50,493 research outputs found

    The impact of Chinese import penetration on the South African manufacturing sector

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    This article uses a Chenery-type decomposition and econometric estimation to evaluate the impact of Chinese trade on production and employment in South African manufacturing from 1992 to 2010. The results suggest that increased import penetration from China caused South African manufacturing output to be 5 per cent lower in 2010 than it otherwise would have been. The estimated reduction of total employment in manufacturing as a result of trade with China is larger – in 2010 about 8 per cent – because the declines in output were concentrated on labour-intensive industries and because the increase in imports raised labour productivity within industries

    The supersymmetric Penrose transform in six dimensions

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    We give a supersymmetric extension to the six-dimensional Penrose transform and give an integral formula for the on-shell (0, 2) supermultiplet. The relationship between super fields on space-time and twistor space is clarified and the space-time superfield constraint equations are derived from the geometry of supertwistor space. We also explain the extension to more general (0,n) supermultiplets and give twistor actions for these theories.Comment: 20 page

    Galaxy population properties in the rich clusters MS0839.8+2938, 1224.7+2007 and 1231.3+1542

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    This paper discusses the galaxy populations of three rich clusters, with redshift 0.19 (0839+29), 0.24 (1231+15), and 0.32 (1224+20), from the database of the CNOC1 consortium. The data consist of spectra of 52 cluster members for 0839+29, 30 members for 1224+15, and 82 members for 1231+15, and there are comparable numbers of field galaxy spectra. 0839+29 is compact with no strong radial gradients, and possibly dusty. 1224+20 is isolated in redshift, has low velocity dispersion around the cD galaxy, and low 4000A break. 1231+15 is asymmetrical and we discuss the possibility that it may be a recent merger of two old clusters. We find few galaxies in 0839+29 and 1231+15 with ongoing or recently truncated star-formation.Comment: 16 pages and 20 diagrams, to appear in A

    Line Emission in the Brightest Cluster Galaxies of the NOAO Fundamental Plane and Sloan Digital Sky Surveys

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    We examine the optical emission line properties of Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) selected from two large, homogeneous datasets. The first is the X-ray selected National Optical Astronomy Observatory Fundamental Plane Survey (NFPS), and the second is the C4 catalogue of optically selected clusters built from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release ~3 (SDSS DR3). Our goal is to better understand the optical line emission in BCGs with respect to properties of the galaxy and the host cluster. Throughout the analysis we compare the line emission of the BCGs to that of a control sample made of the other bright galaxies near the cluster centre. Overall, both the NFPS and SDSS show a modest fraction of BCGs with emission lines (~15%). No trend in the fraction of emitting BCGs as a function of galaxy mass or cluster velocity dispersion is found. However we find that, for those BCGs found in cooling flow clusters, 71^{+9}_{-14}% have optical emission. Furthermore, if we consider only BCGs within 50kpc of the X-ray centre of a cooling flow cluster, the emission-line fraction rises further to 100^{+0}_{-15}%. Excluding the cooling flow clusters, only ~10% of BCGs are line emitting, comparable to the control sample of galaxies. We show that the physical origin of the emission line activity varies: in some cases it has LINER-like line ratios, whereas in others it is a composite of star-formation and LINER-like activity. We conclude that the presence of emission lines in BCGs is directly related to the cooling of X-ray gas at the cluster centre.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 13 pages mn2e style with 7 figures and 2 table

    Ethical and compliance-competence evaluation: a key element of sound corporate governance

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    Motivated by the ongoing post-Enron refocusing on corporate governance and the shift by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the UK to promoting compliance- competence within the financial services sector, this paper demonstrates how template analysis can be used as a tool for evaluating compliance-competence. Focusing on the ethical dimension of compliance-competence, we illustrate how this can be subjectively appraised. We propose that this evaluation technique could be utilised as a starting point in informing senior management of corporate governance issues and be used to monitor and demonstrate key compliance and ethical aspects of an institution to external stakeholders and regulators

    Understanding Hope: A Review of Measurement and Construct Validity Research

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    Hope has been discussed by philosophers, theologians, educators, and scientists, to name but a few groups of people, over the preceding two millennia. During the last 15 years, C. R. Snyder and his colleagues at the University of Kansas have developed a theory and associated measures of the hope construct that have received extensive, detailed attention both within and outside the field of psychology. In this chapter, we describe Snyder\u27s hope model and some of the research findings that have supported the validity of this construct. Beginning with a conceptual definition of hope, we move to relevant findings about the usefulness of hope in the lives of individuals in various life arenas. We describe measures developed for assessing hope in children and adults, as well as current issues associated with the validity of hope measurement. Finally, we discuss future directions for further investigation of hope

    J.L. Edwards to Amelia Treadwell, 8 September

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    Spectroscopic analyses of Fe and water in clays: A Martian surface weathering study

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    Martian surface morphology suggests the presence of liquid H2O on Mars in the past. Reflectance spectra of the Martian surface include features which correspond to the crystal field transitions of iron, as well as features supporting the presence of ice and minerals containing structural OH and surface water. Researchers initiated further spectroscopic studies of surface iron and water and structural OH in clays in order to determine what remotely obtained spectra can indicate about the presence of clays on Mars based on a clearer understanding of the factors influencing the spectral features. Current technology allows researchers to better correlate the low frequency fundamental stretching and bending vibrations of O-H bonds with the diagnostic near infrared overtone and combination bands used in mineral characterization and identification

    A selfconsistent theory of current-induced switching of magnetization

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    A selfconsistent theory of the current-induced switching of magnetization using nonequilibrium Keldysh formalism is developed for a junction of two ferromagnets separated by a nonmagnetic spacer. It is shown that the spin-transfer torques responsible for current-induced switching of magnetization can be calculated from first principles in a steady state when the magnetization of the switching magnet is stationary. The spin-transfer torque is expressed in terms of one-electron surface Green functions for the junction cut into two independent parts by a cleavage plane immediately to the left and right of the switching magnet. The surface Green functions are calculated using a tight-binding Hamiltonian with parameters determined from a fit to an {\it ab initio} band structure.This treatment yields the spin transfer torques taking into account rigorously contributions from all the parts of the junction. To calculate the hysteresis loops of resistance versus current, and hence to determine the critical current for switching, the microscopically calculated spin-transfer torques are used as an input into the phenomenological Landau-Lifshitz equation with Gilbert damping. The present calculations for Co/Cu/Co(111) show that the critical current for switching is 107A/cm2\approx 10^7A/cm^2, which is in good agreement with experiment.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figure

    Modeling of premixing-prevaporizing fuel-air mixing passages

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    The development of a computer program for the analytical prediction of the distribution of liquid and vapor fuel in the premixing-prevaporizing passage by the direct injection method is described. The technical approach adopted for this program is to separate the problem into three parts each with its own computer code. These three parts are: calculation of the two-dimensional or axisymmetric air flow; calculation of the three-dimensional fuel droplet evaporation; and calculation of the fuel vapor diffusion. This method of approach is justified because premixing passages operate at lean equivalence ratios. Hence, a weak interaction assumption can be made wherein the airflow can affect the fuel droplet behavior but the fuel droplet behavior does not affect the airflow