badania laboratoryjne oraz przegląd doniesień literaturowych z tej dziedziny. Wyniki badań wskazują na wysoki stopień czystości mikrobiologicznej biogazu, w tym brak bakterii E. coli, Enterococcus fecalis i bakterii redukujących siarczyny, reprezentujących rodzaj Clostridium, w zdecydowanej większości przebadanych prób

    The 12C(16O, 12C)16O reaction : an insight into the reaction mechanism by particle correlation measurements

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    The 12C(16O,12C)16O reaction was studied by particle correlation measurements. It is shown : I) that the double excitation mechanism is very important in the exit channel, II) that the alignment of the residual nucleus 16O is very strong.La reaction 12C(16O,12C)16O a été étudiée par des mesures de corrélations angulaires de particules. Cette expérience a démontré : I) que le mécanisme de double excitation en voie de sortie est un phénomène très important, II) que l'alignement du noyau résiduel 16O est très fort

    Utilization of the SOA Deep Saturation and Power Averaging Effect to Counteract Intra-Channel Crosstalk in DWDM System

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    The Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA) is a key component of cost-effective short/medium range transmission systems. However it can introduce signal distortions. In this paper the authors investigate the possibility to reduce the signal distortions in SOA operating with the multiple wavelength channels. Using numerical simulations the negative influence of the nonlinear effects, namely cross-gain modulation (XGM) and the patterning effect can be reduced in deep SOA saturation regime. The self-healing effect is pronounced for the 4 or more wavelength channels and the transmitted symbol length longer than double of the SOA recovery time