12,834 research outputs found

    Deconstructing double-barred galaxies in 2D and 3D. II. Two distinct groups of inner bars

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    The intrinsic photometric properties of inner and outer stellar bars within 17 double-barred galaxies are thoroughly studied through a photometric analysis consisting of: i) two-dimensional multi-component photometric decompositions, and ii) three-dimensional statistical deprojections for measuring the thickening of bars, thus retrieving their 3D shape. The results are compared with previous measurements obtained with the widely used analysis of integrated light. Large-scale bars in single- and double-barred systems show similar sizes, and inner bars may be longer than outer bars in different galaxies. We find two distinct groups of inner bars attending to their in-plane length and ellipticity, resulting in a bimodal behaviour for the inner/outer bar length ratio. Such bimodality is related neither to the properties of the host galaxy nor the dominant bulge, and it does not show a counterpart in the dimension off the disc plane. The group of long inner bars lays at the lower end of the outer bar length vs. ellipticity correlation, whereas the short inner bars are out of that relation. We suggest that this behaviour could be due to either a different nature of the inner discs from which the inner bars are dynamically formed, or a different assembly stage for the inner bars. This last possibility would imply that the dynamical assembly of inner bars is a slow process taking several Gyr to happen. We have also explored whether all large-scale bars are prone to develop an inner bar at some stage of their lives, possibility we cannot fully confirm or discard.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Single-molecule stochastic resonance

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    Stochastic resonance (SR) is a well known phenomenon in dynamical systems. It consists of the amplification and optimization of the response of a system assisted by stochastic noise. Here we carry out the first experimental study of SR in single DNA hairpins which exhibit cooperatively folding/unfolding transitions under the action of an applied oscillating mechanical force with optical tweezers. By varying the frequency of the force oscillation, we investigated the folding/unfolding kinetics of DNA hairpins in a periodically driven bistable free-energy potential. We measured several SR quantifiers under varied conditions of the experimental setup such as trap stiffness and length of the molecular handles used for single-molecule manipulation. We find that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the spectral density of measured fluctuations in molecular extension of the DNA hairpins is a good quantifier of the SR. The frequency dependence of the SNR exhibits a peak at a frequency value given by the resonance matching condition. Finally, we carried out experiments in short hairpins that show how SR might be useful to enhance the detection of conformational molecular transitions of low SNR.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, supplementary material (http://prx.aps.org/epaps/PRX/v2/i3/e031012/prx-supp.pdf

    The intrinsic three-dimensional shape of galactic bars

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    We present the first statistical study on the intrinsic three-dimensional (3D) shape of a sample of 83 galactic bars extracted from the CALIFA survey. We use the galaXYZ code to derive the bar intrinsic shape with a statistical approach. The method uses only the geometric information (ellipticities and position angles) of bars and discs obtained from a multi-component photometric decomposition of the galaxy surface-brightness distributions. We find that bars are predominantly prolate-triaxial ellipsoids (68%), with a small fraction of oblate-triaxial ellipsoids (32%). The typical flattening (intrinsic C/A semiaxis ratio) of the bars in our sample is 0.34, which matches well the typical intrinsic flattening of stellar discs at these galaxy masses. We demonstrate that, for prolate-triaxial bars, the intrinsic shape of bars depends on the galaxy Hubble type and stellar mass (bars in massive S0 galaxies are thicker and more circular than those in less massive spirals). The bar intrinsic shape correlates with bulge, disc, and bar parameters. In particular with the bulge-to-total (B/T) luminosity ratio, disc g-r color, and central surface brightness of the bar, confirming the tight link between bars and their host galaxies. Combining the probability distributions of the intrinsic shape of bulges and bars in our sample we show that 52% (16%) of bulges are thicker (flatter) than the surrounding bar at 1σ\sigma level. We suggest that these percentages might be representative of the fraction of classical and disc-like bulges in our sample, respectively.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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