5,445 research outputs found

    Comparisons of spectra determined using detector atoms and spatial correlation functions

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    We show how two level atoms can be used to determine the local time dependent spectrum. The method is applied to a one dimensional cavity. The spectrum obtained is compared with the mode spectrum determined using spatially filtered second order correlation functions. The spectra obtained using two level atoms give identical results with the mode spectrum. One benefit of the method is that only one time averages are needed. It is also more closely related to a realistic measurement scheme than any other definition of a time dependent spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Indefinite Causal Order in a Quantum Switch

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    In quantum mechanics events can happen in no definite causal order: in practice this can be verified by measuring a causal witness, in the same way that an entanglement witness verifies entanglement. Indefinite causal order can be observed in a quantum switch, where two operations act in a quantum superposition of the two possible orders. Here we realise a photonic quantum switch, where polarisation coherently controls the order of two operations, A^\hat{A} and B^\hat{B}, on the transverse spatial mode of the photons. Our setup avoids the limitations of earlier implementations: the operations cannot be distinguished by spatial or temporal position. We show that our quantum switch has no definite causal order, by constructing a causal witness and measuring its value to be 18 standard deviations beyond the definite-order bound

    Boundary conditions on the early Sun from ancient cosmogenic neon in meteorites

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    Isotopic analysis of neon from individual grains of the meteorites Murchison (CM) and Kapoeta (howardite) shows large enrichments of cosmogenic neon in grains with solar flare tracks. The quantity of this component is incompatible with galactic cosmic ray or solar cosmic ray irradiation under present conditions and is attributed to irradiation by energetic flares from an early active Sun. Handpicked grains from each meteorite were grouped according to the presence or absence of solar flare heavy ion tracks, and these four samples were analyzed with an ion counting noble gas mass spectrometer

    Precompaction irradiation effects: Particles from an early active sun?

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    Two recent studies have shown that solar flare irradiated grains from Murchison and Kapoeta have excess spallogenic Ne-21 compared to unirradiated grains, indicating large precompaction particle irradiation effects. The quantity of cosmogenic neon in these grains presents serious difficulties for either galactic cosmic ray or normal solar flare sources. In the first study it was suggested that the effect might be the result of exposure to an early active sun. The more recent experiment both confirms the earlier results and provides constraints on the characteristic energy spectrum on the irradiation. The first results were obtained from Murchison olivines and Kapoeta pyroxenes by mass spectrometric analysis of sets of grains selected on the basis of the presence or absence of solar flare particle tracks. In the second work plagioclase feldspar grains from Kapoeta were studied

    Evidence in meteorites for an active early Sun

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    The amounts of neon-21 found in meteorite particles indicate that the Sun experienced a period of intense solar flare activity approximately 4.5 billion years ago

    Phosphorus limitation of aboveground production in northern hardwood forests

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    Forest productivity on glacially derived soils with weatherable phosphorus (P) is expected to be limited by nitrogen (N), according to theories of long-term ecosystem development. However, recent studies and model simulations based on resource optimization theory indicate that productivity can be co-limited by N and P. We conducted a full factorial N × P fertilization experiment in 13 northern hardwood forest stands of three age classes in central New Hampshire, USA, to test the hypothesis that forest productivity is co-limited by N and P. We also asked whether the response of productivity to N and P addition differs among species and whether differential species responses contribute to community-level co-limitation. Plots in each stand were fertilized with 30 kg N·ha−1·yr−1, 10 kg P·ha−1·yr−1, N + P, or neither nutrient (control) for four growing seasons. The productivity response to treatments was assessed using per-tree annual relative basal area increment (RBAI) as an index of growth. RBAI responded significantly to P (P = 0.02) but not to N (P = 0.73). However, evidence for P limitation was not uniform among stands. RBAI responded to P fertilization in mid-age (P = 0.02) and mature (P = 0.07) stands, each taken as a group, but was greatest in N-fertilized plots of two stands in these age classes, and there was no significant effect of P in the young stands. Both white birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) responded significantly to P; no species responded significantly to N. We did not find evidence for N and P co-limitation of tree growth. The response to N + P did not differ from that to P alone, and there was no significant N × P interaction (P = 0.68). Our P limitation results support neither the N limitation prediction of ecosystem theory nor the N and P co-limitation prediction of resource optimization theory, but could be a consequence of long-term anthropogenic N deposition in these forests. Inconsistencies in response to P suggest that successional status and variation in site conditions influence patterns of nutrient limitation and recycling across the northern hardwood forest landscape

