2,443 research outputs found

    Spectral distribution for the decay tau -> nu_tau K pi

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    With the newly available data sets on hadronic tau decays from the B-factories BABAR and BELLE, and future data from BESIII, precise information on the decay distributions will soon become available. This calls for an improvement of the decay spectra also on the theoretical side. In this work, the distribution function for the decay tau -> nu_tau K pi will be presented with the relevant K pi vector and scalar form factors being calculated in the framework of the resonance chiral theory, also taking into account additional constraints from dispersion relations and short-distances. As a by-product the slope and curvature of the vector form factor F_+^{K pi}(s) are determined to be lambda_+^' = 25.6 10^{-3} and lambda_+^{''} = 1.31 10^{-3} respectively. From our approach it appears that it should be possible to obtain information on the low lying scalar K_0^*(800) as well as the second vector K^*(1410) resonances from the tau decay data. In particular, the exclusive branching fraction of the scalar component is found to be B[tau -> nu_tau(K pi)_{S-wave}] = (3.88 +- 0.19) 10^{-4}.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Final State Interactions in Hadronic D decays

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    We show that the large corrections due to final state interactions (FSI) in the D^+\to \pi^-\pi^+\pi^+, D^+_s\to \pi^-\pi^+\pi^+, and D^+\to K^-\pi^+\pi^+ decays can be accounted for by invoking scattering amplitudes in agreement with those derived from phase shifts studies. In this way, broad/overlapping resonances in S-waves are properly treated and the phase motions of the transition amplitudes are driven by the corresponding scattering matrix elements determined in many other experiments. This is an important step forward in resolving the puzzle of the FSI in these decays. We also discuss why the \sigma and \kappa resonances, hardly visible in scattering experiments, are much more prominent and clearly visible in these decays without destroying the agreement with the experimental \pi\pi and K\pi low energy S-wave phase shifts.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables. Minor changes. We extend the discusion when quoting a reference and we include a new one. Some typos are fixe

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Dalam Good Corporate Governance (GCG)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin memperlihatkan Penerapan konsep Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dalam satu Perusahaan. Dimana GCG merupakan faktor penentu pelak-sanaan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan terhadap perbaikan sosial maupun lingkungan masyarakat, salah satu prinsip penting dalam GCG yang sangat berpengaruh dalam CSR adalah pertanggungjawaban (responsibility) yang mengarah bukan kepada shareholders tetapi kepada stakeholders dan kini ketentuan hukum positip mengatur bahwa GCG dan CSR bukan lagi hanya merupakan responsibility tetapi sudah berupakan kewajiban hukum (liability) yang memiliki sanksi hukum. CSR adalah merupakan suatu komitmen berkelanjutan oleh dunia USAha untuk bertindak etis dan memberikan kontribusi kepada pengembangan ekonomi dari komunitas setempat ataupun masyarakat luas, bersamaan dengan peningkatan taraf hidup pekerjanya beserta seluruh keluarganya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bentuk penelitian library research. Adapun hasil kesimpulan dari penulis mengenai permasalahan ini adalah bahwa keberlanjutan Perusahaan hanya akan terjamin apabila Perusahaan memperhatikan prinsip GCG dan juga CSR dengan memperhatikan dimensi sosial dan lingkungan hidup

    Peranan Kepala Desa Dalam Pelayanan Publik (Studi Di Desa Pontak Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan)

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    Service of public have the character of to serve without exception public interest which passing role of government is not private sector. Through role of available government of goods property of public which is later; then used to serve common interest. Countryside head of pontak assessed to succeed in service of north in Sulawesi. Public whereas most countrysides assessed by less below the mark in service of public. Role of countryside head of pontak can become example of, its him conception what its it so that succeed?. According to countryside head of Pontak (Old Law of Pontak) (countryside head in Minahasa referred as "old law". Efficacy of governance of democracy determined by desire realize common interest become intention and intention before chosen as government. After chosen round up our intention and intention and act as government of best choice of people, (this opinion is processed from result of circumstantial interview with old law of countryside of Pontak so called of Mody Rawis). Result of this research indicate that efficacy of chosen government in service of public determined by there is do not it intention and intention realize common interest before chosen become government. Proven truth, Johanes Montolalu countryside elite figure sorang of Pontak as informan lock in this research explain that Mody Rawis before chosen as old law it is true have been long enough impetous play a part in business of kemasyaratan development and, he is biggest contributor of development of countryside hall and church, arch, walke plantation. He it is true good fellow, diligent and smart, hence chosen him him again at second period as old law is this countryside. Our countryside there is make up of development like now of role of countryside head of Mody Rawis, he is its people serve society non served, all administrative services quickly and precisely do not be procrastinated. Regent spell out members in its oration when coming delivering appreciation star to old law, that only countryside of Pontak complete countryside office facilities and basic facilities is sub-province of South Minahasa, and responsibility reporting lead countryside per annum best diterimah and clear of KKN. Is there by found by concept intention and intention of before" be that of elementary think used by countryside head of Pontak so that succeed in service of public

    Determination of |V_us| from hadronic tau decays

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    The recent update of the strange spectral function and the moments of the invariant mass distribution by the OPAL collaboration from hadronic tau decay data are employed to determine |V_us| as well as m_s. Our result, |V_us|=0.2208\pm0.0034, is competitive to the standard extraction of |V_us| from K_e3 decays and to the new proposals to determine it. Furthermore, the error associated to our determination of |V_us| can be reduced in the future since it is dominated by the experimental uncertainty that will be eventually much improved by the B-factories hadronic tau data. Another improvement that can be performed is the simultaneous fit of both |V_us| and m_s to a set of moments of the hadronic tau decays invariant mass distribution, which will provide even a more accurate determination of both parameters.Comment: 6 pages. Invited talk given by E.G. at the XXXXth Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile, Italy, 5-12 Mar 200

    Analysis of tau -> Ks pion nu_tau Belle data in a chiral framework

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    The recent measurement of the tau -> Ks pion nu_tau spectrum by the Belle Collaboration provides the frame to set forth a theoretical description of the decay, which is based on the contributing vector F_+(s) and scalar F_0(s) form factors. We show that a good representation of data is obtained through the use of form factors calculated within resonance chiral theory and constrained by dispersion relations and short-distance QCD. Hence we obtain a determination of K*(892) parameters and the low-energy parameterization of F_+(s).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    alpha_s from tau decays revisited

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    Being a determination at low energies, the analysis of hadronic tau decay data provides a rather precise determination of the strong coupling alpha_s after evolving the result to M_Z. At such a level of precision, even small non-perturbative effects become relevant for the central value and error. While those effects had been taken into account in the framework of the operator product expansion, contributions going beyond it, so-called duality violations, have previously been neglected. The following investigation fills this gap through a finite-energy sum rule analysis of tau decay spectra from the OPAL experiment, including duality violations and performing a consistent fit of all appearing QCD parameters. The resulting values for alpha_s(M_tau) are 0.307(19) in fixed-order perturbation theory and 0.322(26) in contour-improved perturbation theory, which translates to the n_f=5 values 0.1169(25) and 0.1187(32) at M_Z, respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Prepared for the Proceedings of the International Workshop on e+e- collisions from Phi to Psi (PHIPSI11), Sep. 19-22, 2011, BINP, Novosibirsk, Russi