201 research outputs found


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    Empirical evidence is presented for oscillating, non-ohmic conductivity mechanisms induced in metals by living systems functioning at normal physiological temperatures. When human hands or living plant materials are placed in contact with metallic, charge collector electrodes arranged in a capacitative type monitoring system, oscillatory electrical currents consisting of what are defined here as Charge Density Pulse (CDP) waves with amplitudes in the 0.1 to 10 microamp range, are continuously generated during 30 sec. to one minute test intervals and exhibit well defined polarity orientations. Through the application of perturbation kinetics evidence was obtained to suggest that CDP responses are associated with charge carrier transport across cell membranes. Envelopes of the dissipative CDP traces followed a log-time relationship with a negative slope. The persistence of CDP oscillations suggested metastable systems in which organized electrical pulses propagate as soliton waves. In the case of human hand experiments these solitons may facilitate local electroporation processes in the epidermis. Interposed, dielectric films completely blocked the CDP response, whereas magnetic fields significantly altered its wave form. Aluminum and copper inserts between hand and electrode produced systematic changes in patterns of conductivity with characteristics somewhat analogous to Josephson junction systems. All aspects of this study are compatible with recently published theoretical papers proposing ideas relative to superconducting type mechanisms in living systems

    Contaminants in Unionid Mussels from the Confluence of the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers

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    Unionid mussels were collected from three mussel beds near the confluence of the Mississippi and Illinois rivers in 2003 to evaluate concentrations of selected elements and organic compounds in three abundant species and to preliminarily investigate the relative contribution of these waterways to observed contaminant burdens. Copper (Cu), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn) concentrations were higher and lead (Pb) concentrations were lower in Amblema plicata collected downstream of the confluence than in those collected upstream. Mean concentrations of nickel (Ni), total mercury (Hg), methylmercury (MeHg), Pb, and Zn varied by species. Concentrations of cadmium (Cd) decreased with age in A. plicata from two of three sites. Tissue concentrations of some elements, e.g., arsenic (As), Cd, Cu, Pb, Se, and Zn, were similar to or higher than those previously reported for unionid mussels from areas of contaminated sediment. Concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Zn in A. plicata were comparable to those collected from the Mississippi River approximately 450 and 900 km upstream from our study sites (Naimo et al. 1992). Although total Hg concentrations we observed were an order of magnitude lower than in that study, MeHg concentrations were above those associated with reductions in soft tissue mass in a study of Elliptio complanata (Salazar et al. 1995). A number of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners were detected in A. plicata tissues, with 85% of detections occurring in mussels from downstream of the confluence. Concentrations of individual PCB congeners were ???33 ng/g ww and the maximum summed PCB congener concentration was 100.2 ng/g ww. Although few persistent pesticides were detected, -hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) was detected in each of the species collected from below the confluence of the two rivers, and in A. plicata collected above it on both the Mississippi and Illinois rivers, at a maximum concentration of 103.5 ng/g ww. Aldrin, ??-HCH and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) were detected in few of the specimens collected. The findings of this preliminary investigation suggest that unionid mussels from near the confluence of the Mississippi and Illinois rivers may be at risk of negative health effects of elevated exposure to certain environmental contaminants. Studies examining the health and productivity of unionid mussels from this area appear warranted.published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

    Arms Control: Salt II- Executive Agreement or Treaty?

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    Kontrola kvalitete pri biosintezi aminoacil-tRNA

