224 research outputs found

    Aquaculture for the poor in Cambodia

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    This lesson learned reviewed the current status of aquaculture in Cambodia. It primarily covers inland fish farming development and coastal aquaculture projects targeted at poverty alleviation and food security. It focuses on approaches aimed at developing low cost systems, and less on high input aquaculture systems that are usually inaccessible to poor families.

    The casting and powder-metallurgy forming of precipitation-hardenable stainless steels

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    Casting and powder metallurgy techniques for shaping precipitation hardened stainless steel

    The making of nickel and nickel-alloy shapes by casting, powder metallurgy, electroforming, chemical vapor deposition, and metal spraying

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    Casting, powder metallurgy, electroforming, metal spraying, and chemical vapor deposition techniques for producing nickel and nickel-alloy shape

    Summary of Baseline Household Survey Results: Ek Phnum district Battambang province Cambodia

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    The household baseline survey conducted from December 2014 to January 2015 collected data from 140 households in seven villages, including Rohal Suong village, in the Ek Phnum district, Battambang province, Cambodia. This is part of the baseline data collection activities in Rohal Suong Climate Smart Village of CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. The objective is to collect household baseline data where the data to be collected five and 10 years after on the same households will be compared to capture changes that may occur over time. Results showed that the households were highly dependent on farming and small livestock raising for food and income and had access to small landholdings. Households also diversified income sources by engaging in off-farm work, and experienced hunger, especially in the months of October to December. Farming was characterized by low crop and commercialization index. Climate change-related factors, particularly drought and flooding, were the main factors identified to influence farming decisions. Adaptation and mitigation measures need to be enhanced. Information on extreme weather events were commonly available, but not weather forecasts. Providing the farmers with correct information can help them make good farming decisions

    Relación entre el valor del ratio elastográfico y la clasificación citológica de Bethesda en la patología tiroidea

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    ResumenObjetivoPresentar nuestra experiencia en la categorización de la patología tiroidea, a través de la utilización de parámetros ecográficos de malignidad y elastografía con medición del ratio de la deformación tisular, y la correlación de los hallazgos obtenidos con la clasificación citológica de Bethesda.Materiales y métodosSe llevó a cabo un estudio prospectivo y observacional, entre septiembre de 2012 y abril de 2013, que incluyó 137 nódulos tiroideos. Se excluyeron 10 casos Bethesda III-IV. Se realizó ecografía, power Doppler, visualización de micropartículas (Micropure) y elastografía con medición del ratio elastográfico, así como también punción aspirativa con aguja fina guiada por ecografía (con el citólogo presente), utilizando la clasificación Bethesda. Los estudios fueron hechos por el mismo operador con un ecógrafo Toshiba Aplio 400 y los datos estadísticos se evaluaron con el programa IBM SPSS Statistics 20.ResultadosSe estudiaron 127 nódulos en pacientes con una edad promedio de 59±16 años. El 82% de los casos ocurrió en mujeres. Ciento veinte nódulos (94%) fueron clasificados como Bethesda II. La media elastográfica para Bethesda I-II fue de 1,94±2,12 vs. 7,07±5,46 para V-VI (p: 0,048). El punto de corte elastográfico ≤ 2 (87 de 127) presentó una sensibilidad del 85,7% y una especificidad del 81,7% para predecir Bethesda asociada a patología benigna, con un valor predictivo negativo (VPN) del 99% y un valor predictivo positivo del 15%.ConclusionesEl ratio elastográfico permitió descartar la patología tiroidea maligna con valores ≤ 2 y un VPN del 99%, mejorando la selección de los pacientes a punzar. El incremento del ratio elastográfico se asoció a una mayor probabilidad de patología maligna, aunque no se pudo establecer un valor de corte debido al bajo número de casos con Bethesda V-VI.AbstractObjectivesWe present our experience in the categorization of thyroid pathology using the sonographic parameters of malignancy and elastography with measurement elastography strain ratio, to evaluate the relationship between the results found and the Bethesda classification.Materials and methodsProspective observational study, included 137 thyroid nodules studied between September 2012- April 2013. We excluded 10 cases with Bethesda categories III-IV. Ultrasonography, Doppler, Micropure, elastogrphy strain ratio between the lesion and the normal tissue, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC),were the diagnosis methods used. The pathologist was always present and the cytological classi fication of Bethesda was used. All study was made by the same physician used Toshiba Aplio 400 ultrasound unit. Results were analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 20.ResultsWe studied 127 nodules in patients 59±16 years old, 82% were female; 120 were Bethesda II (94%). The average strain ratio for nodules Bethesda I-II was 1.94±2.12 vs. 7.07±5.46 for those nodules Bethesda V-VI (p:0,048). This means that an elastography strain ratio ≤ 2 (87 of 127 nodules) has a sensibility of 85.7% and a specificity of 81.7% of predicting Bethesda associated with benign pathology with a negative predictive value (NPV) of 99% and a positive predictive value of 15%.ConclusionThe elastography strain ratio allowed to discard malignant nodules with strain ratio ≤ 2 with a NPV of 99% improves the selection of patients for FNAC. The increment in the elastography strain ratio was associated to a higher possibility of malignant thyroid pathology, being unable to determine a limit value due to the low amount of cases with nodules Bethesda V-VI

