4,012 research outputs found

    On the non-abelian Brumer-Stark conjecture and the equivariant Iwasawa main conjecture

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    We show that for an odd prime p, the p-primary parts of refinements of the (imprimitive) non-abelian Brumer and Brumer-Stark conjectures are implied by the equivariant Iwasawa main conjecture (EIMC) for totally real fields. Crucially, this result does not depend on the vanishing of the relevant Iwasawa mu-invariant. In combination with the authors' previous work on the EIMC, this leads to unconditional proofs of the non-abelian Brumer and Brumer-Stark conjectures in many new cases.Comment: 33 pages; to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift; v3 many minor updates including new title; v2 some cohomological arguments simplified; v1 is a revised version of the second half of arXiv:1408.4934v

    Color-superconductivity in the strong-coupling regime of Landau gauge QCD

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    The chirally unbroken and the superconducting 2SC and CFL phases are investigated in the chiral limit within a Dyson-Schwinger approach for the quark propagator in QCD. The hierarchy of Green's functions is truncated such that at vanishing density known results for the vacuum and at asymptotically high densities the corresponding weak-coupling expressions are recovered. The anomalous dimensions of the gap functions are analytically calculated. Based on the quark propagator the phase structure is studied, and results for the gap functions, occupation numbers, coherence lengths and pressure differences are given and compared with the corresponding expressions in the weak-coupling regime. At moderate chemical potentials the quasiparticle pairing gaps are several times larger than the extrapolated weak-coupling results.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; v2: one reference adde

    Experimental mathematics on the magnetic susceptibility of the square lattice Ising model

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    We calculate very long low- and high-temperature series for the susceptibility χ\chi of the square lattice Ising model as well as very long series for the five-particle contribution χ(5)\chi^{(5)} and six-particle contribution χ(6)\chi^{(6)}. These calculations have been made possible by the use of highly optimized polynomial time modular algorithms and a total of more than 150000 CPU hours on computer clusters. For χ(5)\chi^{(5)} 10000 terms of the series are calculated {\it modulo} a single prime, and have been used to find the linear ODE satisfied by χ(5)\chi^{(5)} {\it modulo} a prime. A diff-Pad\'e analysis of 2000 terms series for χ(5)\chi^{(5)} and χ(6)\chi^{(6)} confirms to a very high degree of confidence previous conjectures about the location and strength of the singularities of the nn-particle components of the susceptibility, up to a small set of ``additional'' singularities. We find the presence of singularities at w=1/2w=1/2 for the linear ODE of χ(5)\chi^{(5)}, and w2=1/8w^2= 1/8 for the ODE of χ(6)\chi^{(6)}, which are {\it not} singularities of the ``physical'' χ(5)\chi^{(5)} and χ(6),\chi^{(6)}, that is to say the series-solutions of the ODE's which are analytic at w=0w =0. Furthermore, analysis of the long series for χ(5)\chi^{(5)} (and χ(6)\chi^{(6)}) combined with the corresponding long series for the full susceptibility χ\chi yields previously conjectured singularities in some χ(n)\chi^{(n)}, n7n \ge 7. We also present a mechanism of resummation of the logarithmic singularities of the χ(n)\chi^{(n)} leading to the known power-law critical behaviour occurring in the full χ\chi, and perform a power spectrum analysis giving strong arguments in favor of the existence of a natural boundary for the full susceptibility χ\chi.Comment: 54 pages, 2 figure

    High-precision estimate of g4 in the 2D Ising model

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    We compute the renormalized four-point coupling in the 2d Ising model using transfer-matrix techniques. We greatly reduce the systematic uncertainties which usually affect this type of calculations by using the exact knowledge of several terms in the scaling function of the free energy. Our final result is g4=14.69735(3).Comment: 17 pages, revised version with minor changes, accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    The Magnetization of the 3D Ising Model

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    We present highly accurate Monte Carlo results for simple cubic Ising lattices containing up to 2563256^3 spins. These results were obtained by means of the Cluster Processor, a newly built special-purpose computer for the Wolff cluster simulation of the 3D Ising model. We find that the magnetization M(t)M(t) is perfectly described by M(t)=(a0a1tθa2t)tβM(t)=(a_0-a_1 t^{\theta} - a_2 t) t^{\beta} , where t=(TcT)/Tct=(T_{\rm c}-T)/T_{\rm c}, in a wide temperature range 0.0005<t<0.260.0005 < t < 0.26 . If there exist corrections to scaling with higher powers of tt, they are very small. The magnetization exponent is determined as β=0.3269\beta=0.3269 (6). An analysis of the magnetization distribution near criticality yields a new determination of the critical point: Kc=J/kBTc=0.2216544K_{\rm c}=J/k_B T_{\rm c}=0.2216544, with a standard deviation of 31073\cdot 10^{-7}.Comment: 7 pages, 5 Postscript figure

    Triplet superconducting pairing and density-wave instabilities in organic conductors

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    Using a renormalization group approach, we determine the phase diagram of an extended quasi-one-dimensional electron gas model that includes interchain hopping, nesting deviations and both intrachain and interchain repulsive interactions. We find a close proximity of spin-density- and charge-density-wave phases, singlet d-wave and triplet f-wave superconducting phases. There is a striking correspondence between our results and recent puzzling experimental findings in the Bechgaard salts, including the coexistence of spin-density-wave and charge-density-wave phases and the possibility of a triplet pairing in the superconducting phase.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figure

    Models for ambulance planning on the strategic and the tactical level

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    Ambulance planning involves decisions to be made on different levels. The decision for choosing base locations is usually made for a very long time (strategic level), but the number and location of used ambulances can be changed within a shorter time period (tactical level). We present possible formulations for the planning problems on these two levels and discuss solution approaches that solve both levels either simultaneously or separately. The models are set up such that different types of coverage constraints can be incorporated. Therefore, the models and approaches can be applied to different emergency medical services systems occurring all over the world. The approaches are tested on data based on the situation in the Netherlands and compared based on computation time and solution quality. The results show that the solution approach that solves both levels separately performs better when considering minimizing the number of bases. However, the solution approach that solves both levels simultaneously performs better when considering minimizing the number of ambulances. In addition, with the latter solution approach it is easier to make a good trade-off between minimizing the number of bases and ambulances because it considers a weighted objective function. However, the computation time of this approach increases exponentially with the input size whereas the computation time of the approach that solves both levels separately follows a more linear trend

    Making it stick: The secret to developing a data-driven culture

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    Big data and analytics has been recognized as fundamental to an organization’s success has consistently identified as one of top 10 Workforce Trends in recent years. One of the final steps in an analytics or applied research project is deployment where a solution is integrated into business practices. Without cultural acceptance, however, organizations risk missing out on the full impact that data and evidence-based practices can deliver. Even with data and analytics solutions deployed in business procedures, employees may still make decisions based on hunches and instinct. In order to harness the full potential of data analytics, organizations need to develop a culture that moves from “What do we think?” to “What do we know?”. Cultural change can be one of the most difficult things to effect in an organization, and transitioning to a data-driven culture has numerous challenges. Presenters will discuss strategies for gaining organizational commitment to data-driven decision-making, by increasing employee understanding of the value of evidence-based practices, and how data and analytics can be applied to decision-making