100 research outputs found

    Soft tissue coverage on the segmentation accuracy of the 3D surface-rendered model from cone-beam CT

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of soft tissue presence on the segmentation accuracy of the 3D hard tissue models from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seven pairs of CBCT Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) datasets, containing data of human cadaver heads and their respective dry skulls, were used. The effect of the soft tissue presence on the accuracy of the segmented models was evaluated by performing linear and angular measurements and by superimposition and color mapping of the surface discrepancies after splitting the mandible and maxillo-facial complex in the midsagittal plane. RESULTS: The linear and angular measurements showed significant differences for the more posterior transversal measurements on the mandible (p < 0.01). By splitting and superimposing the maxillo-facial complex, the mean root-mean-square error (RMSE) as a measurement of inaccuracy decreased insignificantly from 0.936 to 0.922 mm (p > 0.05). The RMSE value for the mandible, however, significantly decreased from 1.240 to 0.981 mm after splitting (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The soft tissue presence seems to affect the accuracy of the 3D hard tissue model obtained from a cone-beam CT, below a generally accepted level of clinical significance of 1 mm. However, this level of accuracy may not meet the requirement for applications where high precision is paramount. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Accuracy of CBCT-based 3D surface-rendered models, especially of the hard tissues, are crucial in several dental and medical applications, such as implant planning and virtual surgical planning on patients undergoing orthognathic and navigational surgeries. When used in applications where high precision is paramount, the effect of soft tissue presence should be taken into consideration during the segmentation process

    Using patient and public involvement to improve the research design and funding application for a project aimed at fostering a more collaborative approach to the NHS Health Check: the CaVIAR Project (better Care Via Improved Access to Records)

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    Background: Following an initial NHS Health Check appointment, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) suggest patients with QRISK2 scores of ≥ 10% should be offered advice on lifestyle and the risks and benefits of starting a statin. NICE recommend GPs should ascertain patients’ pre-existing knowledge of cardiovascular disease risk, explore health beliefs, assess readiness to change, offer support, and engage family members. Condensing this complex discussion into a short consultation may result in inadequate patient understanding of the benefits of preventive measures. An alternative approach is needed. We propose a digital adjunct giving patients the opportunity to interact with their health check results from home before returning to see their GP. Before embarking on funding applications we sought the views of patients and members of the public. Methods: We consulted the Primary Care Research in Manchester Engagement Resource (PRIMER), an established departmental Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group (N=9) and then ran a workshop with 19 members of the public, co-facilitated by 4 members of PRIMER. Following a brief presentation on the background to the project, attendees were split into four groups and introduced to Ketso, a toolkit for creative engagement. Ketso was used to encourage group discussions regarding the project idea. Results: This PPI work improved the study design and proposed intervention. Discussions focussed on three themes: 1) positive feedback, 2) challenges and solutions, and 3) improvements/alternatives. Positive feedback included benefits to the NHS and patients. Challenges identified related to: 1) access, 2) data security, 3) engagement, and 4) negative consequences. Workshop members generated various solutions to these challenges and made additional suggestions for improvement relating to: 1) population (e.g. also including those with QRISK2 scores ≤ 10%), 2) duration (e.g. ongoing access to provide continued feedback), and 3) platform content (e.g. signposting to relevant services). Conclusions: This PPI work helped identify potential challenges and solutions not previously considered by the research team. Findings have informed the subsequent intervention design and strengthened the bid for funding. We aim to ensure ongoing patient and public involvement in all future stages

    The association of health literacy with adherence in older 2 adults, and its role in interventions: a systematic meta-review