    Self-organized metal nanostructures through laser driven thermocapillary convection

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    When ultrathin metal films are subjected to multiple cycles of rapid melting and resolidification by a ns pulsed laser, spatially correlated interfacial nanostructures can result from a competition among several possible thin film self-organizing processes. Here we investigate self-organization and the ensuing length scales when Co films (1-8 nm thick) on SiO_{\text{2}} surfaces are repeatedly and rapidly melted by non-uniform (interference) laser irradiation. Pattern evolution produces nanowires, which eventually break-up into nanoparticles exhibiting spatial order in the nearest neighbor spacing, \lambda_{NN2}.The scaling behavior is consistent with pattern formation by thermocapillary flow and a Rayleigh-like instability. For h_{0}\leq2 nm, a hydrodynamic instability of a spinodally unstable film leads to the formation of nanoparticles.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Pairing Symmetry in Iron-Pnictide Superconductor KFe2_2As2_2

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    The pairing symmetry is one of the major issues in the study of iron-based superconductors. We adopt a low-energy effective kinetic model based on the first-principles band structure calculations combined with the J1J_1-J2J_2 model for KFe2_2As2_2, the phase diagram of pairing symmetries is constructed. Putting the values of J1J_1 and J2J_2 of the J1J_1-J2J_2 model obtained by the first-principles calculations into this phase diagram, we find that the pairing symmetry for KFe2_2As2_2 is a nodal dxyd_{xy}-wave in the folded Brillouin zone with two iron atoms per unit cell. This is in good agreement with experiments observed a nodal order parameter.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (The pairing symmetry is dependent on choosing an effective tight-binding model. In the publication version, we adopt a ten-orbital model by using the maximally localized Wannier functions based on the first-principles band structure calculations, and give an s-wave pairing for KFe2_2As2_2

    Time domain study of frequency-power correlation in spin-torque oscillators

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    This paper describes a numerical experiment, based on full micromagnetic simulations of current-driven magnetization dynamics in nanoscale spin valves, to identify the origins of spectral linewidth broadening in spin torque oscillators. Our numerical results show two qualitatively different regimes of magnetization dynamics at zero temperature: regular (single-mode precessional dynamics) and chaotic. In the regular regime, the dependence of the oscillator integrated power on frequency is linear, and consequently the dynamics is well described by the analytical theory of current-driven magnetization dynamics for moderate amplitudes of oscillations. We observe that for higher oscillator amplitudes, the functional dependence of the oscillator integrated power as a function of frequency is not a single-valued function and can be described numerically via introduction of nonlinear oscillator power. For a range of currents in the regular regime, the oscillator spectral linewidth is a linear function of temperature. In the chaotic regime found at large current values, the linewidth is not described by the analytical theory. In this regime we observe the oscillator linewidth broadening, which originates from sudden jumps of frequency of the oscillator arising from random domain wall nucleation and propagation through the sample. This intermittent behavior is revealed through a wavelet analysis that gives superior description of the frequency jumps compared to several other techniques.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures to appear in PR

    Nanodot to Nanowire: A strain-driven shape transition in self-organized endotaxial CoSi2 on Si (100)

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    We report a phenomenon of strain-driven shape transition in the growth of nanoscale self-organized endotaxial CoSi2 islands on Si (100) substrates. Small square shaped islands as small as 15\times15 nm2 have been observed. Islands grow in the square shape following the four fold symmetry of the Si (100) substrate, up to a critical size of 67 \times 67 nm2. A shape transition takes place at this critical size. Larger islands adopt a rectangular shape with ever increasing length and the width decreasing to an asymptotic value of ~25 nm. This produces long wires of nearly constant width.We have observed nanowire islands with aspect ratios as large as ~ 20:1. The long nanowire heterostructures grow partly above (~ 3 nm) the surface, but mostly into (~17 nm) the Si substrate. These self-organized nanostructures behave as nanoscale Schottky diodes. They may be useful in Si-nanofabrication and find potential application in constructing nano devices.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
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