706 research outputs found

    The role of the Intermediate Care Team in detecting and responding to loneliness in older clients

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    The Intermediate Care Team (ICT) supports patients in their own homes to manage complex needs. They are ideally placed in the community to identify older adults at risk of loneliness. However, little is known about how ICT professionals perceive, detect, or respond to loneliness in their clients. This study explores ICT professional’s attitudes to loneliness in the context of perceived service priorities and their experiences of managing loneliness in their clients. Eight ICT professionals (n=2 physiotherapists, n=3 occupational therapists, n=3 nurses) took part in semi-structured interviews. Data was analysed thematically using framework analysis, applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour as an interpretive framework. ICT professionals believed loneliness was a significant issue for many of their older clients but was a low priority for ICT services. Study participants believed that loneliness often goes undetected because it is an issue that is difficult to measure objectively. Barriers to managing loneliness included high work-load, unsatisfactory referral systems, and lack of close working with social-care and independent sector services. Introducing brief but reliable loneliness assessments into routine practice, receiving training on detecting and managing loneliness, and improving working relationships with social care and independent sector services were highlighted as strategies that could improve the detection and management of loneliness in ICT clients

    Description of complex viewing geometries of fusion tomography diagnostics by ray-tracing

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    Ray-tracing techniques are applied to bolometry, a diagnostic where the finite collection volume is particularly sensitive to the machine and detector configuration. A technique is presented that can handle arbitrarily complex aperture and collimator geometries, neglecting reflection effects. Sight lines from the ASDEX Upgrade bolometer foils were ray-traced with a path tracing algorithm, where the optical path is represented by a statistical bundle of ray paths connecting the foil surface with the slit geometry. By using the full 3D machine model for the detector box and first wall, effects such as occlusion and vignetting were included in the calculation of the bolometer’s étendue. Inversion matrices calculated with the ray-tracing technique were compared with the more conventional single-ray approach and shown to be naturally more constrained, requiring less regularisation. The two models were tested on a sample radiation scenario, and the common single-ray approximation is shown to be insufficient. These results are particularly relevant for the divertor where strong emission gradients may be present. The technique developed generalises well to arbitrarily complex viewing geometries and collimators, opening up a new design space for bolometer configurations that might not normally have been considered

    The pharmaceutical use of permethrin: Sources and behavior during municipal sewage treatment

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.Permethrin entered use in the 1970s as an insecticide in a wide range of applications, including agriculture, horticultural, and forestry, and has since been restricted. In the 21st century, the presence of permethrin in the aquatic environment has been attributed to its use as a human and veterinary pharmaceutical, in particular as a pedeculicide, in addition to other uses, such as a moth-proofing agent. However, as a consequence of its toxicity to fish, sources of permethrin and its fate and behavior during wastewater treatment are topics of concern. This study has established that high overall removal of permethrin (approximately 90%) was achieved during wastewater treatment and that this was strongly dependent on the extent of biological degradation in secondary treatment, with more limited subsequent removal in tertiary treatment processes. Sources of permethrin in the catchment matched well with measured values in crude sewage and indicated that domestic use accounted for more than half of the load to the treatment works. However, removal may not be consistent enough to achieve the environmental quality standards now being derived in many countries even where tertiary treatment processes are applied.United Utilities PL
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