2,431 research outputs found

    Gravitational Lorentz Violation and Superluminality via AdS/CFT Duality

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    A weak quantum mechanical coupling is constructed permitting superluminal communication within a preferred region of a gravitating AdS_5 spacetime. This is achieved by adding a spatially non-local perturbation of a special kind to the Hamiltonian of a four-dimensional conformal field theory with a weakly-coupled AdS dual, such as maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. In particular, two issues are given careful treatment: (1) the UV-completeness of our deformed CFT, guaranteeing the existence of a ``deformed string theory'' AdS dual, and (2) the demonstration that superluminal effects can take place in AdS, both on its boundary as well as in the bulk. Exotic Lorentz-violating properties such as these may have implications for tests of General Relativity, addressing the cosmological constant problem, or probing "behind'' horizons. Our construction may give insight into the interpretation of wormhole solutions in Euclidean AdS gravity.Comment: 23 pages LaTex. Typo in Eq. (37) corrected. References adde

    Quasilocalized gravity without asymptotic flatness

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    We present a toy model of a generic five-dimensional warped geometry in which the 4D graviton is not fully localized on the brane. Studying the tensor sector of metric perturbation around this background, we find that its contribution to the effective gravitational potential is of 4D type (1/r) at the intermediate scales and that at the large scales it becomes 1/r^{1+alpha}, 0<alpha=< 1 being a function of the parameters of the model (alpha=1 corresponds to the asymptotically flat geometry). Large-distance behavior of the potential is therefore not necessarily five-dimensional. Our analysis applies also to the case of quasilocalized massless particles other than graviton.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Localized U(1) Gauge Fields, Millicharged Particles, and Holography

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    We consider U(1) gauge fields in a slice of AdS_5 with bulk and boundary mass parameters. The zero mode of a bulk U(1) gauge field can be localized either on the UV or IR brane. This leads to a simple model of millicharged particles in which fermions can have arbitrarily small electric charge. In the electroweak sector we also discuss phenomenological implications of a localized U(1)_Y gauge boson. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence we present the 4D holographic interpretation of the 5D model. In particular the photon is shown to be a composite particle when localized near the IR brane, whereas it is elementary when localized near the UV brane. In the dual interpretation the ``millicharge'' results from an elementary fermion coupling to a composite photon via a vector current with large anomalous dimension.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    Causality, Analyticity and an IR Obstruction to UV Completion

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    We argue that certain apparently consistent low-energy effective field theories described by local, Lorentz-invariant Lagrangians, secretly exhibit macroscopic non-locality and cannot be embedded in any UV theory whose S-matrix satisfies canonical analyticity constraints. The obstruction involves the signs of a set of leading irrelevant operators, which must be strictly positive to ensure UV analyticity. An IR manifestation of this restriction is that the "wrong" signs lead to superluminal fluctuations around non-trivial backgrounds, making it impossible to define local, causal evolution, and implying a surprising IR breakdown of the effective theory. Such effective theories can not arise in quantum field theories or weakly coupled string theories, whose S-matrices satisfy the usual analyticity properties. This conclusion applies to the DGP brane-world model modifying gravity in the IR, giving a simple explanation for the difficulty of embedding this model into controlled stringy backgrounds, and to models of electroweak symmetry breaking that predict negative anomalous quartic couplings for the W and Z. Conversely, any experimental support for the DGP model, or measured negative signs for anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings at future accelerators, would constitute direct evidence for the existence of superluminality and macroscopic non-locality unlike anything previously seen in physics, and almost incidentally falsify both local quantum field theory and perturbative string theory.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures; v2: analyticity arguments improved, discussion on non-commutative theories and minor clarifications adde

    Color Glass Condensate in Brane Models or Don't Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays Probe 1015eV10^{15}eV Scale ?

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    In a previous work hep-ph/0203165 we have studied propagation of relativistic particles in the bulk for some of most popular brane models. Constraints have been put on the parameter space of these models by calculating the time delay due to propagation in the bulk of particles created during the interaction of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays with protons in the terrestrial atmosphere. The question was however raised that probability of hard processes in which bulk modes can be produced is small and consequently, the tiny flux of UHECRs can not constrain brane models. Here we use Color Glass Condensate (CGC) model to show that effects of extra dimensions are visible not only in hard processes when the incoming particle hits a massive Kaluza-Klein mode but also through the modification of soft/semi-hard parton distribution. At classical level, for an observer in the CM frame of UHECR and atmospheric hadrons, color charge sources are contracted to a thin sheet with a width inversely proportional to the energy of the ultra energetic cosmic ray hadron and consequently they can see an extra dimension with comparable size. Due to QCD interaction a short life swarm of partons is produced in front of the sheet and its partons can penetrate to the extra-dimension bulk. This reduces the effective density of partons on the brane or in a classical view creates a delay in the arrival of the most energetic particles if they are reflected back due to the warping of the bulk. In CGC approximation the density of swarm at different distance from the classical sheet can be related and therefore it is possible (at least formally) to determine the relative fraction of partons in the bulk and on the brane at different scales. Results of this work are also relevant to the test of brane models in hadron colliders like LHC.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Text is modified to highlight the relation between the distribution gluons at high and low rapidity scales. v3: published versio

