6,826 research outputs found

    The morphology of the Magellanic Clouds revealed by stars of different age: results from the DENIS survey

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    The spatial distribution of sources populating different regions of the colour-magnitude diagram (I-J, I) extracted from the DENIS catalogue towards the Magellanic Clouds (DCMC -- Cioni et al. 2000) reveal significantly different morphologies. Each region is associated to a different age group. The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) shows an extended circular shape with a prominent, off center bar, a nucleus and irregular spiral arms. The Small Magellanic Cloud shows a perturbated structure with a prominent central concentration of stars. Old and young populations are offset from one another.Comment: 4 pages and 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Journal Letter

    Comments on photonic shells

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    We investigate in detail the special case of an infinitely thin static cylindrical shell composed of counter-rotating photons on circular geodetical paths separating two distinct parts of Minkowski spacetimes--one inside and the other outside the shell--and compare it to a static disk shell formed by null particles counter-rotating on circular geodesics within the shell located between two sections of flat spacetime. One might ask whether the two cases are not, in fact, merely one

    SPH Simulations of Direct Impact Accretion in the Ultracompact AM CVn Binaries

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    The ultracompact binary systems V407 Vul (RX J1914.4+2456) and HM Cnc (RX J0806.3+1527) - a two-member subclass of the AM CVn stars - continue to pique interest because they defy unambiguous classification. Three proposed models remain viable at this time, but none of the three is significantly more compelling than the remaining two, and all three can satisfy the observational constraints if parameters in the models are tuned. One of the three proposed models is the direct impact model of Marsh & Steeghs (2002), in which the accretion stream impacts the surface of a rapidly-rotating primary white dwarf directly but at a near-glancing angle. One requirement of this model is that the accretion stream have a high enough density to advect its specific kinetic energy below the photosphere for progressively more-thermalized emission downstream, a constraint that requires an accretion spot size of roughly 1.2x10^5 km^2 or smaller. Having at hand a smoothed particle hydrodynamics code optimized for cataclysmic variable accretion disk simulations, it was relatively straightforward for us to adapt it to calculate the footprint of the accretion stream at the nominal radius of the primary white dwarf, and thus to test this constraint of the direct impact model. We find that the mass flux at the impact spot can be approximated by a bivariate Gaussian with standard deviation \sigma_{\phi} = 164 km in the orbital plane and \sigma_{\theta} = 23 km in the perpendicular direction. The area of the the 2\sigma ellipse into which 86% of the mass flux occurs is roughly 47,400 km^2, or roughly half the size estimated by Marsh & Steeghs (2002). We discuss the necessary parameters of a simple model of the luminosity distribution in the post-impact emission region.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Thermal Conduction in Systems out of Hydrostatic Equilibrium

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    We analyse the effects of thermal conduction in a relativistic fluid, just after its departure from hydrostatic equilibrium, on a time scale of the order of thermal relaxation time. It is obtained that the resulting evolution will critically depend on a parameter defined in terms of thermodynamic variables, which is constrained by causality requirements.Comment: 16 pages, emTex (LaTex 2.09). To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    CO Emission in Low Luminosity, HI Rich Galaxies

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    We present 12CO 1-0 observations of eleven low luminosity M_B > -18), HI--rich dwarf galaxies. Only the three most metal-rich galaxies, with 12+log(O/H) ~ 8.2, are detected. Very deep CO spectra of six extremely metal-poor systems (12+log(O/H) < 7.5) yield only low upper limits on the CO surface brightness, I_CO < 0.1 K km/s. Three of these six have never before been observed in a CO line, while the others now have much more stringent upper limits. For the very low metallicity galaxy Leo A, we do not confirm a previously reported detection in CO, and the limits are consistent with another recent nondetection. We combine these new observations with data from the literature to form a sample of dwarf galaxies which all have CO observations and measured oxygen abundances. No known galaxies with 12+log(O/H) < 7.9 (Z < 0.1 solar) have been detected in CO. Most of the star-forming galaxies with higher (12+log(O/H) > 8.1) metallicities are detected at similar or higher I_CO surface brightnesses. The data are consistent with a strong dependence of the I_CO/M_H_2 = X_CO conversion factor on ambient metallicity. The strikingly low upper limits on some metal-poor galaxies lead us to predict that the conversion factor is non-linear, increasing sharply below approximately 1/10 of the solar metallicity (12+log(O/H) < 7.9).Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in AJ Tables replaced -- now formated for landscape orientatio

