12 research outputs found

    Localized Immunotherapy via Liposome-Anchored Anti-CD137 + IL-2 Prevents Lethal Toxicity and Elicits Local and Systemic Antitumor Immunity

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    Immunostimulatory agonists such as anti-CD137 and interleukin (IL)-2 have elicited potent antitumor immune responses in preclinical studies, but their clinical use is limited by inflammatory toxicities that result upon systemic administration. We hypothesized that by rigorously restricting the biodistribution of immunotherapeutic agents to a locally accessible lesion and draining lymph node(s), effective local and systemic antitumor immunity could be achieved in the absence of systemic toxicity. We anchored anti-CD137 and an engineered IL-2Fc fusion protein to the surfaces of PEGylated liposomes, whose physical size permitted dissemination in the tumor parenchyma and tumor-draining lymph nodes but blocked entry into the systemic circulation following intratumoral injection. In the B16F10 melanoma model, intratumoral liposome-coupled anti-CD137 + IL-2Fc therapy cured a majority of established primary tumors while avoiding the lethal inflammatory toxicities caused by equivalent intratumoral doses of soluble immunotherapy. Immunoliposome therapy induced protective antitumor memory and elicited systemic antitumor immunity that significantly inhibited the growth of simultaneously established distal tumors. Tumor inhibition was CD8[superscript +] T-cell–dependent and was associated with increased CD8[superscript +] T-cell infiltration in both treated and distal tumors, enhanced activation of tumor antigen–specific T cells in draining lymph nodes, and a reduction in regulatory T cells in treated tumors. These data suggest that local nanoparticle-anchored delivery of immuno-agonists represents a promising strategy to improve the therapeutic window and clinical applicability of highly potent but otherwise intolerable regimens of cancer immunotherapy.Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center-MIT Bridge Project Fun

    Generation of Effector Memory T Cell-Based Mucosal and Systemic Immunity with Pulmonary Nanoparticle Vaccination

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    Many pathogens infiltrate the body and initiate infection via mucosal surfaces. Hence, eliciting cellular immune responses at mucosal portals of entry is of great interest for vaccine development against mucosal pathogens. We describe a pulmonary vaccination strategy combining Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists with antigen-carrying lipid nanocapsules [interbilayer-crosslinked multilamellar vesicles (ICMVs)], which elicit high-frequency, long-lived, antigen-specific effector memory T cell responses at multiple mucosal sites. Pulmonary immunization using protein- or peptide-loaded ICMVs combined with two TLR agonists, polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (polyI:C) and monophosphoryl lipid A, was safe and well tolerated in mice, and led to increased antigen transport to draining lymph nodes compared to equivalent subcutaneous vaccination. This response was mediated by the vast number of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in the lungs. Nanocapsules primed 13-fold more T cells than did equivalent soluble vaccines, elicited increased expression of mucosal homing integrin α4β7+, and generated long-lived T cells in both the lungs and distal (for example, vaginal) mucosa strongly biased toward an effector memory (TEM) phenotype. These TEM responses were highly protective in both therapeutic tumor and prophylactic viral vaccine settings. Together, these data suggest that targeting cross-presentation–promoting particulate vaccines to the APC-rich pulmonary mucosa can promote robust T cell responses for protection of mucosal surfaces.Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Investigator)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI095109)United States. Dept. of Defense (contract W911NF-07-D-0004)Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationRagon Institute of MGH, MIT, and HarvardNational Cancer Institute (U.S.)David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT (Koch Institute Support (core) Grant P30-CA14051

    Vaccine delivery with microneedle skin patches in nonhuman primates

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    Transcutaneous drug delivery from planar skin patches is effective for small-molecule drugs and skin-permeable vaccine adjuvants. However, to achieve efficient delivery of vaccines and other macromolecular therapeutics into the skin, penetration of the stratum corneum is needed. Topically applied skin patches with micron-scale projections ('microneedles') pierce the upper layers of the skin and enable vaccines that are coated on or encapsulated within the microneedles to be dispersed into the skin. Although millimeter-scale syringes have shown promise for vaccine delivery in humans and technologies, such as the Dermaroller (Dermaroller, WolfenbĂĽttel, Germany), exist for creating microscale punctures in the skin for delivery of solutions of therapeutics, solid microprojection microneedles coated with dry vaccine formulations offer a number of valuable features for vaccination, including reduced risk of blood-borne pathogen transmission or needle-stick injury, the potential for vaccine administration by minimally trained personnel or even self administration and the use of solid-state vaccine formulations that may reduce or eliminate cold-chain requirements in vaccine distribution. Recent studies in mice have demonstrated the ability of microneedles to effectively deliver vaccines to the skin, eliciting protective immunity to influenza, hepatitis C and West Nile virus.Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and HarvardMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyHarvard UniversityNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI095109)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI096040)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI095985)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI078526)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI060354)United States. Dept. of Defense (Contract W911NF-07-D-0004