34,366 research outputs found

    Collective chemotactic dynamics in the presence of self-generated fluid flows

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    In micro-swimmer suspensions locomotion necessarily generates fluid motion, and it is known that such flows can lead to collective behavior from unbiased swimming. We examine the complementary problem of how chemotaxis is affected by self-generated flows. A kinetic theory coupling run-and-tumble chemotaxis to the flows of collective swimming shows separate branches of chemotactic and hydrodynamic instabilities for isotropic suspensions, the first driving aggregation, the second producing increased orientational order in suspensions of "pushers" and maximal disorder in suspensions of "pullers". Nonlinear simulations show that hydrodynamic interactions can limit and modify chemotactically-driven aggregation dynamics. In puller suspensions the dynamics form aggregates that are mutually-repelling due to the non-trivial flows. In pusher suspensions chemotactic aggregation can lead to destabilizing flows that fragment the regions of aggregation.Comment: 4 page

    The motion of the freely falling chain tip

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    The dynamics of the tip of the falling chain is analyzed. Results of laboratory experiments are presented and compared with results of numerical simulations. Time dependences of the velocity and the acceleration of the chain tip for a number of different initial conformations of the chain are determined. A simple analytical model of the system is also considered.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figure

    Dark states of dressed Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We combine the ideas of dressed Bose-Einstein condensates, where an intracavity optical field allows one to design coupled, multicomponent condensates, and of dark states of quantum systems, to generate a full quantum entanglement between two matter waves and two optical waves. While the matter waves are macroscopically populated, the two optical modes share a single photon. As such, this system offers a way to influence the behaviour of a macroscopic quantum system via a microscopic ``knob''.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    Urban environmental health applications of remote sensing

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    An urban area was studied through the use of the inventory-by-surrogate method rather than by direct interpretation of photographic imagery. Prior uses of remote sensing in urban and public research are examined. The effects of crowding, poor housing conditions, air pollution, and street conditions on public health are considered. Color infrared photography was used to categorize land use features and the grid method was used in photo interpretation analysis. The incidence of shigella and salmonella, hepatitis, meningitis, tuberculosis, myocardial infarction and veneral disease were studied, together with mortality and morbidity rates. Sample census data were randomly collected and validated. The hypothesis that land use and residential quality are associated with and act as an influence upon health and physical well-being was studied and confirmed

    Urban environmental health applications of remote sensing, summary report

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    Health and its association with the physical environment was studied based on the hypothesis that there is a relationship between the man-made physical environment and health status of a population. The statistical technique of regression analysis was employed to show the degree of association and aspects of physical environment which accounted for the greater variation in health status. Mortality, venereal disease, tuberculosis, hepatitis, meningitis, shigella/salmonella, hypertension and cardiac arrest/myocardial infarction were examined. The statistical techniques were used to measure association and variation, not necessarily cause and effect. Conclusions drawn show that the association still exists in the decade of the 1970's and that it can be successfully monitored with the methodology of remote sensing

    Vortex-type elastic structured media and dynamic shielding

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    The paper addresses a novel model of metamaterial structure. A system of spinners has been embedded into a two-dimensional periodic lattice system. The equations of motion of spinners are used to derive the expression for the chiral term in the equations describing the dynamics of the lattice. Dispersion of elastic waves is shown to possess innovative filtering and polarization properties induced by the vortextype nature of the structured media. The related homogenised effective behavior is obtained analytically and it has been implemented to build a shielding cloak around an obstacle. Analytical work is accompanied by numerical illustrations.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    An electron Talbot interferometer

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    The Talbot effect, in which a wave imprinted with transverse periodicity reconstructs itself at regular intervals, is a diffraction phenomenon that occurs in many physical systems. Here we present the first observation of the Talbot effect for electron de Broglie waves behind a nanofabricated transmission grating. This was thought to be difficult because of Coulomb interactions between electrons and nanostructure gratings, yet we were able to map out the entire near-field interference pattern, the "Talbot carpet", behind a grating. We did this using a Talbot interferometer, in which Talbot interference fringes from one grating are moire'-filtered by a 2nd grating. This arrangement has served for optical, X-ray, and atom interferometry, but never before for electrons. Talbot interferometers are particularly sensitive to distortions of the incident wavefronts, and to illustrate this we used our Talbot interferometer to measure the wavefront curvature of a weakly focused electron beam. Here we report how this wavefront curvature demagnified the Talbot revivals, and we discuss applications for electron Talbot interferometers.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, updated version with abstrac

    Failure of the work-Hamiltonian connection for free energy calculations

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    Extensions of statistical mechanics are routinely being used to infer free energies from the work performed over single-molecule nonequilibrium trajectories. A key element of this approach is the ubiquitous expression dW/dt=\partial H(x,t)/ \partial t which connects the microscopic work W performed by a time-dependent force on the coordinate x with the corresponding Hamiltonian H(x,t) at time t. Here we show that this connection, as pivotal as it is, cannot be used to estimate free energy changes. We discuss the implications of this result for single-molecule experiments and atomistic molecular simulations and point out possible avenues to overcome these limitations

    Trajectories and Particle Creation and Annihilation in Quantum Field Theory

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    We develop a theory based on Bohmian mechanics in which particle world lines can begin and end. Such a theory provides a realist description of creation and annihilation events and thus a further step towards a "beable-based" formulation of quantum field theory, as opposed to the usual "observable-based" formulation which is plagued by the conceptual difficulties--like the measurement problem--of quantum mechanics.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX, no figures; v2: references added and update

    Mixing by Swimming Algae

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    In this fluid dynamics video, we demonstrate the microscale mixing enhancement of passive tracer particles in suspensions of swimming microalgae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. These biflagellated, single-celled eukaryotes (10 micron diameter) swim with a "breaststroke" pulling motion of their flagella at speeds of about 100 microns/s and exhibit heterogeneous trajectory shapes. Fluorescent tracer particles (2 micron diameter) allowed us to quantify the enhanced mixing caused by the swimmers, which is relevant to suspension feeding and biogenic mixing. Without swimmers present, tracer particles diffuse slowly due solely to Brownian motion. As the swimmer concentration is increased, the probability density functions (PDFs) of tracer displacements develop strong exponential tails, and the Gaussian core broadens. High-speed imaging (500 Hz) of tracer-swimmer interactions demonstrates the importance of flagellar beating in creating oscillatory flows that exceed Brownian motion out to about 5 cell radii from the swimmers. Finally, we also show evidence of possible cooperative motion and synchronization between swimming algal cells.Comment: 1 page, APS-DFD 2009 Gallery of Fluid Motio
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