    Improving the Cost-efficiency of Preventive Chemotherapy:Impact of New Diagnostics on Stopping Decisions for Control of Schistosomiasis

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    Background: Control of schistosomiasis (SCH) relies on the regular distribution of preventive chemotherapy (PC) over many years. For the sake of sustainable SCH control, a decision must be made at some stage to scale down or stop PC. These "stopping decisions"are based on population surveys that assess whether infection levels are sufficiently low. However, the limited sensitivity of the currently used diagnostic (Kato-Katz [KK]) to detect low-intensity infections is a concern. Therefore, the use of new, more sensitive, molecular diagnostics has been proposed. Methods: Through statistical analysis of Schistosoma mansoni egg counts collected from Burundi and a simulation study using an established transmission model for schistosomiasis, we investigated the extent to which more sensitive diagnostics can improve decision making regarding stopping or continuing PC for the control of S. mansoni. Results: We found that KK-based strategies perform reasonably well for determining when to stop PC at a local scale. Use of more sensitive diagnostics leads to a marginally improved health impact (person-years lived with heavy infection) and comes at a cost of continuing PC for longer (up to around 3 years), unless the decision threshold for stopping PC is adapted upward. However, if this threshold is set too high, PC may be stopped prematurely, resulting in a rebound of infection levels and disease burden (+45% person-years of heavy infection). Conclusions: We conclude that the potential value of more sensitive diagnostics lies more in the reduction of survey-related costs than in the direct health impact of improved parasite control.</p

    Analyzing farm household strategies for food security and climate resilience: The case of Climate-Smart Villages of Southeast Asia

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    This paper develops a conceptual framework with an indicator-based approach to assess Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) and applies it to case study sites in Lao PDR (Ekxang CSV), Cambodia (Rohal Suong CSV), and Vietnam (Tra Hat CSV) in Southeast Asia. The intensification, extensification, diversification, commercialization, alteration of practices, use of common lands, migration strategies that can augment climate resilience, farm income, assets, and food security are assessed based on a composite index of the strategies and key outcome variables. The study demonstrates a method that can be applied widely for assessing climate-smart agriculture strategies and finding possible entry points for climate-smart interventions. The influence of gender in resource control and livelihood strategies is also discussed. It is also evident that the climate-smart interventions can augment different livelihood strategies of farmers and enhance the developmental and climate resilience outcomes. There is a need to prioritize the possible interventions in each case and implement them with the help of donor agencies, local institutions, and government offices

    Improving the Cost-efficiency of Preventive Chemotherapy : Impact of New Diagnostics on Stopping Decisions for Control of Schistosomiasis

