84 research outputs found

    Profile of Phenolic Acids and Antioxidant Capacity in Organs of Common Buckwheat Sprout

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the content of phenolic acids, total phenolic compounds, proanthocyanidins, and antioxidant capacity in cotyledons and hypocotyl of five cultivars of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) sprout. This study presents the first broad profile of phenolic acids occurring in buckwheat microgreen seedlings. In the hypocotyl and cotyledons trans-cinnamic acid and its derivatives: o-, m-, and p-coumaric acids (2-, 3-, and 4-hydroxycinnamic), synapic acid (4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxycinnamic), caffeic acid (3,4-dihydroxycinnamic), and two isomers of ferulic acid (4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic and 3-hydroxy-4-methoxycinnamic) have been identified. Among the benzoic acid derivatives hydroxybenzoic, protocatechuic (3,4-dihydroxybenzoic), gallic (3,4,5-dihydroxybenzoic) and syringic (4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzoic) were found in the organs. In addition to those mentioned, the organs of buckwheat sprouts contain chlorogenic acid as well. The contents of all analysed phenolics were substantially higher in the cotyledons than in the hypocotyl of buckwheat sprouts, except for chlorogenic and caffeic acids. Trans-cinnamic acid was the major phenolic acid in both organs. In the cotyledons, a significant, positive linear correlation between the TEAC, ORAC, PLC-ACW values and content of total phenolic compounds, and also between DPPH and total phenolic acids were found. In the hypocotyl correlations between the DPPH, TEAC, and ORAC and proanthocyanidins content, between TEAC and total phenolic compounds, and between total phenolic acids and PCL-ACW were found

    The 2017 May 20th^{\rm th} stellar occultation by the elongated centaur (95626) 2002 GZ32_{32}

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    We predicted a stellar occultation of the bright star Gaia DR1 4332852996360346368 (UCAC4 385-75921) (mV_{\rm V}= 14.0 mag) by the centaur 2002 GZ32_{32} for 2017 May 20th^{\rm th}. Our latest shadow path prediction was favourable to a large region in Europe. Observations were arranged in a broad region inside the nominal shadow path. Series of images were obtained with 29 telescopes throughout Europe and from six of them (five in Spain and one in Greece) we detected the occultation. This is the fourth centaur, besides Chariklo, Chiron and Bienor, for which a multi-chord stellar occultation is reported. By means of an elliptical fit to the occultation chords we obtained the limb of 2002 GZ32_{32} during the occultation, resulting in an ellipse with axes of 305 ±\pm 17 km ×\times 146 ±\pm 8 km. From this limb, thanks to a rotational light curve obtained shortly after the occultation, we derived the geometric albedo of 2002 GZ32_{32} (pVp_{\rm V} = 0.043 ±\pm 0.007) and a 3-D ellipsoidal shape with axes 366 km ×\times 306 km ×\times 120 km. This shape is not fully consistent with a homogeneous body in hydrostatic equilibrium for the known rotation period of 2002 GZ32_{32}. The size (albedo) obtained from the occultation is respectively smaller (greater) than that derived from the radiometric technique but compatible within error bars. No rings or debris around 2002 GZ32_{32} were detected from the occultation, but narrow and thin rings cannot be discarded.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (8-Dec.-2020), 15 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamics of quercetin formation in onion (Allium cepa L.) during vegetation

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    Onion bulbs (Allium cepa L.) are good sources of flavonoids. The aim of this study was to analyse the changes in dynamics of quercetin formation in three varieties of onions (white, yellow, and red) during the vegetation period. Quercetin content was determined after acid hydrolysis (1.2 M HCl in 50% aqueous methanol) by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The content of total phenolics was determined using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (FCR) according to LACHMAN and co-workers (2003). The content of polyphenols in onion ranged from 2893 to 6052 mg kg–1 and the content of quercetin ranged from 52.44 to 280.72 mg kg–1 in fresh matter. The highest content of polyphenols and quercetin was found in the red variety. According to statistical analysis the dynamic of quercetin formation in all cultivars had statistically moderate (P<0.05) increasing tendency. Increasing content of polyphenols was accompanied with slight increase of quercetin, but the differences remained insignificant (P<0.05)

    Base molecular para resistência a fluazifop-p-butyl em capim-camalote (rottboellia cochinchinensis) da Costa Rica

