75 research outputs found

    Deterrence theory and anomie /

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    This dissertation examines the role of deterrence theory and the subjective component of anomie theory (anomia) as explanations for two types of rule violating behavior: cheating and stealing. While the primary purpose of this study is to ascertain the explanatory power of these theories, a secondary goal is to investigate the possibility of an eventual theoretical synthesis of the deterrence and anomie perspectives.It is concluded, on the basis of our analysis, that anomia as operationalized and measured in this study, is not the generative factor that best accounts for classroom cheating and stealing behavior. Possible explanations for the observed weak relationship between anomia and the rule violating behavior are offered. Looking at the inhibitory variables, the best predictor of self reported violations was found to be moral commitment. Implications of this finding are also discussed.In regard to the hypothesis of central importance, we discovered that anomia need not be present for the occurrence of self reported violations. In other words, anomia is not a necessary condition for deviant behavior as we had predicted. We also learned that prohibitive factors do not influence rule violating behavior solely under the condition of high anomia. The central hypothesis of this research was, therefore, rejected.In a move toward the integration of anomie and deterrence theory, we advanced three hypotheses. The final, and most important hypothesis is as follows: People will engage in rule violating behavior only under the pressure of the generative factor (anomia). In other words, the generative factor is a necessary condition for deviance. Thus, prohibitive factors influence rule violating behavior only when anomia is high. When anomia is low, there should be no relationship between prohibitive factors and rule violating behavior

    Capacitive Deionization for Selective Extraction of Lithium from Aqueous Solutions

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    The paper deals with extraction of lithium by means of two capacitive deionization systems: one composed of lithium selective electrode and second with electrode wrapped with Li-selective membrane. In the case of the first system, hybrid electrodes where obtained by mixing λ-MnO2sorbent with activated carbon .The best Li-capacity was determined for electrode with 20 wt.-% of manganese oxide. For larger amounts of λ-MnO2 the electrode capacity decreased significantly. The second system was composed of carbon electrodes wrapped with ion-exchange membranes. The lithium selective membranes were synthesized by plasma induced interpolymerization of (meth)acrylic monomersinpores of Celgard 2400 support. Two functional monomers, poly(di(ethylene glycol)methyl ether methacrylate) and poly(glycidylmethacylate modified with hydroxymethyl-12-crown-4) were copolymerized with acrylic acid. It was found that the extraction of lithium chloride was the best for membrane caring copolymers of acrylic acid and glycidyl methacrylate modified with crown ether, andit was better than for membranes with sole poly(acrylic acid)

    Kinetics of phenolic substrates oxidation by native and immobilized tyrosinase

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    Celem pracy było wyznaczenie wartości wyznaczenie wartości parametrów równania Michaelisa Menten dla utleniania różnych substratów fenolowych przez tyrozynazę na-tywną i immobilizowaną. Wykazano, że immobilizacja enzymu powoduje obniżenie powinowactwa enzym-substrat oraz stałych szybkości reakcji, co jest efektem występowania oporów dyfuzyjnych i sorpcji substratu na nośniku. Jednak efektywność hydroksylacji L-Tyrozyny obniżyła się jedynie 3-krotnie, podczas gdy następcze utlenianie L-DOPA było 5,6 razy mniejsze.The aim of this work was to estimate kinetic parameters of the Michaelis Menten equation for oxidation of mono- and diphenolic substrates by native and immobilized tyrosinase. It was shown that tyrosinase immobilizatioion lowered enzyme-substrate affinity and reaction rates caused by diffusional restrictions and substrate sorption on the carrier. However, catalytic effi ciency of L-Tyrosine hydroxylation to L-DOPA dropped only three times whereas the next step, L-DOPA oxidation, was less effective

    Study on laccase stability in ionic liquides

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    W niniejszej pracy zbadano aktywność lakazy w obecności trzech cieczy jonowych o różnej hydrofobowości. Stwierdzono, że wpływ cieczy jonowej jest silnie zależny od jej struktury - ciecze hydrofilowe silnie inaktywują enzym, podczas gdy obecność hydrofobowego tetrafluoro-boranu l-metylo-3-butyloimidazoliowego w stężeniu poniżej 10% nie powoduje znaczącego spadku aktywności.The activity of laccase in the presence of ionic liquids (ILs) has been examined. Three ILs of different hydrophobicity have been tested. The results obtained clearly show that effect of IL strongly depends on its chemical nature - hydrophilic compounds inactivate vast majority of enzyme, while hydrophobic l-methyl-3-butylimidazolium tetrafluoro-borate at the concentration up to 10% does not cause loss of laccase activity

    Selection of conditions during tyrosinase isolation and purification from Agaricus bisporus

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    W ramach badań dobrano warunki izolacji i oczyszczania tyrozynazy z Agaricus bisporus: wybór źródła materiału wyjściowego, metody rozdrabniania, dezintegracja ultradźwiękami, wysalanie przy użyciu siarczanu amonu, chromatografia kolumnowa. W wyborze warunków kierowano się przede wszystkim możliwością zwiększenia skali procesuAll stages of mushroom tyrosinase isolation and purification were analyzed in details: choice of the method for cell disruption, ultrasonic disintegration, purification methods such as salting out and column chromatography. The possibility of process scale-up had a considerable influence on conditions selection

    Sociology: changing societies in a diverse world, 4th ed./ Bryjak

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    xv, 400 hal.: ill, tab.; 27 cm

    Laccase immobilisation on mesostructured silicas

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    Extracellular laccase produced by the wood-rotting fungus Cerrena unicolor was immobilised covalently on the mesostructured siliceous foam (MCF) and three hexagonally ordered mesoporous silicas (SBA-15) with different pore sizes. The enzyme was attached covalently via glutaraldehyde (GLA) or by simple adsorption and additionally crosslinked with GLA. The experiments indicated that laccase bound by covalent attachment remains very active and stable. The best biocatalysts were MCF and SBA-15 with Si–F moieties on their surface. Thermal inactivation of immobilised and native laccase at 80°[degrees]C showed a biphasic-type activity decay, that could be modelled with 3parameter isoenzyme model. It appeared that immobilisation did not significantly change the mechanism of activity loss but stabilised a fraction of a stable isoform. Examination of time needed for 90% initial activity loss revealed that immobilisation prolonged that time from 8 min (native enzyme) up to 155 min (SBA-15SF)

    Fundamentals of Criminal Justice

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    The criminal justice system is a key social institution pertinent to the lives of citizens everywhere. Fundamentals of Criminal Justice: A Sociological View, Second Edition provides a unique social context to explore and explain the nature, impact, and significance of the criminal justice system in everyday life. This introductory text examines important sociological issues including class, race, and gender inequality, social control, and organizational structure and function.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/fac_monographs/1163/thumbnail.jp