1,481 research outputs found

    Deletion mutants of bacteriophage phiX174

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    Mutants of bacteriophage phiX174 have been isolated that are less dense than wild-type phiX particles in CsCl. When mutant viral (+) strand DNA and wild-type complementary (-) strand DNA are hybridized, the resulting duplex molecules have single-stranded loops characteristic of wild-type-deletion heteroduplexes. The mutant bacteriophages fail to complement phiX amber mutants in cistron E. We conclude that the mutant viruses have deleted approximately 7% of the phiX genome in the region of cistron E

    Recombinant DNA Molecules of Bacteriophage phi X174

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    phi X174 DNA structures containing two different parental genomes were detected genetically and examined by electron microscopy. These structures consisted of two monomeric double-stranded DNA molecules linked in a figure 8 configuration. Such DNA structures were observed to be formed preferentially in host recA+ cells or recA+ cell-free systems. Since the host recA+ allele is required for most phi X174 recombinant formation, we conclude that the observed figure 8 molecules are intermediates in, or end products of, a phi X174 recombination event. We propose that recombinant figure 8 DNA molecules arise as a result of "single-strand aggression," are stabilized by double-strand "branch migration," and represent a specific example of a common intermediate in genetic recombination

    Advance crew procedures development techniques: Procedures generation program requirements document

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    The Procedures Generation Program (PGP) is described as an automated crew procedures generation and performance monitoring system. Computer software requirements to be implemented in PGP for the Advanced Crew Procedures Development Techniques are outlined

    Genetic Recombination in Bacteriophage {varphi}X174

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    Genetic recombination in bacteriophage {varphi}X174 usually takes place early in the infection process and involves two parental replicative form (double-stranded) DNA molecules. The host recA protein is required; none of the nine known {varphi}X174 cistron products is essential. The products of a single recombination event are nonreciprocal and asymmetric. Typically, only one of the parental genotypes and one recombinant genotype are recovered from a single cell. An alternative, less efficient recombination mechanism which requires an active {varphi}X174 cistron A protein is observed in the absence of the host recA gene product

    Genetic Map of Bacteriophage [var phi]X174

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    Bacteriophage [var phi]X174 temperature-sensitive and nonsense mutations in eight cistrons were mapped by using two-, three-, and four-factor genetic crosses. The genetic map is circular with a total length of 24 × 10−4wt recombinants per progeny phage. The cistron order is D-E-F-G-H-A-B-C. High negative interference is seen, consistent with a small closed circular deoxyribonucleic acid molecule as a genome

    Hawaiian Freshwater Polychaeta: A Potentially Substantial Trophic Component of Stream Depositional Habitats

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    In this paper we report the widespread occurrence of large annelids (Polychaeta: Nereididae) in Hawaiian stream depositional habitats, drawing attention to the lack of knowledge of Hawaiian stream energetics. Specimens of Namalycastis sp. were collected from five Hawaiian Islands from May–July 1995 and from the island of Maui from July–December 1999 and April–July 2000. Most specimens collected were N. hawaiiensis, while two specimens of N. abiuma were collected from a single site on the island of Molokai. Specimens were collected from elevations ranging from 3–240 m; several collections were from sites above at least one major (\u3e 15 m high) waterfall. Habitats were characterized by slow-moving or stagnant water, water temperatures ranging from \u3c 18–29 C, mixed gravel and sand substrates with organic detritus. Specimens were found among roots of vegetation along stream edges, in small lava pockets, buried in loose gravel, and in depressions between, under, and inside porous rocks. Body lengths of preserved specimens ranged from ~ 9 to 150 mm among islands and streams between years and seasons. Polychaetes were usually abundant in these habitats indicating a nearly ubiquitous distribution of Namalycastis, and suggesting ecological importance for stream benthic trophic dynamics throughout the Hawaiian archipelago

    Crew procedures development techniques

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    The study developed requirements, designed, developed, checked out and demonstrated the Procedures Generation Program (PGP). The PGP is a digital computer program which provides a computerized means of developing flight crew procedures based on crew action in the shuttle procedures simulator. In addition, it provides a real time display of procedures, difference procedures, performance data and performance evaluation data. Reconstruction of displays is possible post-run. Data may be copied, stored on magnetic tape and transferred to the document processor for editing and documentation distribution

    Morphological Characteristics and Species Separation of Hawaiian Postlarval Amphidromous Fishes

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    There are five Hawaiian amphidromous fishes (Gobiidae: Lentipes concolor, Awaous guamensis, Sicyopterus stimpsoni, Stenogobius hawaiiensis; Eleotridae: Eleotris sandwicensis). Amphidromous adults deposit eggs on the stream bottom. After hatching, larvae drift to the ocean for growth followed by postlarval migration back into the streams. Postlarvae were collected to construct a dichotomous identification key based on 12 morphological measures and ray counts from four fins. Overall, the presense of fused pelvic fins, standard length (SL), and fin ray numbers were the most useful in species separation. Gobies were separated from the eleotrid by the former having fused pelvic fins. Within the gobies, S. stimpsoni had the largest SL [mean (SD) = 20.5 (1.0) mm] with A. guamensis [15.8 (0.6)mm] smaller and L. concolor [13.7 (1.3) mm] and S. hawaiiensis [13.3 (1.0) mm] the smallest. Although SL alone could not separate L. concolor and S. hawaiiensis, the former had 5 first dorsal fin rays compared to 6 in all other gobies. Nineteen pectoral fin rays separated S. stimpsoni from A. guamensis, and SL along with anal and second dorsal fin ray number, separated A. guamensis from S. hawaiiensis. Canonical discriminate function analysis was used as an exploratory approach to confirm the dichotomous key. With all morphological features entered into the analysis, three significant discriminate functions were generated with the most highly correlated morphological variables within each function the same as those used in the dichotomous key. Additionally, regression models were generated for predicting SL from total length (TL) of three postlarval species. Measures of TL do not require excessive handling or killing specimens; however, SL is usually the preferred measure for body size. The ability to identify migrating postlarvae under a variety of conditions aids in data acquisition under circumstances where preservation may or may not be necessary for the research objectives

    Advanced crew procedures development techniques

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    The development of an operational computer program, the Procedures and Performance Program (PPP), is reported which provides a procedures recording and crew/vehicle performance monitoring capability. The PPP provides real time CRT displays and postrun hardcopy of procedures, difference procedures, performance, performance evaluation, and training script/training status data. During post-run, the program is designed to support evaluation through the reconstruction of displays to any point in time. A permanent record of the simulation exercise can be obtained via hardcopy output of the display data, and via magnetic tape transfer to the Generalized Documentation Processor (GDP). Reference procedures data may be transferred from the GDP to the PPP
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