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    Rottboellia cochinchinensis is an annual grass weed species known as itchgrass, or “caminadora” in America´s Spanish speaking countries, and has become a major and troublesome weed in several crops. The application of fluazifop-P-butyl at recommended rates (125 g a.i. ha-1) was observed to be failing to control itchgrass in a field in San José, Upala county, Alajuela province, Costa Rica. Plants from the putative resistant R. cochinchinensis population survived fluazifop-P-butyl when treated with 250 g a.i. ha-1 (2X label rate) at the three- to four-leaf stage under greenhouse conditions. PCR amplification and sequencing of partial carboxyl transferase domain (CT) of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) gene were used to determine the molecular mechanism of resistance. A single non-synonymous point mutation from TGG (susceptible plants) to TGC (putative resistant plants) that leads to a Trp-2027-Cys substitution was found. This Trp-2027-Cys mutation is known to confer resistance to all aryloxyphenoxyproprionate (APP) herbicides to which fluazifop-P-butyl belongs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of fluazifop-P-butyl resistance and a mutation at position 2027 for a Costa Rican R. cochinchinensis population.Rottboellia cochinchinensis, espécie de planta daninha anual conhecida como capim-camalote, ou “caminadora”, em países de língua espanhola das Américas, tornou-se uma planta daninha significativa e problemática em diversas culturas. Observou-se que a aplicação de fluazifop-p-butyl nas doses recomendadas (125 g i.a. ha-1) não conseguiu controlar capim-camalote em uma região em San José, condado de Upala, província de Alajuela, Costa Rica. As plantas da população supostamente resistente de R. cochinchinensis sobreviveram a fluazifop-p-butyl quando tratadas com 250 g i.a. ha-1 (2X a dose do rótulo) na fase de três a quatro folhas em condições de estufa. Amplificação e sequenciamento de reação em cadeia da polimerase de domínio de transferase de ácido carboxílico parcial (TC) do gene acetil-CoA carboxilase (ACCase) foram utilizados para determinar o mecanismo molecular de resistência. Foi encontrada uma mutação de ponto não sinônimo individual de TGG (plantas suscetíveis) para TGC (plantas supostamente resistentes) que conduz a uma substituição de Trp-2027-Cys. Sabe-se que essa mutação de Trp-2027-Cys confere resistência a todos os herbicidas ariloxifenoxipropionatos (AFP) a que fluazifop-p-butyl pertence. Pelo visto, este é o primeiro relato de resistência a fluazifop-p-butyl de uma mutação na posição 2027 para uma população costarriquenha de R. cochinchinensisWest Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida/[]//United States of AmericaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM

    Scaling slowly rotating asteroids with stellar occultations

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    Context. As evidenced by recent survey results, the majority of asteroids are slow rotators (spin periods longer than 12 h), but lack spin and shape models because of selection bias. This bias is skewing our overall understanding of the spins, shapes, and sizes of asteroids, as well as of their other properties. Also, diameter determinations for large (>60 km) and medium-sized asteroids (between 30 and 60 km) often vary by over 30% for multiple reasons. Aims. Our long-term project is focused on a few tens of slow rotators with periods of up to 60 h. We aim to obtain their full light curves and reconstruct their spins and shapes. We also precisely scale the models, typically with an accuracy of a few percent. Methods. We used wide sets of dense light curves for spin and shape reconstructions via light-curve inversion. Precisely scaling them with thermal data was not possible here because of poor infrared datasets: large bodies tend to saturate in WISE mission detectors. Therefore, we recently also launched a special campaign among stellar occultation observers, both in order to scale these models and to verify the shape solutions, often allowing us to break the mirror pole ambiguity. Results. The presented scheme resulted in shape models for 16 slow rotators, most of them for the first time. Fitting them to chords from stellar occultation timings resolved previous inconsistencies in size determinations. For around half of the targets, this fitting also allowed us to identify a clearly preferred pole solution from the pair of two mirror pole solutions, thus removing the ambiguity inherent to light-curve inversion. We also address the influence of the uncertainty of the shape models on the derived diameters. Conclusions. Overall, our project has already provided reliable models for around 50 slow rotators. Such well-determined and scaled asteroid shapes will, for example, constitute a solid basis for precise density determinations when coupled with mass information. Spin and shape models in general continue to fill the gaps caused by various biases

    Adaptacja metody oznaczania cukrów za pomocą chromatografii gazowej i ich zawartości w niektórych warzywach

