9,155 research outputs found

    Realistic many-body models for Manganese Monoxide under pressure

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    In materials like transition metals oxides where electronic Coulomb correlations impede a description in terms of standard band-theories, the application of genuine many-body techniques is inevitable. Interfacing the realism of density-functional based methods with the virtues of Hubbard-like Hamiltonians, requires the joint ab initio construction of transfer integrals and interaction matrix elements (like the Hubbard U) in a localized basis set. In this work, we employ the scheme of maximally localized Wannier functions and the constrained random phase approximation to create effective low-energy models for Manganese monoxide, and track their evolution under external pressure. We find that in the low pressure antiferromagnetic phase, the compression results in an increase of the bare Coulomb interaction for specific orbitals. As we rationalized in recent model considerations [Phys. Rev. B 79, 235133 (2009)], this seemingly counter-intuitive behavior is a consequence of the delocalization of the respective Wannier functions. The change of screening processes does not alter this tendency, and thus, the screened on-site component of the interaction - the Hubbard U of the effective low-energy system - increases with pressure as well. The orbital anisotropy of the effects originates from the orientation of the orbitals vis-a-vis the deformation of the unit-cell. Within the high pressure paramagnetic phase, on the other hand, we find the significant increase of the Hubbard U is insensitive to the orbital orientation and almost exclusively owing to a substantial weakening of screening channels upon compression.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Polar type density of states in non-unitary odd-parity superconducting states of gap with point nodes

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    It is shown that the density of states (DOS) proportional to the excitation energy, the so-called polar like DOS, can arise in the odd-parity states with the superconducting gap vanishing at points even if the spin-orbit interaction for Cooper pairing is strong enough. Such gap stuructures are realized in the non-unitary states, F_{1u}(1,i,0), F_{1u}(1,varepsilon,varepsilon^{2}), and F_{2u}(1,i,0), classified by Volovik and Gorkov, Sov. Phys.-JETP Vol.61 (1985) 843. This is due to the fact that the gap vanishes in quadratic manner around the point on the Fermi surface. It is also shown that the region of quadratic energy dependence of DOS, in the state F_{2u}(1,varepsilon,varepsilon^{2}), is restricted in very small energy region making it difficult to distinguish from the polar-like DOS.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matter Lette

    Weak and strong coupling limits of the two-dimensional Fr\"ohlich polaron with spin-orbit Rashba interaction

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    The continuous progress in fabricating low-dimensional systems with large spin-orbit couplings has reached a point in which nowadays materials may display spin-orbit splitting energies ranging from a few to hundreds of meV. This situation calls for a better understanding of the interplay between the spin-orbit coupling and other interactions ubiquitously present in solids, in particular when the spin-orbit splitting is comparable in magnitude with characteristic energy scales such as the Fermi energy and the phonon frequency. In this article, the two-dimensional Fr\"ohlich electron-phonon problem is reformulated by introducing the coupling to a spin-orbit Rashba potential, allowing for a description of the spin-orbit effects on the electron-phonon interaction. The ground state of the resulting Fr\"ohlich-Rashba polaron is studied in the weak and strong coupling limits of the electron-phonon interaction for arbitrary values of the spin-orbit splitting. The weak coupling case is studied within the Rayleigh-Schr\"odinger perturbation theory, while the strong-coupling electron-phonon regime is investigated by means of variational polaron wave functions in the adiabatic limit. It is found that, for both weak and strong coupling polarons, the ground state energy is systematically lowered by the spin-orbit interaction, indicating that the polaronic character is strengthened by the Rashba coupling. It is also shown that, consistently with the lowering of the ground state, the polaron effective mass is enhanced compared to the zero spin-orbit limit. Finally, it is argued that the crossover between weakly and strongly coupled polarons can be shifted by the spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Rutger's CAM2000 chip architecture

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    This report describes the architecture and instruction set of the Rutgers CAM2000 memory chip. The CAM2000 combines features of Associative Processing (AP), Content Addressable Memory (CAM), and Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) in a single chip package that is not only DRAM compatible but capable of applying simple massively parallel operations to memory. This document reflects the current status of the CAM2000 architecture and is continually updated to reflect the current state of the architecture and instruction set

    Entanglement purification protocols for all graph states

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    We present multiparty entanglement purification protocols that are capable of purifying arbitrary graph states directly. We develop recurrence and breeding protocols and compare our methods with strategies based on bipartite entanglement purification in static and communication scenarios. We find that direct multiparty purification is of advantage with respect to achievable yields and minimal required fidelity in static scenarios, and with respect to obtainable fidelity in the case of noisy operations in both scenarios.Comment: revtex 10 pages, 6 figure

    A theory of new type of heavy-electron superconductivity in PrOs_4Sb_12: quadrupolar-fluctuation mediated odd-parity pairings

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    It is shown that unconventional nature of superconducting state of PrOs_4Sb_12, a Pr-based heavy electron compound with the filled-Skutterudite structure, can be explained in a unified way by taking into account the structure of the crystalline-electric-field (CEF) level, the shape of the Fermi surface determined by the band structure calculation, and a picture of the quasiparticles in f2^{2}-configuration with magnetically singlet CEF ground state. Possible types of pairing are narrowed down by consulting recent experimental results. In particular, the chiral "p"-wave states such as p_x+ip_y is favoured under the magnetic field due to the orbital Zeeman effect, while the "p"-wave states with two-fold symmetery such as p_x can be stabilized by a feedback effect without the magnetic field. It is also discussed that the double superconducting transition without the magnetic field is possible due to the spin-orbit coupling of the "triplet" Cooper pairs in the chiral state.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matter Lette

    Huge Enhancement of Impurity Scattering due to Critical Valence Fluctuations in a Ce-Based Heavy Electron System

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    On the basis of the Ward-Pitaevskii identity, the residual resistivity ρ0\rho_{0} is shown to exhibit huge enhancement around the quantum critical point of valence transition in Ce-based heavy electron systems. This explains a sharp peak of ρ0\rho_{0} observed in CeCu2_2Ge2_2 under the pressure at P∌P\sim16GPa where the superconducting trasition temperature also exhibit the sharp peak.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Multipartite entanglement in 2 x 2 x n quantum systems

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    We classify multipartite entangled states in the 2 x 2 x n (n >= 4) quantum system, for example the 4-qubit system distributed over 3 parties, under local filtering operations. We show that there exist nine essentially different classes of states, and they give rise to a five-graded partially ordered structure, including the celebrated Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) and W classes of 3 qubits. In particular, all 2 x 2 x n-states can be deterministically prepared from one maximally entangled state, and some applications like entanglement swapping are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 eps figure