    Breakdown of the linear approximation in the perturbative analysis of heat conduction in relativistic systems

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    We analyze the effects of thermal conduction in a relativistic fluid just after its departure from spherical symmetry, on a time scale of the order of relaxation time. Using first order perturbation theory, it is shown that, as in spherical systems, at a critical point the effective inertial mass density of a fluid element vanishes and becomes negative beyond that point. The impact of this effect on the reliability of causality conditions is discussed.Comment: 11 pages (Latex2.09) To appear in Physics Letters

    On the dual interpretation of zero-curvature Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models

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    Two possible interpretations of FRW cosmologies (perfect fluid or dissipative fluid)are considered as consecutive phases of the system. Necessary conditions are found, for the transition from perfect fluid to dissipative regime to occur, bringing out the conspicuous role played by a particular state of the system (the ''critical point '').Comment: 13 pages Latex, to appear in Class.Quantum Gra

    High Excitation Molecular Gas in the Magellanic Clouds

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    We present the first survey of submillimeter CO 4-3 emission in the Magellanic Clouds. The survey is comprised of 15 6'x6' maps obtained using the AST/RO telescope toward the molecular peaks of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. We have used these data to constrain the physical conditions in these objects, in particular their molecular gas density and temperature. We find that there are significant amounts of molecular gas associated with most of these molecular peaks, and that high molecular gas temperatures are pervasive throughout our sample. We discuss whether this may be due to the low metallicities and the associated dearth of gas coolants in the Clouds, and conclude that the present sample is insufficient to assert this effect.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables. To appear in Ap

    The Spatial Distribution of Atomic Carbon Emission in the Giant Molecular Cloud NGC 604-2

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    We have mapped a giant molecular cloud in the giant HII region NGC 604 in M33 in the 492 GHz ^3P_1 -- ^3P_0 transition of neutral atomic carbon using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. We find the distribution of the [CI] emission to be asymmetric with respect to the CO J=1--0 emission, with the peak of the [CI] emission offset towards the direction of the center of the HII region. In addition, the line ratio I_{[CI]}/I_{CO} is highest (~ 0.2) facing the HII region and lowest (< 0.1) away from it. These asymmetries indicate an edge-on morphology where the [CI] emission is strongest on the side of the cloud facing the center of the HII region, and not detected at all on the opposite side This suggests that the sources of the incident flux creating C from the dissociation of CO are the massive stars of the HII region. The lowest line ratios are similar to what is observed in Galactic molecular clouds, while the highest are similar to starburst galaxies and other regions of intense star formation. The column density ratio, N(C)/N(H_2) is a few times 10^{-6}, in general agreement with models of photodissociation regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 8 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Dynamical Masses in Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We have studied the dynamics and masses of a sample of ten nearby luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGS and ULIRGs), using 2.3 micron CO absorption line spectroscopy and near-infrared H- and Ks-band imaging. By combining velocity dispersions derived from the spectroscopy, disk scale-lengths obtained from the imaging, and a set of likely model density profiles, we calculate dynamical masses for each LIRG. For the majority of the sample, it is difficult to reconcile our mass estimates with the large amounts of gas derived from millimeter observations and from a standard conversion between CO emission and H_2 mass. Our results imply that LIRGs do not have huge amounts of molecular gas (10^10-10^11 Msolar) at their centers, and support previous indications that the standard conversion of CO to H_2 probably overestimates the gas masses and cannot be used in these environments. This in turn suggests much more modest levels of extinction in the near-infrared for LIRGs than previously predicted (A_V~10-20 versus A_V~100-1000). The lower gas mass estimates indicated by our observations imply that the star formation efficiency in these systems is very high and is triggered by cloud-cloud collisions, shocks, and winds rather than by gravitational instabilities in circumnuclear gas disks.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, accepted to Ap
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