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    Background: Low health literacy is a common problem among older adults. It is often suggested to be associated with poor adherence. This suggested association implies a need for effective adherence interventions in low health literate people. However, previous reviews show mixed results on the association between low health literacy and poor adherence. A systematic meta-review of systematic reviews was conducted to study the association between health literacy and adherence in adults above the age of 50. Evidence for the effectiveness of adherence interventions among adults in this older age group with low health literacy was also explored. Methods: Eight electronic databases (MEDLINE, ERIC, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, DARE, the Cochrane Library, and Web of Knowledge) were searched using a variety of keywords regarding health literacy and adherence. Additionally, references of identified articles were checked. Systematic reviews were included if they assessed the association between health literacy and adherence or evaluated the effectiveness of interventions to improve adherence in adults with low health literacy. The AMSTAR tool was used to assess the quality of the included reviews. The selection procedure, data-extraction, and quality assessment were performed by two independent reviewers. Seventeen reviews were selected for inclusion. Results: Reviews varied widely in quality. Both reviews of high and low quality found only weak or mixed associations between health literacy and adherence among older adults. Reviews report on seven studies that assess the effectiveness of adherence interventions among low health literate older adults. The results suggest that some adherence interventions are effective for this group. The interventions described in the reviews focused mainly on education and on lowering the health literacy demands of adherence instructions. No conclusions could be drawn about which type of intervention could be most beneficial for this population. Conclusions: Evidence on the association between health literacy and adherence in older adults is relatively weak. Adherence interventions are potentially effective for the vulnerable population of older adults with low levels of health literacy, but the evidence on this topic is limited. Further research is needed on the association between health literacy and general health behavior, and on the effectiveness of interventions

    Responsible, Inclusive Innovation and the Nano-divide

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    Policy makers from around the world are trying to emulate successful innovation systems in order to support economic growth. At the same time, innovation governance systems are being put in place to ensure a better integration of stakeholder views into the research and development process. In Europe, one of the most prominent and newly emerging governance frameworks is called Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). This article aims to substantiate the following points: (1) The concept of RRI and the concept of justice can be used to derive similar ethical positions on the nano-divide. (2) Given the ambitious policy aims of RRI (e.g. economic competitiveness enhancer), the concept may be better suited to push for ethical outcomes on access to nanotechnology and its products rather than debates based on justice issues alone. It may thus serve as a mediator concept between those who push solely for competitiveness considerations and those who push solely for justice considerations in nano-technology debates. (3) The descriptive, non-normative Systems of Innovation approaches (see below) should be linked into RRI debates to provide more evidence on whether the approach advocated to achieve responsible and ethical governance of research and innovation (R&I) can indeed deliver on competitiveness (in nano-technology and other fields)

    Cholesterol-raising diterpenes in types of coffee commonly consumed in Singapore, Indonesia and India and associations with blood lipids: A survey and cross sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To measure the content of cholesterol-raising diterpenes in coffee sold at the retailer level in Singapore, Indonesia and India and to determine the relationship of coffee consumption with lipid levels in a population-based study in Singapore.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Survey and cross-sectional study in local coffee shops in Singapore, Indonesia and India to measure the diterpene content in coffee, and a population-based study in Singapore to examine the relationship of coffee consumption and blood lipid levels. Interviews and coffee samples (n = 27) were collected from coffee shops in Singapore, Indonesia and India. In addition, 3000 men and women who were Chinese, Malay, and Indian residents of Singapore participated in a cross-sectional study.</p> <p>Results and Discussion</p> <p>The traditional 'sock' method of coffee preparation used in Singapore resulted in cafestol concentrations comparable to European paper drip filtered coffee (mean 0.09 ± SD 0.064 mg/cup). This amount would result in negligible predicted increases in serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations. Similarly low amounts of cafestol were found in Indian 'filter' coffee that used a metal mesh filter (0.05 ± 0.05 mg/cup). Coffee samples from Indonesia using the 'sock' method (0.85 ± 0.41 mg/cup) or a metal mesh filter (0.98 mg/cup) contained higher amounts of cafestol comparable to espresso coffee. Unfiltered coffee from Indonesia contained an amount of cafestol (4.43 mg/cup) similar to Scandinavian boiled, Turkish and French press coffee with substantial predicted increases in serum cholesterol (0.33 mmol/l) and triglycerides (0.20 mmol/l) concentrations for consumption of 5 cups per day. In the Singaporean population, higher coffee consumption was not substantially associated with serum lipid concentrations after adjustment for potential confounders [LDL-cholesterol: 3.07 (95% confidence interval 2.97-3.18) for <1 cup/week versus 3.12 (2.99-3.26) for ≥ 3 cups/day; p trend 0.12].</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on the low levels of diterpenes found in traditionally prepared coffee consumed in Singapore and India, coffee consumption in these countries does not appear to be a risk factor for elevation of serum cholesterol, whereas samples tested from Indonesia showed mixed results depending on the type of preparation method used.</p