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    The fidelity of translation is determined at two major points: the accuracy of aminoacyl-tRNA selection by the ribosomes and synthesis of cognate amino acid/tRNA pairs by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) in the course of the aminoacylation reaction. The most important point in aminoacylation is the accurate recognition of cognate substrates coupled with discrimination of non-cognates. While this is generally accomplished by a single enzyme, we have recently found that discrimination against lysine analogues requires the existence of two unrelated lysyl-tRNA synthetases. For other amino acids, initial recognition is not sufficiently accurate with errors being corrected by an intrinsic editing activity. Recent studies indicate how editing prevents the misinterpretation of phenylalanine as tyrosine in the genetic code and have shown the importance of this process in vivo. More recent studies indicate that while these editing reactions are critical in the cytoplasm, some are absent from mitochondria suggesting that the overall fidelity of protein synthesis might be reduced in this compartment.Vjernost translacije bitno ovisi o točnosti dvaju koraka: odabiru aminoacil-tRNA na ribosomu i sintezi ispravnih aminoacil-tRNA pomoću odgovarajućih aminoacil-tRNA-sintetaza u reakciji aminoaciliranja. Najvažniji događaj u aminoaciliranju precizno je prepoznavanje pripadnih supstrata (tRNA i aminokiseline) i diskriminacija nepripadnih. Iako taj posao uglavnom obavlja po jedan enzim za svaki par tRNA : aminokiselina, nedavno smo ustanovili da su za diskriminaciju analoga lizina potrebne dvije različite lizil-tRNA-sintetaze. U nekim drugim slučajevima otkriveno je da su pogreške u odabiru tRNA i njihovih pripadnih aminokiseline i suviše velike, pa je nužan naknadni popravak pogrešnih produkata u reakciji aminoaciliranja, koji također mogu katalizirati neke aminoacil-tRNA-sintetaze. Na primjeru krivog odabira tirozina umjesto fenilalanina, te naknadnog popravka, pokazano je kako je mogućnost korekcije važna u sprečavanju pogrešne translacije genetičkog koda in vivo. Najnovija istraživanja pokazala su da su mehanizmi popravka od ključne važnosti u citoplazmi, no neki se ne zbivaju u mitohondriju, ukazujući na smanjenu ukupnu točnost biosinteze proteina u ovom staničnom odjeljku

    Quality Control During Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis

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    The fidelity of translation is determined at two major points: the accuracy of aminoacyl-tRNA selection by the ribosomes and synthesis of cognate amino acid/tRNA pairs by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) in the course of the aminoacylation reaction. The most important point in aminoacylation is the accurate recognition of cognate substrates coupled with discrimination of non-cognates. While this is generally accomplished by a single enzyme, we have recently found that discrimination against lysine analogues requires the existence of two unrelated lysyl-tRNA synthetases. For other amino acids, initial recognition is not sufficiently accurate with errors being corrected by an intrinsic editing activity. Recent studies indicate how editing prevents the misinterpretation of phenylalanine as tyrosine in the genetic code and have shown the importance of this process in vivo . More recent studies indicate that while these editing reactions are critical in the cytoplasm, some are absent from mitochondria suggesting that the overall idelity of protein synthesis might be reduced in this compartment

    Ursinus College Alumni Journal, February 1951

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    President\u27s page • Five sons and daughters of alumni members of 1954 class at Ursinus • Dr. Miller to present 10-week course on TV • Lt. Governor L. H. Wood takes Harrisburg office • 16 receive degrees on Founders\u27 Day • Dr. Jessie Greaves named distinguished daughter • York alumni show Noss film as scholarship benefit • American Magazine spotlights Isabelle Barr • Ursinus ivy at Cedar Crest • Glassmoyer resigns as journal editor • Memorable Old Timers\u27 Day enjoyed by many • New York association elects Rev. N. Alexander • Ursinus Women\u27s Club holds annual luncheon • Arvanitis to do research on heart-lung machine • Alumni plan fund benefit at Ursinus • Dr. G. E. Pfahler named to alumni presidency • Alumni prominent in church pageant • 1950-51 committees are appointed • Bomberger leads Ursinus through its early years • Sports review: Bruin Grapplers face fair season; Seedersmen off to high scoring start in 1950-51 campaign; Soccer team winless, ties alumni 2-2; Hockeyites take five, Vadner on all-college; Eleven tabs two wins, frosh play big role • Necrology • News about ourselveshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/alumnijournal/1040/thumbnail.jp