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    BackgroundControl of schistosomiasis (SCH) relies on the regular distribution of preventive chemotherapy (PC) over many years. For the sake of sustainable SCH control, a decision must be made at some stage to scale down or stop PC. These "stopping decisions" are based on population surveys that assess whether infection levels are sufficiently low. However, the limited sensitivity of the currently used diagnostic (Kato-Katz [KK]) to detect low-intensity infections is a concern. Therefore, the use of new, more sensitive, molecular diagnostics has been proposed.MethodsThrough statistical analysis of Schistosoma mansoni egg counts collected from Burundi and a simulation study using an established transmission model for schistosomiasis, we investigated the extent to which more sensitive diagnostics can improve decision making regarding stopping or continuing PC for the control of S. mansoni.ResultsWe found that KK-based strategies perform reasonably well for determining when to stop PC at a local scale. Use of more sensitive diagnostics leads to a marginally improved health impact (person-years lived with heavy infection) and comes at a cost of continuing PC for longer (up to around 3 years), unless the decision threshold for stopping PC is adapted upward. However, if this threshold is set too high, PC may be stopped prematurely, resulting in a rebound of infection levels and disease burden (+45% person-years of heavy infection).ConclusionsWe conclude that the potential value of more sensitive diagnostics lies more in the reduction of survey-related costs than in the direct health impact of improved parasite control

    BAERLIN2014 -The influence of land surface types on and the horizontal heterogeneity of air pollutant levels in Berlin

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    Urban air quality and human health are among the key aspects of future urban planning. In order to address pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter, efforts need to be made to quantify and reduce their concentrations. One important aspect in understanding urban air quality is the influence of urban vegetation which may act as both emitter and sink for trace gases and aerosol particles. In this context, the "Berlin Air quality and Ecosystem Research: Local and long-range Impact of anthropogenic and Natural hydrocarbons 2014" (BAERLIN2014) campaign was conducted between 2 June and 29 August in the metropolitan area of Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany. The predominant goals of the campaign were (1) the characterization of urban gaseous and particulate pollution and its attribution to anthropogenic and natural sources in the region of interest, especially considering the connection between biogenic volatile organic compounds and particulates and ozone; (2) the quantification of the impact of urban vegetation on organic trace gas levels and the presence of oxidants such as ozone; and (3) to explain the local heterogeneity of pollutants by defining the distribution of sources and sinks relevant for the interpretation of model simulations. In order to do so, the campaign included stationary measurements at urban background station and mobile observations carried out from bicycle, van and airborne platforms. This paper provides an overview of the mobile measurements (Mobile BAERLIN2014) and general conclusions drawn from the analysis. Bicycle measurements showed micro-scale variations of temperature and particulate matter, displaying a substantial reduction of mean temperatures and particulate levels in the proximity of vegetated areas compared to typical urban residential area (background) measurements. Van measurements extended the area covered by bicycle observations and included continuous measurements of O3, NOx, CO, CO2 and point-wise measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at representative sites for traffic- and vegetation-affected sites. The quantification displayed notable horizontal heterogeneity of the short-lived gases and particle number concentrations. For example, baseline concentrations of the traffic-related chemical species CO and NO varied on average by up to ±22.2 and ±63.5 %, respectively, on the scale of 100 m around any measurement location. Airborne observations revealed the dominant source of elevated urban particulate number and mass concentrations being local, i.e., not being caused by long-range transport. Surface-based observations related these two parameters predominantly to traffic sources. Vegetated areas lowered the pollutant concentrations substantially with ozone being reduced most by coniferous forests, which is most likely caused by their reactive biogenic VOC emissions. With respect to the overall potential to reduce air pollutant levels, forests were found to result in the largest decrease, followed by parks and facilities for sports and leisure. Surface temperature was generally 0.6–2.1 °C lower in vegetated regions, which in turn will have an impact on tropospheric chemical processes. Based on our findings, effective future mitigation activities to provide a more sustainable and healthier urban environment should focus predominantly on reducing fossil-fuel emissions from traffic as well as on increasing vegetated areas