175 research outputs found

    p120 GAP Modulates Ras Activation of Jun Kinases and Transformation

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    Although recent evidence demonstrates that Ras causes transformation by activation of multiple downstream pathways, the specific role of non-Raf effector pathways is presently unknown. Although Ras causes activation of the Jun NH2-terminal kinases (JNKs) via a Raf-independent pathway, the contribution of JNK activation to Ras transformation and the effector that mediates JNK activation have not been established. We observed that a dominant negative mutant of SEK1/JNKK, an activator of JNKs, selectively inhibited oncogenic Ras activation of JNK and Ras transformation, but not Ras activation of the p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase. In contrast, overexpression of wild type SEK1 enhanced Ras activation of JNK and transforming activity. Thus, JNK activation promotes Ras transformation. Furthermore, a dominant negative mutant of p120 GAP (designated N-GAP), a candidate Ras effector, blocked Ras, but not Raf, transformation and blocked Ras, but not Rac, activation of JNK. Since N-GAP overexpression reduced the association of p190 Rac/Rho GAP with endogenous p120 GAP, N-GAP may form nonproductive complexes with components critical for p120 GAP function. In summary, p120 GAP may function as an effector for Ras activation of JNK and Ras transformation

    Oncogenic Ras activation of Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase-independent pathways is sufficient to cause tumorigenic transformation

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    Substantial evidence supports a critical role for the activation of the Raf-1/MEK/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in oncogenic Ras-mediated transformation. For example, dominant negative mutants of Raf-1, MEK, and mitogen-activated protein kinase all inhibit Ras transformation. Furthermore, the observation that plasma membrane-localized Raf-1 exhibits the same transforming potency as oncogenic Ras suggests that Raf-1 activation alone is sufficient to mediate full Ras transforming activity. However, the recent identification of other candidate Ras effectors (e.g., RalGDS and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase) suggests that activation of other downstream effector-mediated signaling pathways may also mediate Ras transforming activity. In support of this, two H-Ras effector domain mutants, H-Ras(12V, 37G) and H-Ras(12V, 40C), which are defective for Raf binding and activation, induced potent tumorigenic transformation of some strains of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. These Raf-binding defective mutants of H-Ras induced a transformed morphology that was indistinguishable from that induced by activated members of Rho family proteins. Furthermore, the transforming activities of both of these mutants were synergistically enhanced by activated Raf-1 and inhibited by the dominant negative RhoA(19N) mutant, indicating that Ras may cause transformation that occurs via coordinate activation of Raf-dependent and -independent pathways that involves Rho family proteins. Finally, cotransfection of H-Ras(12V, 37G) and H-Ras(12V, 40C) resulted in synergistic cooperation of their focus-forming activities, indicating that Ras activates at least two Raf-independent, Ras effector-mediated signaling events

    Raf-independent Deregulation of p38 and JNK Mitogen-activated Protein Kinases Are Critical for Ras Transformation

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    Activated Ras, but not Raf, causes transformation of RIE-1 epithelial cells, supporting the importance of Raf-independent pathways in mediating Ras transformation. The p38 and JNK mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades are activated by Ras via Raf-independent effector function. Therefore, we determined whether p38 and JNK activation are involved in Ras transformation of RIE-1 epithelial cells. Rather surprisingly, we found that pharmacologic inhibition of p38, together with Raf activation of ERK, was sufficient to mimic the morphologic and growth transformation caused by oncogenic Ras. p38 inhibition together with ERK activation also caused the same alterations in cyclin D1 and p21(CIP1) expression caused by Ras and induced an autocrine growth factor loop important for transformation. Finally, in contrast to p38, we found that JNK activation promoted Ras transformation, and that Ras deregulation of p38 and JNK was not mediated by activation of the Rac small GTPase. We conclude that a key action of Raf-independent effector pathways important for Ras transformation may involve inhibition of p38 and activation of JNK