    QED from six-dimensional vortex and gauge anomalies

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    Starting from an anomaly-free Abelian Higgs model coupled to gravity in a 6-dimensional space-time we construct an effective four-dimensional theory of charged fermions interacting with U(1) Abelian gauge field and gravity, both localised near the core of a Nielsen-Olesen vortex configuration. We show that an anomaly free theory in 6-dimensions can give rise to an anomalous theory in D=4, which suggests a possibility of consistent regularisation of abelian anomalous chiral gauge theories in four dimensions. We also show that the spectrum of charged bulk fermions has a mass gap.Comment: Latex, 19 page

    Tunneling into Extra Dimension and High-Energy Violation of Lorentz Invariance

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    We consider a class of models with infinite extra dimension, where bulk space does not possess SO(1,3) invariance, but Lorentz invariance emerges as an approximate symmetry of the low-energy effective theory. In these models, the maximum attainable speeds of the graviton, gauge bosons and scalar particles are automatically equal to each other and smaller than the maximum speed in the bulk. Additional fine-tuning is needed in order to assure that the maximum attainable speed of fermions takes the same value. A peculiar feature of our scenario is that there are no truly localized modes. All four-dimensional particles are resonances with finite widths. The latter depends on the energy of the particle and is naturally small at low energies.Comment: 21 pages, references and comments added, final version to appear in JHE

    Gauss-Bonnet gravity renders negative tension braneworlds unstable

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    We show that the Gauss-Bonnet correction to Einstein gravity induces a gravitational tachyon mode, namely an unstable spin 2 fluctuation, in the Randall-Sundrum I model. We demonstrate that this instability is generically related to the presence of a negative tension brane in the set-up, with or without Z2Z_2-symmetry across it. Indeed it is shown that the tachyon mode is a bound state localised on any negative tension brane of co-dimension one, embedded in anti-de Sitter background. We discuss the possible resolution of this instability by the inclusion of induced gravity terms on the branes or by an effective four-dimensional cosmological constant.Comment: published versio

    Massive Cosmologies

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    We explore the cosmological solutions of a recently proposed extension of General Relativity with a Lorentz-invariant mass term. We show that the same constraint that removes the Boulware-Deser ghost in this theory also prohibits the existence of homogeneous and isotropic cosmological solutions. Nevertheless, within domains of the size of inverse graviton mass we find approximately homogeneous and isotropic solutions that can well describe the past and present of the Universe. At energy densities above a certain crossover value, these solutions approximate the standard FRW evolution with great accuracy. As the Universe evolves and density drops below the crossover value the inhomogeneities become more and more pronounced. In the low density regime each domain of the size of the inverse graviton mass has essentially non-FRW cosmology. This scenario imposes an upper bound on the graviton mass, which we roughly estimate to be an order of magnitude below the present-day value of the Hubble parameter. The bound becomes especially restrictive if one utilizes an exact self-accelerated solution that this theory offers. Although the above are robust predictions of massive gravity with an explicit mass term, we point out that if the mass parameter emerges from some additional scalar field condensation, the constraint no longer forbids the homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies. In the latter case, there will exist an extra light scalar field at cosmological scales, which is screened by the Vainshtein mechanism at shorter distances.Comment: 21 page

    Generation of 10^15 - 10^17 eV photons by UHE CR in the Galactic magnetic filed

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    We show that the deep expected in the diffuse photon spectrum above the threshold of e+e- pair production, i.e., at energies 10^15 - 10^17 eV, may be absent due to the synchrotron radiation by the electron component of the extragalactic Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHE CR) in the Galactic magnetic filed. The mechanism we propose requires small (less than 2x10^-12 G) extragalactic magnetic fields and large fraction of photons in the UHE CR. For a typical photon flux expected in top-down scenarios of UHE CR, the predicted flux in the region of the deep is close to the existing experimental limit. The sensitivity of our mechanism to the extragalactic magnetic field may be used to improve existing bounds on the latter by two orders of magnitude.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 1 .ps figure. Numerical error corrected; references adde
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