600 research outputs found

    Controlling the angiogenic switch in developing atherosclerotic plaques: possible targets for therapeutic intervention.

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    Plaque angiogenesis may have an important role in the development of atherosclerosis. Vasa vasorum angiogenesis and medial infiltration provides nutrients to the developing and expanding intima and therefore, may prevent cellular death and contribute to plaque growth and stabilization in early lesions. However in more advanced plaques, inflammatory cell infiltration, and concomitant production of numerous pro-angiogenic cytokines may be responsible for induction of uncontrolled neointimal microvessel proliferation resulting in production of immature and fragile neovessels similar to that seen in tumour development. These could contribute to development of an unstable haemorrhagic rupture-prone environment. Increasing evidence has suggested that the expression of intimal neovessels is directly related to the stage of plaque development, the risk of plaque rupture, and subsequently, the presence of symptomatic disease, the timing of ischemic neurological events and myocardial/cerebral infarction. Despite this, there is conflicting evidence regarding the causal relationship between neovessel expression and plaque thrombosis with some in vivo experimental models suggesting the contrary and as yet, few direct mediators of angiogenesis have been identified and associated with plaque instability in vivo.In recent years, an increasing number of angiogenic therapeutic targets have been proposed in order to facilitate modulation of neovascularization and its consequences in diseases such as cancer and macular degeneration. A complete knowledge of the mechanisms responsible for initiation of adventitial vessel proliferation, their extension into the intimal regions and possible de-novo synthesis of neovessels following differentiation of bone-marrow-derived stem cells is required in order to contemplate potential single or combinational anti-angiogenic therapies. In this review, we will examine the importance of angiogenesis in complicated plaque development, describe the current knowledge of molecular mechanisms of its initiation and maintenance, and discuss possible future anti-angiogenic therapies to control plaque stability


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    Atherosclerosis, the formation of fibrofatty lesions in the artery wall, causes much morbidity and mortality worldwide, including most myocardial infarctions and many strokes, as well as disabling peripheral artery disease. Development of atherosclerotic lesions probably requires low-density lipoprotein, a particle that carries cholesterol through the blood. Other risk factors for atherosclerosis and its thrombotic complications include hypertension, cigarette smoking and diabetes mellitus. Increasing evidence also points to a role of the immune system, as emerging risk factors include inflammation and clonal haematopoiesis. Studies of the cell and molecular biology of atherogenesis have provided considerable insight into the mechanisms that link all these risk factors to atheroma development and the clinical manifestations of this disease. An array of diagnostic techniques, both invasive (such as selective coronary arteriography) and noninvasive (such as blood biomarkers, stress testing, CT and nuclear scanning), permit assessment of cardiovascular disease risk and targeting of therapies. An expanding armamentarium of therapies that can modify risk factors and confer clinical benefit is available; however, we face considerable challenge in providing equitable access to these treatments and in maximizing adherence. Yet, the clinical application of the fruits of research has advanced preventive strategies, enhanced clinical outcomes in affected individuals, and improved their quality of life. Rapidly accelerating knowledge and continued research promise to provide further progress in combating this common chronic disease

    Light-particle emission from the fissioning nuclei 126Ba, 188Pt and (266,272,278)/110: theoretical predictions and experimental results

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    We present a comparison of our model treating fission dynamics in conjunction with light-particle (n, p, alpha) evaporation with the available experimental data for the nuclei 126Ba, 188Pt and three isotopes of the element Z=110. The dynamics of the symmetric fission process is described through the solution of a classical Langevin equation for a single collective variable characterizing the nuclear deformation along the fission path. A microscopic approach is used to evaluate the emission rates for pre-fission light particles. Entrance-channel effects are taken into account by generating an initial spin distribution of the compound nucleus formed by the fusion of two deformed nuclei with different relative orientations

    Atherosclerosis regression and TP receptor inhibition: effect of S18886 on plaque size and composition—a magnetic resonance imaging study

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    Aims Endothelial dysfunction, platelet hyperactivity, and inflammation play a crucial role in atherogenesis. A growing body of evidence suggests that inhibition of the thromboxane A2 (TxA2 or TP) receptor may improve endothelial function and reduce the inflammatory component of atherosclerosis in addition to its demonstrated antiplatelet activity. Consequently, we sought to assess the effect of a novel TP receptor antagonist S18886, on atherosclerotic lesion progression and composition by serial non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods and results S18886 was compared with control in an experimental model of established aortic atherosclerosis in New Zealand White rabbits (n=10). The animals underwent MRI of the abdominal aorta at the time of randomization and at the end of treatment. Subsequently, animals were euthanized and specimens were stained for histopathology and immunohistochemistry with anti-α-actin antibodies for vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), anti-RAM-11 for macrophages, anti-caspase-3 for apoptotic cells, anti-MMP-1 for metalloproteinases, and anti-endothelin-1 (ET-1) as a marker of endothelial dysfunction. MRI analysis revealed a significant reduction in total vessel area (TVA) and vessel wall area (VWA) in the S18886 group (P<0.05). Immunostaining analysis showed a significant decrease in RAM-11, caspase-3, MMP-1, ET-1 and an increase in α-actin in the treated group (P<0.05 vs. control). Conclusion Inhibition of the TP receptor by S18886 causes a regression of advanced atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, the reduction in the markers for macrophages, apoptotic cells, metalloproteinases, and endothelin-1 and the increase in VSMC, suggests that S18886 may not only halt the progression of atherosclerosis, but also transform lesions towards a more stable phenotype. The possibility of combining antithrombotic and antiatherosclerotic activity by means of the administration of TP inhibitors deserves further investigation in a clinical settin

    Therapeutic Potential of Ketone Bodies for Patients With Cardiovascular Disease JACC State-of-the-Art Review

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    Metabolic perturbations underlie a variety of cardiovascular disease states; yet, metabolic interventions to prevent or treat these disorders are sparse. Ketones carry a negative clinical stigma as they are involved in diabetic ketoacidosis. However, evidence from both experimental and clinical research has uncovered a protective role for ketones in cardiovascular disease. Although ketones may provide supplemental fuel for the energy-starved heart, their cardiovascular effects appear to extend far beyond cardiac energetics. Indeed, ketone bodies have been shown to influence a variety of cellular processes including gene transcription, inflammation and oxidative stress, endothelial function, cardiac remodeling, and cardiovascular risk factors. This paper reviews the bioenergetic and pleiotropic effects of ketone bodies that could potentially contribute to its cardiovascular benefits based on evidence from animal and human studies.Salva R.Yurista, Cher-RinChong, Juan J.Badimon, Daniel P.Kelly, Rudolf A.de Boer, B. Daan Westenbrin