    Oncogenic ras induces gastrin gene expression in colon cancer

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    AbstractBackground & Aims: The expression of gastrin, as a tumor growth factor, is significantly increased in some colon cancers compared with the low levels found in normal mucosa. The aim of this study was to elucidate the transcriptional mechanisms of gastrin induction in colon cancer. Methods: Gastrin messenger (mRNA) levels and K-ras genotype were determined in colon cancer cell lines and surgical specimens. Colon cancer cells were transfected with oncogenic ras expression vectors, and transcriptional activity was assayed with gastrin-luciferase reporter genes. Results: Colon cancer cell lines and tissues with K-ras mutations all had significantly higher gastrin mRNA levels than those that were ras wild type. Treatment of several ras mutant cell lines with PD98059, an inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase, resulted in a decrease in endogenous gastrin mRNA levels. The effects of ras on gastrin expression appeared to be mediated through the gastrin promoter because transfection of oncogenic ras and activated raf expression vectors both induced gastrin-promoter, luciferase-reporter genes. The inductive effects of oncogenic ras could be blocked by the coexpression of dominant negative forms of raf and extracellular regulated kinase. Conclusions: Oncogenic ras induces gastrin gene expression through activation of the Raf-MEK-ERK signal transduction pathway.GASTROENTEROLOGY 1998;115:1144-115

    Ceramide Activates the Stress-activated Protein Kinases

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    Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) activates the stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs, also known as Jun nuclear kinases or JNKs) resulting in the stimulation of AP-1-dependent gene transcription and induces the translocation of NF kappa B to the nucleus resulting in the stimulation of NF kappa B-dependent gene transcription. A potential second messenger for these signaling pathways is ceramide, which is generated when TNF alpha activates sphingomyelinases. We show that treatment of HL-60 human promyelocytic cells with exogenous sphingomyelinase leads to rapid stimulation of JNK/SAPK activity, an effect not mimicked by treatment with phospholipase A2, C, or D. Further, JNK/SAPK activity is stimulated 2.7- and 2.8-fold, respectively, in cells exposed to C2-ceramide (5 microM) or TNF alpha (10 ng/ml). The prolonged stimulation of this kinase activity by C2-ceramide is similar to that previously reported for TNF alpha. In contrast, the related mitogen-activated protein kinases ERK1 and ERK2 are weakly stimulated following TNF alpha treatment (1.5-fold) and are inhibited by C2-ceramide treatment. TNF alpha also potently stimulates NF-kappa B DNA binding activity and transcriptional activity, but these effects are not mimicked by addition of C2-ceramide or sphingomyelinase to intact cells. Furthermore, TNF alpha, sphingomyelinase, and C2-ceramide induce c-jun, a gene that is stimulated by the ATF-2 and c-Jun transcription factors. These data suggest that ceramide may act as a second messenger for a subset of TNF alpha's biochemical and biological effects

    Rac regulation of transformation, gene expression, and actin organization by multiple, PAK-independent pathways.

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    Rac1 and RhoA are members of the Rho family of Ras-related proteins and function as regulators of actin cytoskeletal organization, gene expression, and cell cycle progression. Constitutive activation of Rac1 and RhoA causes tumorigenic transformation of NIH 3T3 cells, and their functions may be required for full Ras transformation. The effectors by which Rac1 and RhoA mediate these diverse activities, as well as the interrelationship between these events, remain poorly understood. Rac1 is distinct from RhoA in its ability to bind and activate the p65 PAK serine/threonine kinase, to induce lamellipodia and membrane ruffling, and to activate the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK). To assess the role of PAK in Rac1 function, we identified effector domain mutants of Rac1 and Rac1-RhoA chimeric proteins that no longer bound PAK. Surprisingly, PAK binding was dispensable for Rac1-induced transformation and lamellipodium formation, as well as activation of JNK, p38, and serum response factor (SRF). However, the ability of Rac1 to bind to and activate PAK correlated with its ability to stimulate transcription from the cyclin D1 promoter. Furthermore, Rac1 activation of JNK or SRF, or induction of lamellipodia, was neither necessary nor sufficient for Rac1 transforming activity. Finally, the signaling pathways that mediate Rac1 activation of SRF or JNK were distinct from those that mediate Rac1 induction of lamellipodia. Taken together, these observations suggest that Rac1 regulates at least four distinct effector-mediated functions and that multiple pathways may contribute to Rac1-induced cellular transformation

    Transforming Potential of Dbl Family Proteins Correlates with Transcription from the Cyclin D1 Promoter but Not with Activation of Jun NH 2 -terminal Kinase, p38/Mpk2, Serum Response Factor, or c-Jun