    Confrontational scavenging as a possible source for language and cooperation

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    The emergence of language and the high degree of cooperation found among humans seems to require more than a straightforward enhancement of primate traits. Some triggering episode unique to human ancestors was likely necessary. Here it is argued that confrontational scavenging was such an episode. Arguments for and against an established confrontational scavenging niche are discussed, as well as the probable effects of such a niche on language and co-operation. Finally, several possible directions for future research are suggested

    Can a Multifaceted Intervention Including Motivational Interviewing Improve Medication Adherence, Quality of Life, and Mortality Rates in Older Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery? A Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial with 18-Month Follow-Up.

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    BACKGROUND: Patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery are required to take a complex regimen of medications for extended periods, and they may have negative outcomes because they struggle to adhere to this regimen. Designing effective interventions to promote medication adherence in this patient group is therefore important. OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to evaluate the long-term effects of a multifaceted intervention (psycho-education, motivational interviewing, and short message services) on medication adherence, quality of life (QoL), and mortality rates in older patients undergoing CABG surgery. METHODS: Patients aged over 65 years from 12 centers were assigned to the intervention (EXP; n = 144) or treatment-as-usual (TAU; n = 144) groups using cluster randomization at center level. Medication adherence was evaluated using the Medication Adherence Rating Scale (MARS), pharmacy refill rate, and lipid profile; QoL was evaluated using Short Form-36. Data were collected at baseline; 3, 6, and 18 months after intervention. Survival status was followed up at 18 months. Multi-level regressions and survival analyses for hazard ratio (HR) were used for analyses. RESULTS: Compared with patients who received TAU, the MARS, pharmacy refill rate, and lipid profile of patients in the EXP group improved 6 months after surgery (p < 0.01) and remained so 18 months after surgery (p < 0.01). QoL also increased among patients in the EXP group as compared with those who received TAU at 18 months post-surgery (physical component summary score p = 0.02; mental component summary score p = 0.04). HR in the EXP group compared with the TAU group was 0.38 (p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that a multifaceted intervention can improve medication adherence in older patients undergoing CABG surgery, with these improvements being maintained after 18 months. QoL and survival rates increased as a function of better medication adherence. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02109523

    Measurement report: Introduction to the HyICE-2018 campaign for measurements of ice-nucleating particles and instrument inter-comparison in the Hyytiälä boreal forest

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    The formation of ice particles in Earth's atmosphere strongly influences the dynamics and optical properties of clouds and their impacts on the climate system. Ice formation in clouds is often triggered heterogeneously by ice-nucleating particles (INPs) that represent a very low number of particles in the atmosphere. To date, many sources of INPs, such as mineral and soil dust, have been investigated and identified in the low and mid latitudes. Although less is known about the sources of ice nucleation at high latitudes, efforts have been made to identify the sources of INPs in the Arctic and boreal environments. In this study, we investigate the INP emission potential from high-latitude boreal forests in the mixed-phase cloud regime. We introduce the HyICE-2018 measurement campaign conducted in the boreal forest of Hyytiälä, Finland, between February and June 2018. The campaign utilized the infrastructure of the Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations (SMEAR) II, with additional INP instruments, including the Portable Ice Nucleation Chamber I and II (PINC and PINCii), the SPectrometer for Ice Nuclei (SPIN), the Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment (PINE), the Ice Nucleation SpEctrometer of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (INSEKT) and the Microlitre Nucleation by Immersed Particle Instrument (µL-NIPI), used to quantify the INP concentrations and sources in the boreal environment. In this contribution, we describe the measurement infrastructure and operating procedures during HyICE-2018, and we report results from specific time periods where INP instruments were run in parallel for inter-comparison purposes. Our results show that the suite of instruments deployed during HyICE-2018 reports consistent results and therefore lays the foundation for forthcoming results to be considered holistically. In addition, we compare measured INP concentrations to INP parameterizations, and we observe good agreement with the Tobo et al. (2013) parameterization developed from measurements conducted in a ponderosa pine forest ecosystem in Colorado, USA