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    A quantitative method for determination of sugar in vegetables is described. Sugar were converted into trimethylsilyl derivatives after separation of interfering organie acids by precipitation as lead salts. Fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, raffinose, stachyose, mannitol and meso-inositol were determined. Twelve species of vegetables were analyzed and results compared with those obtained by using the Luff-Schoorl method for reducing and total sugars contents.Oznaczono zawartości fruktozy, glukozy, sacharozy, maltozy, rafinozy, stachiozy, mannitolu i mezo-inozytolu w następujących gatunkach warzyw: marchwi (odm. Nord), cykorii (odm. Zoom F₁), ogórkach (odm. 629-76), porach (odm. Helvetia), melonach (odm. Zenith F₁), cebuli (odm. Sochaczewska), pasternaku (odm. Półdługi Biały), pietruszce (odm. Berlińska), czarnej rzodkwi (odm. Murzynka Freege), skorzonerze (odm. Schwarzer Peter), słodkiej kukurydzy (odm. Ama) i pomidorach (odm. New Yorker i Szkarłatna Kula). Analizami objęto części jadalne poszczególnych warzyw pochodzących z doświadczeń Instytutu Warzywnictwa w Skierniewicach. Oznaczenia przeprowadzono metodą chromatografii gazowej, ekstrahując cukry 80% etanolem i następnie przeprowadzając je w pochodne trójmetylosililowe. Stwierdzono zarówno jakościowe, jak i ilościowe różnice analizowanych cukrów w zależności od gatunku warzywa. Fruktoza, glukoza i sacharoza występuje w różnych ilościach w większości badanych warzyw. Pomidory zawierają jedynie ślady sacharozy, a korzeń pietruszki ślady fruktozy i glukozy. Zawartość rafinozy jest stosunkowo wysoka w cebuli (2,81%), skorzonerze (1,56%) i cykorii (1,15%) stanowiąc główny cukier tych warzyw. Również zawartość stachiozy w tych warzywach jest stosunkowo duża i wynosi odpowiednio 0,88% dla cebuli, 1,12% dla skorzonery, i 0,34% dla cykorii. Zawartość mannitolu w większości analizowanych warzyw waha się w granicach 0,07%-0,34%, jedynie korzeń pietruszki posiada większą jego ilość (0,82%), a w pomidorach, cykorii i pasternaku znajdują się śladowe ilości mannitolu (poniżej 0,01%). Niewielką ilość maltozy znaleziono w korzeniach i liściach pora, a większą jej ilość w ziarnie słodkiej kukurydzy (0,27%), Śladowe ilości mezo-inozytolu zaobserwowano w melonach, ziarnie słodkiej kukurydzy i porach. Wyniki analiz metodą GC porównano dla niektórych warzyw z wynikami oznaczeń cukrów redukujących i ogółem metodą Luffa-Schoorla, Otrzymano stosunkowo zgodne rezultaty. Wzbogacanie prób szeregu warzyw poszczególnymi cukrami dawało odzyski w granicach od 83,2% (dla fruktozy dodanej do cykorii) do 106% (dla sacharozy dodanej do cebuli)

    Indukcja akumulacji antocyjanow przez jasmonian metylu w pedach Crassula multicava Lam.

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    In Crassula multicava Lam. anthocyanins are formed naturally mostly in the stem near nodes and only traces in other parts of internodes. Methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) applied in lanolin paste at concentrations of 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0% on the middle part of internodes greatly stimulated anthocyanins accumulation in the internodes and in the nodes of Crassula multicava. The stimulatory effect was higher in younger tissues of the Crassula multicava stem than in older ones, and depends on the used concentration of JA-Me. The possible role of jasmonates on anthocyanins formation in Crassula multicava is discussed.W pędach Crassula multicavaLam. w naturalnych warunkach antocyjany two- rzą się głównie w łodydze w pobliżu węzłów i tylko śladowe ilości w innych czę- ściach międzywężli. Jasmonian metylu (JA-Me) podany w paście lanolinowej w stężeniach 0,05, 0,1, 0,5 i 1,0% w środku poszczególnych międzywężli silnie sty- mulował akumulację antocyjanów w miedzywężlach i węzłach Crassula multicava.Stymulacja ta była większa w młodszych, górnych tkankach pędu niż w starszych i zależna była od stężenia użytego JA-Me. Możliwa rola jasmonianów w akumulacji antocyjanów w pędach Crassula multicava jest dyskutowana

    Allelopatyczny wpływ ekstraktu z gryki na siewki wybranych gatunków chwastów

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