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    The dbl family of oncogenes encodes a large, structurally related, family of growth-regulatory molecules that possess guanine nucleotide exchange factor activity for specific members of the Rho family of Ras-related GTPases. We have evaluated matched sets of weakly and strongly transforming versions of five Dbl family proteins (Lfc, Lsc, Ect2, Dbl, and Dbs) to determine their ability to stimulate signaling pathways that are activated by Rho family proteins. We found that the transforming potential of this panel did not correlate directly with their ability to activate Jun NH2-terminal kinase, p38/Mpk2, serum response factor, or c-Jun. In contrast, transient stimulation of transcription from the cyclin D1 promoter provided a strong correlation with transforming potential, and we found constitutive up-regulation of cyclin D1 protein in Dbl family protein-transformed cells. In addition, we observed that at least two Dbl family members (Lfc and Ect2) induced changes in the actin cytoskeleton and exhibited nuclear signaling profiles that are consistent with a broader range of in vivo substrate utilization than is predicted from their in vitro exchange specificities. In summary, although Dbl family proteins exhibit signaling profiles that are consistent with their in vivo activation of Rho proteins, stimulation of cyclin D1 transcription is the only activity that correlates with transforming potential, thus suggesting that deregulated cell cycle progression may be important for Dbl family protein transformation

    Oncogenic Ha-Ras-induced Signaling Activates NF-ÎşB Transcriptional Activity, Which Is Required for Cellular Transformation

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    Ras proteins function in stimulating cell proliferation and differentiation through the activation of Raf-dependent and Raf-independent signal transduction pathways and the subsequent activation of specific transcription factors. The transcription factor NF-kappaB has been widely studied as a regulator of genes involved in immune and inflammatory responses. A variety of stimuli activate NF-kappaB through the induced phosphorylation and degradation of the inhibitor IkappaB followed by nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB. We show here that oncogenic forms of Ha-Ras activate NF-kappaB, not through induced nuclear translocation, but rather through the activation of the transcriptional function of the NF-kappaB RelA/p65 subunit. Importantly, RelA/p65 -/- cells are inefficient in the activation of kappaB-dependent gene expression in response to oncogenic Ras expression. Furthermore, IkappaBalpha expression blocks focus formation in NIH3T3 cells induced by oncogenic Ras. These results demonstrate that NF-kappaB is a critical downstream mediator of Ha-Ras signaling and oncogenic potential

    Oncogenic Neu/ErbB-2 Increases Ets, AP-1, and NF-B-dependent Gene Expression, and Inhibiting Ets Activation Blocks Neu-mediated Cellular Transformation

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    Overexpression of Neu (ErbB-2/HER2) is found in approximately 20% of breast tumors. Activation of Neu by a point mutation (NeuT) causes constitutive tyrosine kinase activity of this transmembrane receptor and transforming activity in fibroblasts. To identify downstream targets of Neu, we have analyzed the ability of Neu to activate gene expression. Expression of NeuT, but not normal Neu, caused transcriptional activation of Ets, AP-1, or NF-kappaB-dependent reporter genes. Dominant inhibitory Ras or Raf mutants blocked the Neu-mediated transcriptional activation, confirming that Ras signaling pathways were required for this activation. Analysis with Ets2 mutants indicated that activation of Ets2 transcriptional activity mediated by NeuT or oncogenic Ras required phosphorylation of the same Ets2 residue, threonine 72. Cotransfection of dominant inhibitory Ets2 mutants specifically blocked NeuT-mediated activation of Ets-dependent reporter genes. Furthermore, in focus formation assays using NIH 3T3 cells, the transforming activity of NeuT was inhibited 5-fold when NeuT was cotransfected with a dominant negative Ets2 mutant. However, parallel colony formation assays showed that the Ets2 dominant negative mutant did not inhibit the growth of normal cells. Together, these data show that NeuT activates a variety of transcription factor families via the Ras signaling pathway and that Ets activation is required for NeuT-mediated cellular transformation. Thus, downstream targets of Neu, including Ets transcription factors, may be useful points for therapeutic intervention in Neu/ErbB-2-associated cancers
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