    Ursinus College Alumni Journal, May 1951

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    President\u27s page • Lloyd H. Wood, \u2725, inaugurated as Pennsylvania\u27s Lt. Governor • Dr. H. A. Cochran, of Temple, to address graduating class • Ursinus to be honored by Newcomen Society • Russian DP starts new life at Ursinus • Artist to glorify queen in May Day pageant • Catalogue re-designed • Program completed for 1951 Alumni Day • Dinner held for seniors • Scholarship fund benefit proceeds total $1700 • Marjorie Trayes becomes Rutger\u27s Dean on July 1 • Crossley first reported casualty from Ursinus • Rhea D. Johnson retires • Laucks antique collection near museum proportions • Mack Trucks, Inc., head sets great 1950 record • First Ursinus faculty, courses are selected • Sports review: New candidates display promise as varsity nine posts 3-6 record; Undefeated in 3 years, Helfferich takes MAC award; Slim holdover track squad greets Gurzynski; Alumnae continue active in Philadelphia area sports; Court team winds up successful season with 10 wins in 18 games; Dr. Miller selected as new Ursinus tennis coach; Mermaids drop seven, veteran \u2752 squad sure; Top sports record goes to girls\u27 basketball team; Ursinus\u27 1910 team and the same players today • Obituary • News about ourselveshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/alumnijournal/1041/thumbnail.jp

    Ursinus College Alumni Journal, September 1951

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    President\u27s page • Dr. Harry Cochran addresses graduating class • Newcomen Society honors Ursinus • Robert Herber awarded Fulbright scholarship • Dr. Prentis to speak on Founders Day • Faculty changes 1951-52 • New stack level houses 17,000 volumes • Ilse Helfferich weds • Former student bequeaths Ursinus College 77,000HoodhonorsMr.NossNewUrsinusdirectorsStatisticalreportfortwentiethreunionAlumniDayresumeClassof2˘726celebratestwentyfifthreunionMemorialscholarshipdrivetotals77,000 • Hood honors Mr. Noss • New Ursinus directors • Statistical report for twentieth reunion • Alumni Day resume • Class of \u2726 celebrates twenty-fifth reunion • Memorial scholarship drive totals 60,000 • 58 attend York County banquet • Alumni Athletic Association reorganized • Ursinus Women\u27s Club • Mrs. Pancoast named alumni secretary • October 27th Old Timers\u27 Day • Alumni win awards at theological seminary • Douthett kept busy despite retirement • Richard Wentzel winner in newspaper writing contest • Bunny wins again • York alumni take part in dedication ceremonies • Teru Hayashi develops an artificial muscle • Necrology • Sports review: Young replaces Landes on Bears coaching staff; Coeds end softball season undefeated; Football prospects for \u2751 season appear bright; Women\u27s tennis team wins five, loses three; Varsity baseball closes with 7 wins, 10 losses; New track records set; Miller\u27s netmen close season with 7-2 record • Student life at Ursinus in the late 1800s • News about ourselveshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/alumnijournal/1042/thumbnail.jp

    Ursinus College Alumni Journal, February 1952

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    President\u27s page • Mr. Charles Lachman elected Vice-President • The Price of Freedom: Founders Day address • 693 students register at Ursinus for 1951-52 • Dr. George Pfahler honored • Christmas at Ursinus • All-Ursinus cast stars in TV program • Scholarships at Ursinus • Ursinus College featured in the Sunday Bulletin • Paul Wagner teaching on University of the Air • Dr. A. Lewis, Jr. named chief product engineer • A good time had by all on Old Timers\u27 Day • Alfred Gemmell appointed curator • Ursinus Women\u27s Club luncheon December 1st • G. B. Whistler Donahue in Port Lyautey • Air Force offers direct appointments • Alumni Memorial Scholarship Fund • Reginald H. Helfferich to survey relief needs on world tour • Reminiscence about early Ursinus professors • Sports review: Mr. Bailey elected conference president; Spangler to coach Ursinus basketball; Men\u27s basketball outlook; Wrestling prospects; 1951 football review; Soccer 1951; Women\u27s hockey team takes 7 placements on all-college teams • News about ourselves • Necrologyhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/alumnijournal/1043/thumbnail.jp