197 research outputs found

    Four-photon orbital angular momentum entanglement

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    Quantum entanglement shared between more than two particles is essential to foundational questions in quantum mechanics, and upcoming quantum information technologies. So far, up to 14 two-dimensional qubits have been entangled, and an open question remains if one can also demonstrate entanglement of higher-dimensional discrete properties of more than two particles. A promising route is the use of the photon orbital angular momentum (OAM), which enables implementation of novel quantum information protocols, and the study of fundamentally new quantum states. To date, only two of such multidimensional particles have been entangled albeit with ever increasing dimensionality. Here we use pulsed spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC) to produce photon quadruplets that are entangled in their OAM, or transverse-mode degrees of freedom; and witness genuine multipartite Dicke-type entanglement. Apart from addressing foundational questions, this could find applications in quantum metrology, imaging, and secret sharing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Relativistic entanglement of two massive particles

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    We describe the spin and momentum degrees of freedom of a system of two massive spin--12\tfrac{1}{2} particles as a 4 qubit system. Then we explicitly show how the entanglement changes between different partitions of the qubits, when considered by different inertial observers. Although the two particle entanglement corresponding to a partition into Alice's and Bob's subsystems is, as often stated in the literature, invariant under Lorentz boosts, the entanglement with respect to other partitions of the Hilbert space on the other hand, is not. It certainly does depend on the chosen inertial frame and on the initial state considered. The change of entanglement arises, because a Lorentz boost on the momenta of the particles causes a Wigner rotation of the spin, which in certain cases entangles the spin- with the momentum states. We systematically investigate the situation for different classes of initial spin states and different partitions of the 4 qubit space. Furthermore, we study the behavior of Bell inequalities for different observers and demonstrate how the maximally possible degree of violation, using the Pauli-Lubanski spin observable, can be recovered by any inertial observer.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Two computable sets of multipartite entanglement measures

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    We present two sets of computable entanglement measures for multipartite systems where each subsystem can have different degrees of freedom (so-called qudits). One set, called 'separability' measure, reveals which of the subsystems are separable/entangled. For that we have to extend the concept of k-separability for multipartite systems to a novel unambiguous separability concept which we call \gamma_k-separability. The second set of entanglement measures reveals the 'kind' of entanglement, i.e. if it is bipartite, tripartite, ..., n-partite entangled and is denoted as the 'physical' measure. We show how lower bounds on both sets of measures can be obtained by the observation that any entropy may be rewritten via operational expressions known as m-concurrences. Moreover, for different classes of bipartite or multipartite qudit systems we compute the bounds explicitly and discover that they are often tight or equivalent to positive partial transposition (PPT).Comment: 3 figures, 21 page

    Revealing Bell's Nonlocality for Unstable Systems in High Energy Physics

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    Entanglement and its consequences - in particular the violation of Bell inequalities, which defies our concepts of realism and locality - have been proven to play key roles in Nature by many experiments for various quantum systems. Entanglement can also be found in systems not consisting of ordinary matter and light, i.e. in massive meson--antimeson systems. Bell inequalities have been discussed for these systems, but up to date no direct experimental test to conclusively exclude local realism was found. This mainly stems from the fact that one only has access to a restricted class of observables and that these systems are also decaying. In this Letter we put forward a Bell inequality for unstable systems which can be tested at accelerator facilities with current technology. Herewith, the long awaited proof that such systems at different energy scales can reveal the sophisticated "dynamical" nonlocal feature of Nature in a direct experiment gets feasible. Moreover, the role of entanglement and CP violation, an asymmetry between matter and antimatter, is explored, a special feature offered only by these meson-antimeson systems.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Heisenberg's Uncertainty Relation and Bell Inequalities in High Energy Physics

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    An effective formalism is developed to handle decaying two-state systems. Herewith, observables of such systems can be described by a single operator in the Heisenberg picture. This allows for using the usual framework in quantum information theory and, hence, to enlighten the quantum feature of such systems compared to non-decaying systems. We apply it to systems in high energy physics, i.e. to oscillating meson-antimeson systems. In particular, we discuss the entropic Heisenberg uncertainty relation for observables measured at different times at accelerator facilities including the effect of CP violation, i.e. the imbalance of matter and antimatter. An operator-form of Bell inequalities for systems in high energy physics is presented, i.e. a Bell-witness operator, which allows for simple analysis of unstable systems.Comment: 17 page

    Finite-Temperature Scaling of Magnetic Susceptibility and Geometric Phase in the XY Spin Chain

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    We study the magnetic susceptibility of 1D quantum XY model, and show that when the temperature approaches zero, the magnetic susceptibility exhibits the finite-temperature scaling behavior. This scaling behavior of the magnetic susceptibility in 1D quantum XY model, due to the quantum-classical mapping, can be easily experimentally tested. Furthermore, the universality in the critical properties of the magnetic susceptibility in quantum XY model is verified. Our study also reveals the close relation between the magnetic susceptibility and the geometric phase in some spin systems, where the quantum phase transitions are driven by an external magnetic field.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, get accepted for publication by J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Multi-distributed Entanglement in Finitely Correlated Chains

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    The entanglement-sharing properties of an infinite spin-chain are studied when the state of the chain is a pure, translation-invariant state with a matrix-product structure. We study the entanglement properties of such states by means of their finitely correlated structure. These states are recursively constructed by means of an auxiliary density matrix \rho on a matrix algebra B and a completely positive map E: A \otimes B -> B, where A is the spin 2\times 2 matrix algebra. General structural results for the infinite chain are therefore obtained by explicit calculations in (finite) matrix algebras. In particular, we study not only the entanglement shared by nearest-neighbours, but also, differently from previous works, the entanglement shared between connected regions of the spin-chain. This range of possible applications is illustrated and the maximal concurrence C=1/\sqrt{2} for the entanglement of connected regions can actually be reached.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Eur.Phys.Let

    Berry phase in entangled systems: a proposed experiment with single neutrons

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    The influence of the geometric phase, in particular the Berry phase, on an entangled spin-1/2 system is studied. We discuss in detail the case, where the geometric phase is generated only by one part of the Hilbert space. We are able to cancel the effects of the dynamical phase by using the ``spin-echo'' method. We analyze how the Berry phase affects the Bell angles and the maximal violation of a Bell inequality. Furthermore we suggest an experimental realization of our setup within neutron interferometry.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Introduction extended, References adde

    Experimental GHZ Entanglement beyond Qubits

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    The Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) argument provides an all-or-nothing contradiction between quantum mechanics and local-realistic theories. In its original formulation, GHZ investigated three and four particles entangled in two dimensions only. Very recently, higher dimensional contradictions especially in three dimensions and three particles have been discovered but it has remained unclear how to produce such states. In this article we experimentally show how to generate a three-dimensional GHZ state from two-photon orbital-angular-momentum entanglement. The first suggestion for a setup which generates three-dimensional GHZ entanglement from these entangled pairs came from using the computer algorithm Melvin. The procedure employs novel concepts significantly beyond the qubit case. Our experiment opens up the possibility of a truly high-dimensional test of the GHZ-contradiction which, interestingly, employs non-Hermitian operators.Comment: 6+6 pages, 8 figure
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